What else can you call this but fascism? What would you say if you saw it in another country? https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/16/politics/new-hampshire-republican-primary-trump-haley/index.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=threadsCNN&utm_content=2023-12-16T21:48:03
Also, that's what most right wingers will do this next future: take advantage of the unrest caused by propal and other protesting immigrants.
Fascism is another bowl of hatred that he dips into from time to time, but not in this post.
"Meanwhile there are voices on the Left criticizing Israeli policy which some have said could be construed as anti-semitism"
Maaaan, I can not keep up with the scientific journals.
...I wonder if he'd refuse a blood transfusion from a black blood donor to save his life? 🤔
Working the refs has been effective.
“The blood-mixing…is the sole cause of the dying-off of old cultures; for the people do not perish by lost wars, but by the loss of that force of resistance which is contained only in the pure blood.” (chapter 11 - nation and race)
His news editor puppets will print the right words.
"tomorrow our city will experience a weather phenomenon many have called 'snow'"
"the 2024 election will be held during a month commonly referred to as November"
Here’s one example from 18 months ago https://davidlivingstonesmith.substack.com/p/dehumanization-watch-democratic-republic not to mention of course so many other places (and decades.)