Been playing dead cells (first time) and Stardew valley this week, loving both so far. I'm away from consoles for a while so can only play on my Odin 2, otherwise I'd be all over monster hunter
I ran a game of John Company with a table of new players and had a blast unintentionally running the company into the ground with bad die rolls. I'm always playing the game with new folks so I've yet to try the firms scenarios but I'm hungry to do so someday.
Just Quartermaster General games lately. Waiting for Versailles 1919 to arrive so that we can play it right after QMG 1914 as a WW1 extravaganza game night. :)
Finishing up the Dungeon Legends campaign and figuring out the rules for Slay the Spire. Also finished all scenarios in the Kids Chronicles Quest for the Moonstones - my kid constantly begged to play until we finished.
Oddly I played lots of card games. Vampire the Masquerade Rivals. Star Wars Unlimited. Desperate Oasis. Riftforce.
But most importantly, I played DroPolter!
Verdict: If Matt Eklund isn't helping Phil Eklund, the Pax game won't be as good.
It's very swingy, and particularly the card that just invalidates two peerage types is kinda broken.
Kelp looks fun!