The entire administration and their mindless followers have no real beliefs, standpoints, or morals. They have been trained to take direction and attack.
"Fascists are fundamentally people who can't pick on someone their own size. And even when they're punching down, they're crying because the victim's resistance makes their knuckles hurt."
You once replied - asked if you would enter politics - ‘too many middle class white males in politics’ . I assume based on traditional nepotism and education. A change of heart? We need an intervention of education, media and politics now? You have a voice. But those voices are disappearing .
My point being, we need some more cohesion. An educated movement? I love the idea of political commentary but does that not sometimes need a stronger next step towards a political movement?
BLOG: This debacle - an attempt at bullying on a national scale - confirms that Russia and the other fascist state - the United States - seek to carve up Ukraine. All democracies must reject this outrage. The US is not Europe’s ally, it is its enemy. Act now!
Trump’s abuse of power was frightening to watch, but ultimately Zelenskyy had the moral victory and Europe must now get its act together - Putin is not going to stop.
Starmer needs to get his act together as well, trying to suck him to Trump, can't please both Trump with his king visit and please Europe at the same time
My hope is that Starmer is playing both ends - flatter and confront (cos that’s what I’d do) but my fear is that the US allied to Putin is a terrifying enemy.
Starmer needs to make a choice, either Zelenskyy or Trump, and no way Trump should win after what happened yesterday, he needs to grow a back bone and call Trump out
I wonder what date this year will be the day more people die in the US because they can’t afford the healthcare they need than die in the Ukraine fighting evil
The bone spur draft dodger can't cope with the courage and moral centre of the guy who didn't take the US ride out of Kiev. Trump's anger is not just from the frustrated 'deal', someone saying 'no' to his face in public, but the deep internalised shame of his own craven, cowardice.
Zelenskyy and the people of Ukraine (and any other country that has faced invasion) also know that wealth is not the only arbiter of righteousness. Trump isn't Hitler, he's Gordon Gekko
Trump would sell those closest to him (including his nearest family) & his country down the river without a thought if he thought he would personally gain from it. I do not doubt that for an instant.
“Are we the bad guys?” The Nazis thought they were doing good, ridding the world of Judeo-Bolshevism and saving the Ayrian race. All utter garbage of course. Just listen to the Russians, their rationale is twisted and disgusting but I am sure they think they’re in the right.
Yep, and every villain is the hero of their own story.
Having said that, the mental gymnastics required to justify the narrative they’ve created for themselves - when faced with the facts on the ground - is going to be increasingly exhausting…
So true. Putin has played Trump like a cheap fiddle. Complaining about his treatment by previous presidents to appeal to President Moron's hubris gave him an asset for life. Zelenskyy was the only real president in the room.
Yes because where Trump is concerned there is nothing bigger or cleverer or more intelligent or more kind or gooder as a leader or more knowledgeable..... than Trump.
He must be the worst possible leader of all time, in that he does surpass
US government unable to fight at any level. Having taken the poison they rot from the inside and render themselves no good to man or beast. Doesn’t matter who what or where, US now so disabled they are useless.
Trump is fighting for de-regulated capitalism. Which is autocracy. Vertical power. No independent oversight. Trump is the Republican Party unmasked. Now visibly anti-Democratic.
Trumpism is a response to US military decline. He knows the war is unwinnable but openly states, to the horror of US Liberals, that the US wants the in Iraq and everywhere else they invaded.
They probably saved up the ambush for Friday as noisy cover for the dismantling of Social Security and Medicare, etc. Bannon talked about their "flooding the zone" and "shock and awe tactics." They're looking utterly ruthless, if not now, later.
Zelensky tried to regroup and reset after the awful humiliation from President Krasnov. He tried to get the deal back on track for the sake of his country.
Zelensky has more strength of character than any man I've ever seen.
I've just done a Google news search for PubMed down/turned off and nothing recent was returned. Do you know anything about this? Is anyone seeing this able to point me to something online about it?
When power falls short, your voice rises. True leadership is built on integrity, empathy, and the courage of everyday people. Stand up, speak out, and be the change our world needs.
Zelensky is a man of the people, a true leader.
I admire him and the people of Ukraine tremendously.
I think that point was yesterday.
Having said that, the mental gymnastics required to justify the narrative they’ve created for themselves - when faced with the facts on the ground - is going to be increasingly exhausting…
Watching from the sidelines
It'd be quite ironic if in the end, it arrived as a saviour of the western civilization....
He must be the worst possible leader of all time, in that he does surpass
And this is what’s really happening:
Zelensky tried to regroup and reset after the awful humiliation from President Krasnov. He tried to get the deal back on track for the sake of his country.
Zelensky has more strength of character than any man I've ever seen.
I've just done a Google news search for PubMed down/turned off and nothing recent was returned. Do you know anything about this? Is anyone seeing this able to point me to something online about it?
Please forgive me for posting this here.
Speak up people 👇
Your voice matters—speak up! 👇