Looks like Govt has capitulated to pressure from airlines to water down customer rights.

I guess 🇦🇺 didn’t become the land of the duopoly without decades of the major parties giving vested interests what they want.

We have to start putting 🇦🇺ns first.


Remember who was gifted ample upgrades????
As a traditional Labor voter these sorts of decisions are so disappointing. No guts when they are needed to tackle the big end of town... just roll over and follow the L/NP's lead.
Our federal government is gutless!
Bring on the foreign airlines!
Is there anything they can actually do that’s in the best interests of the Australian people who elected them??
well QANTAS lounge access you know...
To be fair, the European experience was that the airlines, vultures that they are, simply added the cost to fares.
In what other industry do you keep the money without providing the service?
"Qantas and other airlines"

What other airlines?
this happens with every policy
Anthony Albanese Labor government has proved to be a door mat for transnational corporations and $billionaires. A rubber stamp for their interests. #auspol @australianlabor.bsky.social

After three years it’s worn out.

Followed ten years of corporate owned neoconservative LNP IPA. A Duopoly.
LLNP following the Trump script, the oligarch’s script.
Strange how they all seem to collectively forget who employed them and who pays their salaries, allowances and benefits

It’s almost like a disorder
And albo wonders why everyone's calling him spineless!
Not a single industry lobby or vested interest that he hasn't caved in to
And for no good reason.
Sure he's terrified of being labelled a communist, but I can't foresee too many people being opposed to bringing the airlines to account for this.
Above all, we're more hostile about "my rights" than any business' freedom
Have you seen a copy of the Draft charter?
So submissions are still open and there is only a draft ?
Still only a draft, yes

Deadline for submissions is 28 Feb 2025
They are such opportunistic white privileged politicians and undermine Labor at every possible opportunity . Reminds me of the lgbtqia + census outrage . Nothing was
Comment image
I think this is a brilliant video!
That is very unfortunate. I remember being bumped off an Air France flight out of de Gaulle Airport airport (~2016). We were treated very politely, given two luxury suites overnight and four hundred Euros each to squander, and placed on the corresponding flight the next day. No drama, but here...
I’m proud of Canberra electing David Pocock. Thank you David for being the thorn in Albanese’s side. We need more of you in parliament.
I bet no one saw this coming
It’s like every other piece of legislation, watered down. Labor too frightened of being wedged by LNP, and of course access to chairman’s lounge and flight upgrades must be protected. Politician’s perks first, public good a distanced second.
Polies are always looking after themsleves over us! It's time they stop acting like privledged elites and represent everyday denizens. We deserve way better!
YES. Every time.
It's the only solution at the moment
High prices as well as no cancellation compensation - so crushed from both directions.
We sold it off for bugger all, have given them billions, bailed them out and they have still destroyed the airline.
They want deregulated socialism for them so the taxpayers wear the losses. Another example of privatisation delivering higher prices and lousy service.
they are cowards. Really angry with the duopoly. Selfish puppets.
Don't get angry. Get even.
Only vote for a Community Independent.
Like a Teal you're saying 🤔
Report hasn’t been confirmed. Submissions still open . Last I heard Parlt on Xmas break
Classic Albo
Weak, weak, weak
Looks like gifted Qantas Chairman’s Lounge entry to elected MPs & partners, kids, dogs etc really pays off, isn’t that so @australianlabor.bsky.social? Apropos of nothing, Albanese et al must be delighted clown-show #NAAC’s management were also gifted the same Qantas memberships. Oh wait… #Auspol
Never in doubt. Never in fkn doubt.
The weakness of this Govt in the face of lobby groups is astounding. This was an immensely popular move which the community would have given massive thanks for but…….No. Vested interests win again (as always)
Vote Independent, force a hung parliament and make them negotiate to survive.
And this is why politicians should not be getting chairmans lounge memberships. And absolutely no way in hell Albanese’s son should have been given a membership.
If only we had a functioning ICAC / NACC
Seems to me that both major parties and their politicians do an awful lot of bowing to this and that interest group, company and corporation. It’s a very bad habit this bowing, one that needs breaking.
Oi Pocock, you just can't understand the brilliance of Labour. If we didn't privatize it how would we fund the future fund which is helping fund the pensions of older Australians to this day!
Albanese is weak as.
The fact that a single company, owns both the low end and mid-high end of domestic market accounting for 80% is unbelievable. “This profit is not as good as it’s for QANTAS” Venessa Hudson.
Hooray for neoliberal privatisation!