I miss the smell of fresh floppy discs and the noise of HDDs crunching as you booted up, and the thrill of turning the computer on when it transported you to another world
Aka, I miss being like 10, and it actually sucked and my brain is lying to me, but
Aka, I miss being like 10, and it actually sucked and my brain is lying to me, but
Sure, I can enjoy good call-backs (Sonic 3, bay bey!!), but I don't to remiss on a time earlier in my life due to how completely shit it was.
I'm thankful the past is in the past.
I had a compaq luggable with a hard card and a Hayes modem
It took 5.25 disks
One of my first jobs was using a CPM word processor, 8” floppies. When I wanted to upload I had to open a modem and flip dip switches 🤣
"Which end is zero, and which way is on, and has anyone got a pointy thing?"
I just miss the days where a good GFX card was < $2k
The computer just turned on to a flashing cursor prompt after the logo display.
OLD tech is always better in nostalgic memories then it was IRL.😆
The taste 👅 paste.
I’ve been playing with computers for nearly halls a century. That shit in Ferris Beuller’s room? Yes, that too. 😂
That sucker will click like a Geiger counter, and since it's an external drive it shouldn't hurt performance at all.
Unless you want ten to fifteen minute boot times, in which case get the slowest drive you can and plug it in.
Remember the days when you knew whether it was Delete, F12 or F2, and when to press it, to get into the BIOS cos you needed to.
"I'm sure I didn't remove the hard drive overnight."
There was no distraction like we have now.
I kept broken Disk Drive, disks of both physical sizes and all the storage variations. :)
Those were good days yes.