Once again, Elon is reinventing the thing he first moved to destroy, and doing so in a dumber, less efficient way.
We see this over and over and over again.
We see this over and over and over again.
Reposted from
Chris Geidner
It's almost as if government programs working to get new people into the pipeline were intentionally developed and had an important purpose.
Plus pumping in the ousourcing of services to reduce accountability and allow shady profits.
But I think that Musk is a moderate talent, probably capable of doing Bachelor-level intellectual work (before the drug abuse). I do think he can bargain & hype with the best - but notably that's all showmanship, not substance.
Musk is doing the same thing with government services. Shut everything down, see who complains.
I’m passionately promoting a grassroots campaign to accelerate the transition to decentralized platforms. I'd love to hear your thoughts, and any feedback or support would mean the world! Right now, it’s a one-person effort.
Thank you!
It could also be that he's on so many drugs that he doesn't remember doing the destroying in the first place.
Dedicated and engaged employees go to where they are wanted and treated well.
Random threats, firings and constant chaos ensure that doesn't happen.
Which is the point