This was always the thing that blew my mind about people who were against Ukraine “from the left.” That conflict is entirely reducible to “the strong gets to take what it wants and the weak can only prevent harm to itself* through submission.”
Anyone taking Russia's side in Ukraine "leftistly" was only ever interested in left-wing politics as an excuse to pursue domination and feel justified in doing so
I'm pretty sure Lenin's own writings on the matter admit that the Soviet Union counted as an empire.
Marxist-Leninists are really weird in that they don't seem to hold Marx OR Lenin in especially high esteem, and in fact seem to view them as secondary figures to Stalin.
Nah, it's terminal American brain. American leftists of that disposition are still American, and share the solipsism common in our country. Foreigners don't exist for most Americans, and foreign imperialism doesn't exist for most tankies. It's sadly really that simple.
tankies are marxist-leninist, he's absolutely a factor, and soviet russia used to court american communists all of the time, including the black panthers and jim jones.
you hate to see it.
*lol not really
They want to turn people into dinosaurs
Marxist-Leninists are really weird in that they don't seem to hold Marx OR Lenin in especially high esteem, and in fact seem to view them as secondary figures to Stalin.