The only reason to bring up Reagan in a comparison to Trump is to note that Reagan was an icon for the right for decades "but even *he* wouldn't do ________."
If, however, you pretend that Reagan was some kind of uncontroversial moderate, you're severely undercutting the point.
If, however, you pretend that Reagan was some kind of uncontroversial moderate, you're severely undercutting the point.
They are both horrible.
But to different degrees in different departments.
However Trump could well dismantle the country this term.
W never did that.
We’ll have to wait and see.
W had a chance to prevent 9/11 and fumbled it.
And then that led to untold deaths.
Probably MORE than half a million if we look at indirect deaths.
But trump is uniquely toxic in how he IS as a person.
He has a way of turning everyone into a sociopath.
He has these very honed media instincts.
A way of clowning and lying that W could never pull off.
It's can't be counted in deaths quite yet (depending on how one looks at covid) but it is profound and very dangerous.
Trumpmusk could pull the nation apart.
Reagan was a dick and Trump is a dick pimple.
Reagan did not make decisions, he fully delegated to VP Bush and his cabinet...basically we did not have a full president back compares to now as Elon is fully acting as President....
We have to stop pretending that "moderate who likes Reagan" is a relevant demographic, and start positioning ourselves as directly opposed to all of him.
Us Gen X are betraying America with our turn TO MAGA and this is language directed to Gen X to wake the hell up. Haters need to Lay off
Democrats are just trying to get swing voters who have vaguely positive associations with Reagan on their side.
90 million Americans didn’t bother to vote in 2024.
Very few seem to even know what they want or who they are.
Consumerist Vaguely centrist to far right, w a small far left fringe.
Everyone angry, confused, scared.
Good luck doing politics in that environment.
A pathological liar, owned by an oligarch, in league w fascist despots, promising mass deportation + environmental destruction.
I'm going to question the "pretty intelligent" characterization.
I voted for Obama my health insurance cost dropped by 50%.
material improvement
And the results of that will continue.
Now maybe for good.
We may have touched the last stove.
So that’s part of the dynamic at play.
Americans don’t remember anything.
They don’t even remember the first Trump term, let alone Reagan.
So using his name is just a branding game at this point.
See what gets votes.
Divorced from policy.
The article, along with extra links, is in this Bluesky thread. Tap above the 'article pic' and scroll ⏬
But he led the way on deregulation, tax cuts, attacking and undermining government agencies, etc. I'm sure he'd have found a home there.
My point here wasn't "look at how great Reagan was" but rather "even Reagan, golden boy of the right, could understand that tariffs were awful"
I have no idea what they are now. I don't see any economic philosophy here. Anti-intellectualism has rotted the collective brain.
"Even Reagan understood immigration is good for the country"
"Even Reagan understood that strengthening alliances was good for America"
And so on
"Even the liberal New York Times...."
It's dumb, but the Dems are caught in this permanent crouch.
They should be calling out the grave injustices of this administration with huge public events and civil disobedience to engage the 90 million ppl who didn't even vote!
You aren't going to Reagan-shame people who are yelling at their pastors to stop teaching Jesus's point of view because he's "weak." And in the process of evoking Reagan, you're just going to piss off your base.
Not going to be an effective strategy.