I don't think I've sworn so much than I have since January 20th, and I'm at the point where there aren't words cuss bad enough to describe how I feel! 🤬🤬🤬
My wife also has Trump-induced Tourettes. It was in remission for 4 years. Her case is also accompanied by her middle finger extending at the TV at certain times.
Right! I can't say the word Trump unless it is preceeded or followed by a nasty expletive. Sadly, I would be banned if I.used the expletives I want to use.
Ok for me it’s fuck. Sorry not sorry but not using it in a weird way just more in the natural way of what the actual fuck! Did not notice until I was back to work in the office, lol.
in reference to voters who elect & re-elect Republicans, elected Republicans and Reich-wing media; i prefer to use the term "fatherf*cker".
i think it's much more accurate, descriptive and insulting.
especially to the Reich-wing homophobes. https://youtu.be/nbMszhvO3ag?si=lB0T3tP38vMHFRJ3
I am a NYer living in NC. And I have found myself for letting the NYer slip out daily. Scream it at the TV, in the car, at people who don't control their dogs. I seem to always end my fuckerisms with a strong FUCK OFF!
Ya know like the icing on the cake is the FUCK OFF!
Because that motherfucker is literally fucking over our mothers, grandmothers, and future mothers. So yeah, fuck that motherfucker with the force of 1000 NYP plungers.
Call your US DEM senators. Now 202/224-3121. Demand DO NOT PASS CR on budget unless GUARANTEE to end doge. It is REDUNDANT. Every govt dept gets INDY audit EVERY YEAR. Reports fraud. Waste. Savings. EVERY YEAR!
It pretty much is the only word in the English vocabulary that paints the time we are in. Will we ever come up with a better word? My husband favors two words. One starts with a C and is followed by a word that starts with a S. I can't bring myself to use these particular words.
My cursing and feelings of violence are beyond anything I’ve ever felt. I have to get back to my center because I look at these idiots and only think “their faces are punch able.”
I gave up swearing for Lent one year, put a quarter in a jar for every lapse. Gave $22 to a homeless man on Easter. If I did it this year, they’d get hundreds. WTAF is the current mantra.
Yes we shall have to get Susie Dent to work on your profanity vocabulary.
I must say though that I have not noticed you misusing the word once.
Keep up the good work.
That's why I switched to "goatfucker".
I mean as insults go being accused of goat fucking has to be worse than being accused of having sex with a mother. Especially since every parent does that at least once. The goats - not so much...
I mean... Every time I unlock my phone, I see a motherfucker's face on a news update... What are we supposed to do, not call a motherfucker a motherfucker?
i think it's much more accurate, descriptive and insulting.
especially to the Reich-wing homophobes. https://youtu.be/nbMszhvO3ag?si=lB0T3tP38vMHFRJ3
And you have to admit, it just rolls off the tongue (and fingers) so easy and satisfying 😂👍
Ya know like the icing on the cake is the FUCK OFF!
“Maga morons are now Putin cocksucking Commies”
My Dad would not be proud…
…possibly I would receive creativity points from him…
Then again, he hated the orange slime stain so maybe I would be applauded😊💙
It's painful, but rarely fatal. 😧
I must say though that I have not noticed you misusing the word once.
Keep up the good work.
DC, 12 noon
I mean as insults go being accused of goat fucking has to be worse than being accused of having sex with a mother. Especially since every parent does that at least once. The goats - not so much...
My 25 year old daughter recently called me out on how much I say FUCK. Because fuck! This is fucking bad.
I’m working on it…
Also, “Asshole.”
In our defense, sometimes, the word "fuck" is the only word to fully encompass the mass stupidity of this lowclass, hateful group of people.