If there's one thing that domestic violence research has taught me, it's that abusers set up no-win scenarios. They punish you whether you cooperate with them or whether you push back.
The only way out is to strengthen ties with people outside of the relationship who can create new, better options.
The only way out is to strengthen ties with people outside of the relationship who can create new, better options.
Messy, but effective.
We need political leaders who will stop focusing so much on trying to change Trump's behavior (which cannot and will not be changed) and put their time, energy, and resources into supporting the people he hurts.
Fascism (like domestic violence) is destabilizing. Meeting people’s fundamental needs is a huge part of getting through this.
"What can I do right now that will make his harms less damaging? What do people need to keep safe?"
It's such an important truth, and yet so many people don't seem to know it.
Annihilation into submission is the only deterrence.
Feel free to listen, share, learn.
I was a Kindergarten Teacher that lost everything and had to enlist in the CAF to find my peace and strength.
Bootcamp at the time seemed like good therapy.