Virginia didn't vote for Trump. Just Trump-lite for governor a year after Biden took office. Everything else is blue. Both Senators and the state House and Senate.
They're hoping that emptying a lot of Federal employees out of Northern Virginia will help turn the state red.
Plenty of good Americans still throughout "Dumbfuckistan". This tired trope is getting old AF. It takes all of us, ESPECIALLY those of us brave enough to stay inside enemy lines enabling you to casually wave us off with the rest of them as you safely sip your tea. Do better. 🙄
those dim witted backward voters who put the convict and his ass kissers in office deserve the end of their foodstamps, welfare and gov support checks. good for ya'll
Come on, Colorado and NM are not part of this shit show- don’t lump us in just because we HAPPEN to be in the middle with all the other idiots and assholes
US was once a safe haven for people fleeing war and persecution. I hope my American friends will build a strong resistance movement against authoritarianism. We are all with you.
Ignoring the fucking ableism here (I can't, actually, stop that shit), this kind of ignorant bullshit is exacerbating the problem. You're not better than anyone else for living in a certain state. Being an indulgent cunt isn't helpful and it spits in the faces of millions of folks fighting fascism.
Hey you guys, chill out. I live in Colorado, too, and I understand that none of this is an exact science.
It's Ok.
The island blue states are still blue. We still fight and stand. We have empathy and compassion. Logic and intelligence. But we also have nuance. Remember that.
In TX we have allowed those fascists to be in power for 30 years! They run on fixing what Democrats screwed up! How the hell when Democrats aren't in power! We have very low voter turnout. The Voter apathy kills us. We all need to vote!
I know it’s going to be a loooooong wait.. but at the mid terms he will be destroyed which they know.. which is why they will ram everything in the next 2 years
(everyone’s always leaving us off these maps!)
They're hoping that emptying a lot of Federal employees out of Northern Virginia will help turn the state red.
Florida is home to Y'all Qaeda.
Don't forget New Mexico and Colorado.
Fuck tRump!
It's Ok.
The island blue states are still blue. We still fight and stand. We have empathy and compassion. Logic and intelligence. But we also have nuance. Remember that.
I was actually responding to the commenters that were upset about Colorado and New Mexico.
I completely agree with your post.