Donny doesn't understand that taxes pay to run the country… He never really learned about finances because he was just handed everything. "There will always be more money," in Donny's world… Donny is a sad individual.
whether its legal is irrelevant to an election promise. Such policy proposals often involve getting congress to change laws. You can note his history of failing to deliver on such promises, or note that its not a proposal that gets past congress, but whether its legal is irrelevant.
Related: when Scott Walker eviscerated public workers' union rights in Wisconsin his law exempted cops. Also firefighters, but the firefighters union leader openly sided with the rest of public workers. The cops endorsed Walker in subsequent elections.
Chicago’s mayor tried to put a hiring freeze in place for city agencies. Within days there was an exemption for cops and fire fighters. It doesn’t matter that our budget is in shambles bc we pay WAY too much for cops …
Given that some states have already rolled back child labor laws, elimination of the 40h work week is definitely within their wheelhouse. Promises kept /s.
The only job in my life I ever worked that wasn't salaried was for CVS, and they had a strict "no overtime under any circumstances, if you get overtime you will be written up" policy. Who would this even be for except for cops
I had overtime once i went over 40 hours and a some sort of premium pay on days i worked over 10 hours in a row, but i worked in hospitality (housekeeping manager) and wasnt salaried. Long days especially during the holidays. If they didnt tax it it’d be great but i dont trust GOP loopholes
I’ve worked overtime here and there. Usually if theres a risk of missing a deadline or quota.
One place *mandated* overtime when we were running behind on fulfilling orders.
the company refused to pay overtime until they were sued.
i absolutely agree this policy will primarily benefit cops, but most of the manufacturing jobs i've worked in my life had overtime on a pretty regular basis. at my job now i could work 7 days a week if i wanted to and makes tons of overtime, and it's just a factory job.
how could that work unless you owe taxes at the end of the year ?? or the govt only taxes estimated 40 hours a week pay because the end of the year when you do taxes you will always owe money then
Sadly all their overtime tax savings will go towards paying the higher price of everything brought on by his boneheaded tariffs. He really is a stupid, stupid man.
In the Trump administration there will be no taxes on overtime because there will be no pay for overtime. Slav… er, workers will be required to donate the time to their corporate overlords as a public service.
When you work over 40 hours a week, your work will also be pay-free.
You'll still have to do it, of course. You know the history of my base, right?
I am exhausted and sick and tired of him.
What about rail workers & they're separate but equal social security thing?
Of course, this doesn't apply to anybody who makes like $45,000 a year or whatever the salary exempt cut-off is.
(and Nero played the lyre while Rome burned).
it was a hoot to watch the firefighters marching around the Capitol building for hours with their bagpiper
and then for lunch break, march past my apartment on State St and right turn harch into the pub
One place *mandated* overtime when we were running behind on fulfilling orders.
the company refused to pay overtime until they were sued.
Not to mention can you imagine the mess for most tax payers to separate their overtime pay from their regular pay for the purpose of taxes.