Hell yeah - I see in your other post you are making some Turnip28 dudes. Mixing and mashing different kits and boxes is so much fun. I've never played the game but found making the guys was a blast.
I got it for soldering but this is the first time I've really USED it used it. I kind of want to put felt pads on the grips so I don't worry about it scratching the plastic!
These are Wargames Atlantic! I can't vouch for the quality, these are literally the first I've ever done. I am hoping to start kit-bashing stuff for Turnip28
So after dinner I took my older daughter to the hobby shop and was like yeah I want to start messing around with building and painting some Little Guys and she got so into it, checked out everything.
Back at home she picked out the pieces she wanted to use and I marked them on this backing sheet and after she went to bed I cut them out and cleaned them up, and she can put them together tomorrow
And I explained kit-bashing to her and showed her how @gregerskine.bsky.social builds terrain and figures from other things and after she took her shower she said "Dad.... you should really use that bottle of mouthwash.... because I think that and a tissue box could be a good castle."
rad! it's a CA glue which is what i usually use because you can attach all kinds of random stuff, not just plastic-on-plastic. just make sure that if your kid is doing it, she's either wearing gloves or is just .. being real careful, it sticks skin to skin in like 2 seconds
Tonight Izzy and I glued her figure together and I warned her like five times about not gluing her fingers together and ten seconds after the fifth time I warned her about gluing her fingers together I glued my fingers together
"okay. I'm glad this happened to me, and let me tell you why. Now you and I can see, together, what to do and more importantly what not to do when you glue your fingers together"
Tonight Izzy and I glued her figure together and I warned her like five times about not gluing her fingers together and ten seconds after the fifth time I warned her about gluing her fingers together I glued my fingers together
IZZY: *patiently* I told her she should pick that arm because it goes with the other arm she picked. See, there's two hands on this sword.
ME: *beaming* that's a zweihänder honey