Texas's Dan Patrick said it out loud on *ucker Carlson when he suggested that old people would rather die than harm the economy! Family values! Many Republicans saw COVID as a way to kill off the elderly & the infirm.
I’m good with them testing their theories out again. I have the means to fly to another country for a vaccine. 💉 I believe you call this culling of the heard.
I am tempted to say "1.2 million of maybe not the brightest in that troubled nation gone and they still voted in a 🤡" but that would be crass so I wont...
I think people totally miss the point that a vaccine mimics/stimulates the immune response that would happen if one was exposed to the full virus/disease, but without the complication of disease.
I would speculate that if you don't actually die your immune response and longer term protection will always be better from the real disease that the vaccine. Just a pity if you don't survive the measles, polio or whatever.
“Natural immunity” from a Feb 2020 infection got me 2 1/2 years of debilitating long covid. Long covid is the much more common complication from infections, and there’s mounting evidence that it’s really just one very long infection. Chronic infections are likely how we got all these variants, too
And too bad if you are immune compromised, and can't have a vaccine. The fact that the rest of the "herd" can't be bothered to be vaccinated or are filled with conspiracies is just unfortunate.
What is sad is that we have moved from a vaccination being a routine childhood activity, through to some sort of freedom of choice, conspiracy or state overreach issue that leaves parents suspicious and hesitant.
I shudder at the thought that measles, polio & other preventable diseases will come back in a massive tide because these cookers think that natural immunity is the way to go. I had breast cancer during Covid, its because of the herd mentality i am here today.
You’re thinking of mumps based on your answer. Just so we’re clear: measles completely wipes away your immunity to diseases and you can end up dying from diseases that don’t generally kill people much anymore. You kid can survive measles and die of flu etc
"Natural immunity" is a misnomer. It is "disease-acquired immunity" - you got it because you were ill. It's like calling pregnancy "natural contraceptive".
Why is Fox trying to kill people? Wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that black and brown people died at a higher rate than whites? Could it be?
I’m sure that natural immunity works much better… for the few people who have it. What about the REST of us?
Oh, and is he willing to test whether or not he has natural immunity to something that’s likely fatal? Let’s hope so. Natural selection works much better than self selection
Anyway my core point was strongly pro-vaccine for anything that is serious and where the vaccine is effective.
Have never understood the natural immunity argument. The whole point if immunity is to minimize the chance of getting it!
Getting it to avoid getting it never made any sense (either for chicken pox or COVID).
Oh, and is he willing to test whether or not he has natural immunity to something that’s likely fatal? Let’s hope so. Natural selection works much better than self selection