The political scientists feel the same way: so much of this is also unconstitutional. It's a crisis. Right now.
Reposted from
Noah Rosenblum
There has never been a larger gap in my (admittedly quite short) professional life between how lay folks and law profs are talking about what is happening in government right now. So much of what Trump is doing is just blatantly illegal — often in several ways at once.
Congress could act, but they aren't obviously.
Can the Supreme Court act or can they only respond to cases brought to them?
What avenues are open when a POTUS is so flagrantly ignoring the law & forcing a Constitutional crisis?
“We will never again allow ourselves to be beholden to one person in the White House” - David Eby.
They see trump made himself king.
He does not give a fuck. He's got the Supreme Court stacked, he can do whatever the hell he wants. You're gonna be crying "unconstitutional" for the next 4 years, and it's not gonna make a blind bit of difference.
Roberts is, after all, an “institutionalist.”
One could hope that the sheer audacity and scale of what Musk is up to would lead at least one justice to open his eyes.
seriously, no
the Court *likes* all this. they enjoy the suffering even more than DT does. Alito, Thomas, Beer Guy, Barrett, Roberts, Gorsuch -- all of them. cruel assholes.
(My wildly unpopular view that we should massively increase immigration is actually my most neoliberal view)
You can say something is illegal but there’s no enforcement.
That ship has sailed