Climate change is directly affecting our strategic interests in the Artic. Climate change contributes to instability in many parts of the world hit by drought and other climate challenges. It affects natural resources that nations fight over.
Only an ignorant dimwit would say it doesn't matter.
I've personally seen military equipment get moved out of hurricane zones only to return after a storm with supplies for people whose homes were destroyed. It's just common sense to have good weather information. Maybe that's the biggest problem: a lack of common sense.
Funny how these idiots are able to distinguish between climate and weather when it suits their backwards narratives but the second it snows a lot somewhere in December its "SEE? WHAT GLOBAL WARMING?!"
A lot of those coastal military facilities are going to be quite impacted by climate change. The DOD was studying climate resilience to protect against those impacts. I guess Hegseth will find out the hard way...
The secretary won't find out anything because he isn't listening. It is the average soldier that will experience the additional risks and the average officer that will be unable to perform their duties effectively without weather information.
Anyone anywhere who’s ever been boating a few times should know that weather definitely contributes to successes or failures of the venture. Driving a car during severe storms? Flying a kite during an electrical storm? I mean, I can’t control the weather or their inability to make logic ties.
Or in US Naval history, Typhoon Cobra, which in the words of Chester Nimitz ""...represented a more crippling blow to the Third Fleet than it might be expected to suffer in anything less than a major action." and nearly claimed the life of future president Gerald Ford.
We’re transitioning from a Be all you can be military to a be all you can afford while subsidizing this nation’s billionaire class.
I did NAZI that coming!
We're seriously talking about a Northwest Passage and its security implications for the first time since the loss of the Franklin expedition 180 years ago, but sure, whatever Sean.
Not to mention that climate change is increasingly the underlying cause of a lot of geopilitical tension in the world, even if people don't recognize it as such. Starvation, displacement and forced migration, etc. create political instability, and unstable places are ripe for conflicts.
One of the reasons Operation Sea Lion, Hitler's plan for invading Britain, never got off the drawing board was the inability to predict the weather over the Channel.
Parnel really must be an idiot.
Hitler lost out in an early victory on the Russian Front because he didn’t take into account the rapid changes in weather conditions that occur during autumn and winter.
Plus the DoD keeps track of climate to make security assessments in areas where drought, etc. might cause upheaval and potentially affect military operations nearby.
I’ve always imagined the military being far more forward thinking than the general population precisely because of a “war fighting” frame of reference. Now it’s being run by willfully ignorant ideologues who just like to say “war fighters”
Hell, even the strong NE winds during the Revolutionary War helped aid our Army from the British in New York, not allowing the British to send the fleet up to finish off the defenses.
Weather is not the same as climate change. Having said that, the military should still anticipate and be prepared for the societal disruptions that will be a result of climate change.
Yeah, but, climate change affects weather & creates more extreme weather events. You can’t really say, we won’t plan for a once in 100 year event, if these events are now happening almost yearly.
When at the US Institute of Peace in the mid 2010s, there was already lots of research showing impacts of climate change on movement of people leading to conflict.
Most flag officers in DOD would gladly trade a heap of intel on future conflict risks for a literal fraction of the cost of a single advanced fighter jet acquisition.
That's a nice set of coastal infrastructure you've built, to service your blue-water navy. Pity if something happened to it -- sea level rise, for example.
My grandfather was one of the meteorologists who planned D-Day. He's rolling in his grave right now.
We should also point out that a significant portion of the F35 capability for US defence was lost in a hurricane a couple of years ago when their base was deatroyed. But, hey, what do I know.
Sean Parnell is a certified idiot. As a PA voter who saw his campaign for Senate in 2021 crater due to many issues both personal and policy, he doesn’t have well informed views about anything beyond Fox talking points. And he’s public affairs for DOD! What a joke.
Planes and boats require knowledge of weather for safety. It could also be good for knowing what an opponent will be doing and could be used against them.
But nah, lets just fly into a storm and crash the planes or sink the boats.
And to think Trump wants to go to war...
About 20 years ago, there was a cell phone ad in which Napoleon was able to get a June 18th 1815 weather forecast for Waterloo via cellphone & knew to not bother waiting for better weather before sending his forces against Wellington’s.
Ignoring climate change is more than careless. It's incompetent leadership on full display.
The Pentagon calls it a “threat multiplier” for a reason. Rising seas, extreme weather, and resource conflicts impact operations. No plans beyond raping and pillaging our government.
I'd like to see what Sean Parnell would say if, heaven forbid, a U.S. Navy fleet sailed into a major storm because they didn't get the best weather forecast.
The Navy was one of the first to bring up concerns on Global Warming because of its potential impact on the loss of strategic docking locations. Navy War College brought it up in the 1990s.
Torrential rain turned Agincourt to mud in 1415; Henry V took advantage of it and won. Then, in 1588, the Spanish armada was blown off course by a huge storm and crashed into Ireland rather than invading England, allowing Elizabeth to reign and Shakespeare to write a summer blockbuster about it.
The biggest reason William of Normandy’s invasion of England was successful is because he got very lucky with the weather and the wind in the crossing. They only lost a few boats.
Only an ignorant dimwit would say it doesn't matter.
And if you repeat it enough, even the biggest lie will be believed by the dumbest among us. You know, the Trump way
I did NAZI that coming!
Hitler lost out in an early victory on the Russian Front because he didn’t take into account the rapid changes in weather conditions that occur during autumn and winter.
Stopping one activity will affect some other, unpredicted, activity.
Climate has everything to do with instability and war in many places in the world.
I even wrote about identifying pocket droughts early in the season with conflict implications.
We should also point out that a significant portion of the F35 capability for US defence was lost in a hurricane a couple of years ago when their base was deatroyed. But, hey, what do I know.
But nah, lets just fly into a storm and crash the planes or sink the boats.
And to think Trump wants to go to war...
The five of us that got it nearly died laughing…
The Pentagon calls it a “threat multiplier” for a reason. Rising seas, extreme weather, and resource conflicts impact operations. No plans beyond raping and pillaging our government.
Must do more!
Or yet another Spanish Armada?
"Something, something, SPANISH ARMADA, something, something, COMPLETE..."
These people wrecking the government are doing so with a purpose.
(Bueno, quizá trece colonias y una forma de los Estados Unidos, pero habrían hablado español.)
Not an accident.
There is a reason NOAA NWS is filled with so many Air Force vets.