We're sending the message that it's OK as long as he killed someone in support of YOUR cause or issue.
Murder is wrong.
Murder is wrong.
i know it is a bad position to be but we are here indeed
I also won't shed a single tear over Thompson.
The alternative is doing nothing.
Q: Just in the past few days since Brian Thompson’s murder – how many lives have been *saved* because of the actions of Luigi Mangione?
Evil people exist in this world – and killing them is how you *save* lives!
What EXACTLY was in the works to stop the mismanagement? Any hope on the horizon for people who are denied coverage by insurance who paid FOR help when they're sick?
None? It's easy to stay on the high road when you have $$$ aint it?
The NY gun registry has, last I checked, resulted in single-digit solved crimes.
This isn't crime and punishment in the victim wasn't an elderly pawn broker.
They actively gained the system to make as much money possibly could out of greed.
Where do you work?
Stop licking the boot and acting like you're gonna be next, nobody cares about you.
you’re really trying for the high road and really it’s noble. really it is.
Either way, obviously I pronably wouldn't or I'd not have put myself in that situation to begin with...
...but what matters isn't who thinks something is right. It's whether it actually is or not.
Moral questions aren't subjective. (If you thought they were then you wouldn't argue against people who disagree with you). So we must appeal to objective, rational argument.
What's yours?
Why is it any more monstrous to appreciate this death?
You think he's off the hook because he's got layers of management and someone on minimum wage to create distance?
And didn’t Nazi underlings deservedly get executed after WW2? Or should they have let them go after Hitler killed himself?
So by that logic, you should be OK with people who work there getting murdered.
Okay? I wouldn't pop champagne about it.
But it wouldn't keep me up at night.
I don't really care about your moralizing about this. We're a social society and the signal we've sent is that this is great.
This shooting is the first real signal that it's not okay
It's overdue
Good luck with that.
Meanwhile, a jury just acquitted a white guy who unnecessarily choked a mentally ill Black guy to death as dozens of people recorded it on their phones.
Don't put yourself in a situation where someone has to make that decision by simply not being a mass social murderer
That’s the point of the whole fucking thing
They chose profits over human life
I'd call it self-defense not murder.
A big part of the reason these scumbaga act the way they do is because well intentioned dipshits like you protect them.
.. I wish you guys spent this much energy pitying the millions of people financially ruined or dead because people like that CEO.
There's even books about it.
"War Against All Puerto Ricans."
So yes, more CEOs please. Any billionaire will do.
Where does it stop?
Although, a moral argument could certainly be made for it. These are people who have caused at least tens of thousands and perhaps millions of deaths, but who cannot be touched legally.
If I was a prick I would deserve it too.
We all need to look out for each other because these F’in rich and powerful get away with everything.
When one turns into an actual caring human that's when you stop.
So, you HAVE been following #BroooklynDad all this time?! Hahahaha that's the smartest thing YOU'VE done in DECADES
We need more data for a statistical comparison of the ethical result of less super rich executives vs model/economic effect on society.
"Wrong" is implied, not proven.
The UHC CEO is probably responsible for more deaths than the mob, so yeah, I understand why people were cheering. They do the same when real shitty people get offed.
Use it or lose it.
That being said it doesn’t make me sympathetic to the CEO.
For the US, it would be to the sound of money. 💰
rightly or wrongly(just stating facts),as a revolution. spouses,children,parents, friends,have been murdered by insurance companies by the thousands- at what statistic does it become war?
It would be better if we could return to caring about each other.
Ken Rex McElroy was a town bully in Skidmore, Missouri, who was indicted 21 times--
Stay safe
It's horrifying.
From 2017 👇
This CEO is guilty of murder also.
1st. We have to get their attention. Sit ins, sit downs, strikes are better, yes. But if you're struggling to live 1/
What do we do?
not that it justifies it, but it makes you question the morality of both parties. At least it has for me.
Doesn't change just because the dude who killed him is a right wing weirdo, and not a heart broken father or whatever people thought.
What message are you sending with this false equivalency?
"It's their right to slaughter us! Know your place!"
The only way that can work, is if its a two way respected social contract. But it's not.
That's what you sound like
Murdering innocent people by denying them healthcare, food, shelter, or fair wages is wrong.
