So couldn’t get my Tales Of Graces F Remastered PS5 copy today at GameStop that I preordered because GameStop corporate didn’t send enough copies to any store. I’m pissed and upset, but I was able to get a refund. I ordered a copy through Amazon supposedly coming tomorrow. Really bummed out. ☹️
No wonder GameStop is in the position its in.
Restaurants started doing credit cards for reservations, and if you don't cancel 24 hrs prior, if you can't make it, they charge you X dollars. I've seen this here, Miami, LA, San Fran.
So sorry you weren’t able to get yours 😭😭
Enjoy your game 😊😊😊😊
Sadly digital games also are a lot more convenient and are usually way cheaper.
But all the convenience isn't worth it if it means not actually owning the game 😔
GameStop lost me for good when they started keeping display boxes on the floor for games they don’t actually have in-store, telling me “they can order it online”
So can I, why does the store exist?
Sorry you couldn’t secure a copy day one, that sucks 😭
But yeah, 1 copy for an entire store is just wild!
Any system which allows for more preorders than there will be delivered games is fundamentally broken.
Sorry to hear you had that experience. Really hope your other ordered copy truly arrives tomorrow 💖
The ones I’ve played have been fine but not as gripping.
I’ve heard Graces story is mid but its combat is top tier so I’m looking forward to getting into this one.
They’re the worst place to shop as a gamer.
I have screamed about it into the void on Twitter only to get returning comments
“Well my city has plenty of copies”!
Sadly feel the same is happening with graces f cause I still haven't recieved a call today that my copy is ready for pickup
It's annoying this is the 2nd time in the same month I've been burned by gamestop
I would be pissed too.
I'm glad you were able to get a refund though! Are you going to stop using GameStop moving forward?
I think I'd go look and see if anyone has in-store copies. Maybe Target, Walmart, or Best Buy. If you find one, contact Gamestop CS and have it refunded since they can't hold up their end of a simple preorder.
And also: GameStop processes and policies suck 💩
Sadly I've had this happen to me once before as well. I think corporate tends to forget about more niche games.
Spoiled pet peeve I know…😂😂
I last used them to get the Fire Emblem Engage LE and they only had like 3 in the store.
And you're allowed to be upset by that, I would be too 😤
But at least you got a nice alternative as I saw on the other post, cozy game, not traumatising at aaaaaall 🤣