Don't confuse being a fast talker with being a deep thinker. Speaking quickly signals confidence, not complexity.
Don't mistake volume for expertise. Speaking loudly reflects conviction, not credibility.
Sometimes the best ideas come from the least assertive voice in the room.
Don't mistake volume for expertise. Speaking loudly reflects conviction, not credibility.
Sometimes the best ideas come from the least assertive voice in the room.
- Regional accents - in my corner of England we speak quickly due to accent.
- Others not giving way to contribution, or interrupting - Leading people to try and push their points or information through quickly.
Talking fast isn't effective communication.
I had to work on talking slower so people could comprehend what I'm saying.
It helped me advocate for lost voices in meetings, and prevented some catastrophic decisions the “confident” people pushed.
I teach this to ESL students who are thrilled that the millstone of vocabulary can actually free them to calmly construct their sentences carefully.