The unfortunate reality is that the fail condition of left wing movements happens upon running into a situation where biases overrule principles
Minority rights are an inevitable consequence of everything the left builds on but biases against minorities get strong enough to attack those foundations
Minority rights are an inevitable consequence of everything the left builds on but biases against minorities get strong enough to attack those foundations
friendo here is deeply married to liberalism, and seem to genuinely believe that we should only view pluralism in terms of its benefits to "a liberal society"
the US has no left wing with any sort of representation or power
& worse to not to mention that i was commenting from my particular POV by mentioning it..,
oh wait. i did! that's why i mentioned the US & didn't just assume that everyone else has the same experience
now i'm just sorry for engaging at all
It'a like if you said something about airplanes, and they came in to tell you that Tesla Cybertrucks aren't airplanes, and Tesla doesn't even make airplanes.
because nobody else had spoken yet besides the original poster
if there had been comments revealing that already i wouldn't have bothered
Don't take it too personally, but it gets really annoying for us non-americans to constantly have americans (left, right, centre) do that - hence the comments.
that being said i can see why you would be confused by my use of the word because that doesn't match your experience
You, personally, need to be prepared for it. Strengthen your mind against this evil
We are all weaker apart, all vulnerable. When people feel comfortable they start listening to their prejudices that than reason.
Bigotry rots the mind, and it rots society.