Star Trek has been saving my mental health throughout all of this. I never re-watch things but I am re-watching all of Star Trek right meow because I need that hope!
Jean-Luc Picard is my #realdad
Also I find it weird how many Star Trek "fans" are bigots. It's like they're too dumb to understand the show. It's always been woke, since TNG.
Sadly, if you look at Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek 21st century timeline... we're basically still on track because he predicted fascist madness that causes the collapse of global civilization 🤦♀️
👍The Discverse also promotes decency and not treating others as things. LOTR also teaches us that ordinary people who aren't kings or warriors or magicians are the ones who save the world through grace and friendship. Not that there aren't toxic fans in both, but the vision is there.
I truly believe watching Star Trek as a kid helped me be more open-minded, so many lessons learned. Wish we had a percentage of Picard's (or Kirk's) leadership right now.
While I've no intention of going vegan, I buy very little commercial meat, opting instead for the venison hunted by my family. For others who cannot eat a vegan diet, if hunting is an option, it is much better for the planet than methane farms.
A whole foods plant based diet has been proven to reverse hypertension and type two diabetes as well as fulfill all your nutritional requirements so instead of exhausting us with excuses try it for yourself, it is approved by the American Dietetic Association 💚
That's a nice book you wrote to justify hurting animals needlessly. The cheapest foods are vegan. There's no valid excuse to not accept veganism as a moral baseline in your life.
(And before you blame me for why you won't go vegan, you already stated you aren't planning on doing it anyway. So stop)
No interest in entering an adversarial discussion. Respect that boundary. No need to be dismissive / disrespectful. You need not read it if you find it too long.
Well if you can kill others and never be open to changing, I think that's not a stance that deserves respect. Respect the animals and you'll get my respect. Bye.
If only the cows, chickens, baby lambs and pigs had a “boundary” they could put up—to be respected by you; the animal abuser who hides behind bullshit hypertensive diabetes excuses to feel better about their horrible purchase decisions.
If you recall, in Star Trek the world superpowers engaged in global warfare before individuals communally decided to finish and launch the warp drive.
We have a few rough centuries to get through first it seems...
That is precisely why I watch Star Trek, to believe that there is hope for humanity, that we can get past this hatred and come together through acceptance.
And then I turn on the news and see that Trump et al have taken us further into hell.
Dreaming about star trek got us cell phones, the next generation gave us tablets.
The dreams of the fans manifested into reality. Sure it was hard work, but it started with dreams.
Dreaming is the only thing that keeps us bettering ourselves.
Star Trek has never just been fiction—it’s a promise. Even in the worst times, its fans carry the belief that we can rise above greed, war, and division. That curiosity, cooperation, and courage will guide us forward. The dream of a better future persists because we refuse to let it die.
Individual scifi stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinded critics and philos of today, but the core of scifi—its essence—has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all
- Teal’c impersonator quoting Isaac Asimov, Stargate SG-1, episode 200
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
The state of the world has me in reflection. Good vs Evil is hyper present, but the gray areas are equally important to consider. Examine not only where we are, but what dynamics brought us here. ⬇️
We've been lulled into complacency through comfort, not wanting to acknowledge that these dark forces against humanity have been operating in the background. Now is a time where every marginalized community has something to lose, and everything to fight for! Star Wars themes seem especially apt. 👇🏼
Star Trek's original mission was peaceful, scientific exploration. Their next mission was to form a coalition of worlds
, to keep the peace and defend themselves and their coalition partners, like an intergalactic NATO. They never turned their backs on their allies. We could use that lesson now.
It’s wild how what is happening is canon in the Star Trek timeline. According to Memory Alpha, Trumpism leads to the Second American Civil War in 2026, eventually causing World War III. I really hope we can avoid it, but it is also how Warp tech is discovered… 🫤
Anytime I need a serotonin boost, I think of someone trying to explain the current world to Deanna Troi. Her soothing voice saying, “I can see you’re upset. But I promise you, it gets better” just makes me feel whole.
Like parts of that future but it was very militaristic; chain of command life. I don’t think I could live like that, but they did cool things sand cool devices.
Star Trek, Babylon 5, the Expanse, hell, I'd even be okay with a Stargate future at this point and technically that's just starting over from the 2000s.
High social trust versus no social trust, makes a huge difference.
Also I find it weird how many Star Trek "fans" are bigots. It's like they're too dumb to understand the show. It's always been woke, since TNG.
Just be sure to do stuff too
Something about Bell and some riots?
Read Dr. Gregor's book "How Not to Die"
It is a highly rated comprehensive science based guide that'll help start your plant based diet and overcome your diabetes and hypertension.
Good luck 👍
(And before you blame me for why you won't go vegan, you already stated you aren't planning on doing it anyway. So stop)
Grow up and #govegan
We have a few rough centuries to get through first it seems...
And then I turn on the news and see that Trump et al have taken us further into hell.
The dreams of the fans manifested into reality. Sure it was hard work, but it started with dreams.
Dreaming is the only thing that keeps us bettering ourselves.
It might be where we "go"...
I’m calling you a complete separation from maga
- Teal’c impersonator quoting Isaac Asimov, Stargate SG-1, episode 200
-Love and compassion, especially for your enemies, is the path to transcendence, while hatred leads only to suffering.
-Hope and the power of unity can overcome evil, and bring about freedom in the face of oppression.
It's time to wake up and do something. Inaction is no longer an option.
May the force be with you!
, to keep the peace and defend themselves and their coalition partners, like an intergalactic NATO. They never turned their backs on their allies. We could use that lesson now.
Stop dreaming, wake up and get to work.
than has ever been before, for all.
High social trust versus no social trust, makes a huge difference.