Wait till you find out how many acts one lady sang for... Martha wash was the voice of CnC, Black box and others... But they kept her in the shadows cuz she was a big girl, and we couldn't have that.
I'm more annoyed that media moguls decided it made more sense to have a couple models perform because they didn't think a couple spectacular singers would be popular because they weren't pretty.
Were you really scammed though? You still liked the music. You still had a good time. And none of these musicians sound like how they actually sound thanks to autotune so we are really all being scammed all the time.
It’s on Paramount Plus, just put in Milli Vanilli and it will come up. There is also a movie on Amazon Prime that came out in the summer that is based on the documentary.
Why though, geez?Scandal happened in 1990 dude. Nearly 35 yrs ago! But hey you do you. Me? If I’m going g that far back, I’m still mad that Anita Hill’s testimony was kicked to the curb and Clarence Thomas got confirmed anyway, the lech!
Don't unfriend me lol
The dance was 🔥