we can all still say "no" to this, but there's another part of america that is exactly this evil, and yes it waves the flag too
"woke" used to mean knowing about *that*
This is why we choose not to speak out, why we clutch our pepper spray. We are not safe. The misogynistic thugs who have heretofore done their deeds in secret have been unleashed by Trump. The wholesale terrorizing of women in plain sight is here.
That’s what the “brown shirts” did to keep Hitler in power. Officially they were known as the “Sturm Abteilung,” for storm division or storm troopers, also known as brown shirts.
You’re right let’s not forget the KKK, white citizens league and all of their clones.
Basically terrorists.
They Organized violence and intimidation to keep black citizens from exercising American citizenship.
This long before Nazi Germany
I watched in HORROR as the goons assault and drag that women out of the venue. The speaker talking over the assault was even worse, belittling her calling her "little girl" and other derogatory things. Then the crowd freaking cheering! WTF?? Give a donation to this woman on GoFundMe like I did.
and with no legal standing, it's assault and battery, kidnapping, and a good lawyer could probably get a few more ideas in there. These idiots are also now open to being sued personally as well.
It looked like a kidnapping.
The men weren’t in uniform, investigative reporters had to find out where they worked, what their job description was, now who hired those assh*les?
And all those fuckers in the audience cheering it on…I hope every single one loses Everything they have. AND develops anal fissures and boils on their taints. Fuck them with a giant redwood tree!!
I expect that will be the last time that happens without immediate and swift consequence from women sitting nearby. Eyes open, no time required to process. Watchful.
The video does not show zipties going on the hands. And where are all the other videos from the "outraged" bystanders. Looks like most people were fine with her forcibly being removed after running her mouth and trying to commandeer the meeting.
There are zip ties. I don't see them on her wrists. Where are the videos of everybody else filming this, including the guy in the hat who clearly is the one that ordered the private security to ask her to leave.
And no... she wasn't "sitting peacefully." She was asked to leave in a civil manner several times, and got belligerent.
She got bounced, like from a bar. And no, she doesn't have a "right" to commandeer the assembly, and persist in being disruptive after being asked to remain silent or leave.
This is the problem with mainstream media — they’re not doing their jobs. They don’t deserve the First Amendment protections of the Fourth Estate if they hide important truths from Americans.
Security firm lost their license today and case was dismissed. There is a GoFundMe setup to help her with legal costs as well. Hope she TAKES them all down
Bring force with you since they are not cops if they lay hands on you then you can defend yourself against public attacks. Technically you could shot them if you state as stand your ground laws . However that should only be if you feel your life is in danger by thugs who don’t identify themselves.
Actually, they were. They were off duty, working for a "security company" and functioning in an unofficial capacity. They are white supremacist militia when they don't have their official uniforms on. Disgusting.
Note: I guess the max photos is four. but, like, shut the fuck up about "unamerican"
"woke" used to mean knowing about *that*
Wait til they disappear in concentration camps like the ones Hitler started to use 2 months after establishing power.
Guantanamo is already operational, the administration is openly ignoring court orders.
US exceptionalism is dead.
Basically terrorists.
They Organized violence and intimidation to keep black citizens from exercising American citizenship.
This long before Nazi Germany
Kinda reminds me of did she: talk to the rapist? Was she dressed provocatively, or did she accept his attentions earlier?
These kinds of questions are meaningless when dealing with the actions of the government: executive or legislative.
The men weren’t in uniform, investigative reporters had to find out where they worked, what their job description was, now who hired those assh*les?
tRump will go after them, too and very soon
The whole lot of them would be clamoring for civil war.
That s*** was scary
Also, there were no zipties.
She got bounced, like from a bar. And no, she doesn't have a "right" to commandeer the assembly, and persist in being disruptive after being asked to remain silent or leave.
There are several others filming the scene in the scene. Including the guy who ordered the bouncers to remove her.
That's about as American as it gets.
These are the “good guys with guns” we keep hearing about 🤢
AND they are the reason I choose the fucking bear every time
Fucking cowards
Unlawful detention
Assault and battery
Just a start
They weren’t officers.
Muted bc ppl like you don’t get my patience