You can argue all you like, but murder can not be justified, period. And again, two wrongs never make a right, especially with murder.
So you wouldn’t murder Hitler?
Collateral damage.
So you are right. It’s more than 1 per day.
The options that remain are do nothing or do direct action.
Would it have been wrong to kill Hitler? Jefferson Davis? Stalin? Pol Pot?
Let's recognize both the immorality of that killing and the depth of the injustice of our parasitic healthcare system. We should have fought harder for Medicare for all when we had the chance. No one should be denied care nor financially ruined.
Basically the same fucking thing
So when our "health" insurance companies continue to raise premiums, deny claims, and delay treatment, who should we appeal to? The government? American politicians are stockholders in insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
Luigi is a hero.
He murdered millions at the behest of his shareholders & through the policies he greenlit.
No, he didn't directly kill anyone. But then, neither did Hitler. Thompson was just doing his job.
Much like every Nazi in the Schutzstaffel.
May. He. Rot.
People dying in a war and a CEO being murdered are not the same things.
Just like the vigilante was protecting us from that profit driven CEO.
It’s just also very disturbing about how many people were denied treatment through their insurance claim. Many of them had illnesses such as cancer and they died.
No, I do not have sympathy for them at all.
The law favors wealth, unclutch your pearls.
Sometimes, just sometimes, it's karma.
Maybe write a strongly worded letter.
I don't support murder. But neither surprised or unhappy when it happens.
same scenario
Losing our Obamacare…
People will die big time.
People will suffer horribly.
People will be homeless.
People will starve.
People will be denied it all.
Lincoln, JFK, King. None of them were “murdered”.
I was happy when we got Bin Laden. I would cheer if we nailed Putin too. Not many people were sad when Huey Long was assassinated or George Wallace was shot.
We better toughen up. It’s gonna be a long 4 years.
& they cheer for murder, justifying it in the name of those who died because they were denied benefits.
In no way do I support the scam that private insurance can be, but that IS privatization!
That’s America.
Can’t make $ giving $ away!
Let me know how you feel when a loved one dies unnecessarily, or you're denied coverage for a mortal condition by a CEO who makes 40 million a year while front-line nurses are underpaid
I *totally* understand and feel the same anger. But this isn’t the way,
As I see people justify this murder I can see the rule of law isn’t just fraying on the Right.
You should be thankful for that
This young man has now crossed the line, and there is no going back, only a life sentence of lost freedom
Worship is not the operative word, it's sympathetic
You take care bud
I believe in change. But not by murder.
Were you praying to your favorite deity for delay, deny, depose to go away and thought he was finally going to do something about it??
I am suggesting that we already live within that paradigm every day. No amount of talk has changed anything at all for victims of mass murder.
Corrupt corporations & governments weaponize hollow morals to suppress dissent
terrified accountability will ignite scrutiny and retribution They deflect blame onto those resisting their deceit to shield their own crimes Denied justice many take it into their own hands
Same logic. Don't care is you agree with them or not
This is a bad analogy.
I’m not claiming to have Christian values, so it doesn’t feel as hypocritical to not hate Luigi 🤷🏼♀️😂.
(I’m half being sarcastic and half not 🫣.)
They turned back their bullshit real quick there.
Within hours.
I don't condone violence
and laws are laws for a reason.
This country has turned its back on its own laws.
To favor the wealthy.
Which is why we are here.
As a DV survivor, I see the pattern you are running along here
and I am not impressed.
Say I put you in a room with a gun and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
You can either shoot him dead and prevent 9/11, or in 10 minutes the door opens and he walks out. Back to his point in time and on to orchestrate 9/11.
What do you do?
This man shot someone because he clearly thinks that person is wrong. They killed for money. I know who I'd rather support.
We'd all prefer a more civilized solution .. but that's clearly not happening, so here we are
Just curious: what do you think of war? Is killing during war also categorically wrong? Even leaders? Is killing in self-defense wrong? Are statist executions wrong? What about
violence is a natural path of resistance where no other path is possible due to said abuses
we must stop tolerating the systemic abuse at all costs
herald the age of post-tolerance
The first kangaroo court refused to condemn because they thought the process was iffy.
You sound kind of complicit to be honest.
Did you make yourself feel better about yourself yet?
So do nothing.