Gavin Newsom has the exact appearance and energy of the mayor in an 80s crime film who winds up at the end of the movie saying “Good detective work, Sergeant Bolan … too good” and then pulling a pistol. This is also who he actually is down to his bones.
One minute he’s defending transgender people, next he is invited the incel Charlie Kirk to yuck it up for a transgender bashing.
Just because this shit doesn’t affect you, doesn’t make it less dangerous.
That ship sailed when Babyhands made fun of a handicapped reporter.
The way we treat people should never be a fringe issue.
THEN the Democrats will rule the nation and everyone will prosper.
Well, maybe not EVERYONE…
And ruthlessly ambitious + craven
A date with CHARLIE KIRK - the curiously ethnic white supremacist - is courting FULL MAGA
Newsom knows exactly who he’s getting into bed with
And who he’s fucking over
But you gotta admit he seemed to have handled the LA fires well
also buttigieg would not betray us like that
he might do it quietly but he’d at least be clever about it
Here's an interesting book to read about it
And if Bolan had said he was planning on retiring to that little farm he always wanted, then the mayor actually kills him.
He’s not our savior, hardly even a friend.
Usually, I only start to see this 'same on both sides' convo about 6 months before an election.
Which is not what they believe because they clearly have been choosing the Republican party in national elections every time for over 60 years.
I'm not falling for it anymore.
It's sad that "not being a bigot" counts as far enough left, but that's what happens when your entire government marches steadily rightwards
I dunno about you.
Do they want something different or not? Is it economic anxiety or not? At some point after 60+ years...
Or is it okay to alienate, say, an old queer who's been fighting for justice for 50 years and holding their nose to vote Dem every election, in favor of a new voter you have to _seduce_ into voting Dem?
Rhetorical Q. I think I know the answer.
He’s getting termed out next year. Who the fuck we gonna get to reverse this?
(... anyone? Bueller?)
It's your right, and I'm not saying you shouldn't, just commenting on the meta view of the race
The more checkboxes you have, the fewer candidates will be acceptable to you.
💯 Dem Establishment
I was agreeing
Until the EXACT moment the pursuit of those things threatens his own power, or the status quo (or both); then the people working for those things suddenly become a problem.
And so what??? Let them play. It’s a friggen game