“There is this terrible misconception that disabled people just take, but actually by taking from us, you prevent us from being able to give – we want to be able to participate in life equally the same as anyone else, and that includes going to work.” Disability campaigner Tanni Gray-Thompson
This psychopathy wouldn't be happening!!!!
Can’t wait to see this magical list of vacancies 😭😭
Disclaimer: Personal experience.
It's that cruelty from the GOPQ that doesn't square with being Christian. It's that hatefulness towards people not born white and perfect that twists their belief into dominionism.
People have inherent worth and dignity, deserve respect, to have their needs met, and yes, even comfort, regardless of what others take from them.
Also, I happen to believe that investing in having everyone's needs met will, in fact, create a return on investment (RoI)—monetary and/or otherwise
We need to unite against the right, not argue that "Oh you're not left enough"
Person 2: Chronic condition, MH issues, sometimes has days where BPD is too much to get out of bed, sometimes may have to work from home because of their anxiety.
Who are employers going to choose?
This is what Labour don't get.
Trickle-up economics. That one actually works.
He and McSweeney calculate that with his massive majority, and a tendency for voters/media to be concerned with other issues years later at the next GE, they can ride out the anti-cruelty protest.
Amazing how much the government talks about investment in the country, but never investment in its people.
I do think a lot of fear has been caused by very poor communication, stirred up by media.
It is, after all, the only way you can regain any kind of credibility
He is now mostly bed bound.
If he cannot access PIP, what will happen to him?
I think we know the answer, we just don’t want to write it down.
My own award wouldn't qualify based on the points DWP gave, but I should have scored more, I just didn't need to fight further once I got the right level of award.
What matters is what the law says >
(Although it is despicable that it's on us to have to understand how it should be assessed & then fight for what we're entitled to, not able to rely on them to do their jobs.)
They will be encouraged to use it to escape the living hell those cuts will create
I have no idea where a solution lies, but I don't see either side of the argument coming up with one (or many), that serves people properly without costing more than it should.
It's a deliberate narrative by the RW - and yes, that includes #Labour - to find scapegoats, lie about them & use them as a convenient excuse to destroy what is left of the Welfare State
The savings aspect of this is complete bollocks. £5bn = 0.4% of total Govt spending
Not whisked offshore to tax havens like other public funds so often are.
There were a few over-entitled dickheads, of course, there always are. But they were a minority.
(free link)