“2025 will see new Brexit barriers to British passport holders… First to arrive will be the EU Entry/Exit System, known as EES. A few months later…The European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS). Citizens of 60 nations, including the UK, will be subject to these new procedures.”
And for many it will come as a huge surprise.
Brexit, a shitshow of unending pain and stupidity.
Rejoin now!
We just drove to a little fishing just south of Cherbourg & caught a little fishing boat - as easy as driving to the Lake District or Scotland
We’re well into the Find Out era.
So clearly FOM being a red line is so much Performative bullshit
Well done to all who voted in favour of completely removing our easy travel and trashing our ability to trade with our nearest neighbours, well done.
I am half German, but I'd rather trade with the world than be stuck trading with just the EU and their endless rules.
Anyway, I still don't know how it works if you are accompanying a spouse who is an EU national and thus are not limited to 90/180.
The small number of wealthy people who forced through Brexit with lies wanted UK to implement a version of what is now Trump's Project 2025 agenda. That's why they now need us to leave ECHR
Brexit is the poison chalice of UK politics.
People genuinely hoping for better totally sold down the dirty river of populism. And we’ll do it again I fear, bring on the next scapegoat.
The millionaires in Reform etc would love to get rid of those. Oh and the NHS, imagine the killing they’d make on that ..
We just have to look what he's done in the US to see what his plan is with reform.
Because we have going to have all the benefits and none of the downsides, weren’t we?
Farage told them so.
Starmer sees this as potentially derailing everything else they are doing. I see it as an empty threat, which if challenged, will just fold up.
It’s continues to baffle me how anyone thought Brexit would be good, voting to be 3rd class Europeans, & even celebrating it, some still to this day 🙈
My FIL went to eastern Europe in the 60's (he was a member of a famous pop group)
Looking at the barbed wire on the border, his guide said to him, rather sardonically
"It's to keep people in, not keep people out"
& now they have more FOM than UK citizens
Of course, we're going to find out how many of the "expats" on the Costa del Sol did in fact do their paperwork soon enough...
The sad part is the large number of people being ignorant of important things in their life and stupidly voting for sunny uplands with unicorns
Why not tell us all how fast the old, decrepit Brexit voters are dying off?
I hope they're not getting the pain relief that the EU used to supply.
who hv dual citizenshi& an EU passport
inc many MPs, Irish&
the very rich
& even Fartage
won’t be affected…
Brexit ref was undemocratic &!corrupt to the core…
Delays in obtaining your essential meds?
Has your business gone bust?
Stuck in a queue at the port/airport?
Blame Brexit! We need to #RejoinEU pronto!
Why not sign/share this petition?
There's no harm in it! https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/700005