The Poisoning of the American Mind: How Fox News Conditioned A Nation for Tyranny
🚨In this video, we expose how Fox News conditioned millions to accept authoritarianism. Through fear and repetition, it eroded trust in democracy and normalized lawlessness.
🚨In this video, we expose how Fox News conditioned millions to accept authoritarianism. Through fear and repetition, it eroded trust in democracy and normalized lawlessness.
But is also goes back to Rush Limbaugh who for 30 years on terrestrial radio told red America that the government was corrupt, not to trust the government and that Dems were evil.
Each time there was something absurd, cruel, selfish, self-destructive in U.S. politics, I've tried to make sense of it. Seing the endgame of it.
And each time I concluded they were preparing and enabling what we see today.
THEY are the root of all evil!
Rupert Murdoch, that little Rumplestiltskin, is still running the show & needs to be held to account! 🇨🇦
CANCEL them!
Karl Rove's Red State/Blue State strategy, linking conservatism to Personal Identity.
Also, what's wrong with speaking German?
(The awkward moment when you realize English is a Germanic language and 30% of English is French in origin)
"The Economy is BOOMING!!"
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History will not treat him well.
And the Murdoch empire is over, as of a while ago. (The children don’t agree and no longer have majority stakes in the holding co.)
Removing world governmental co-operation and community.
Luckily, we can fix this 1 in a week. No cost.
1 govt to table it, it will pass.
Take out their sponsor.- immunity. Control. Megaphone. Credibility. Allies. Appeal.
The world's here to help, if they knew how.
When American democracy is a smoking ruin they will have a lot to answer for.
People who are afraid will believe anything about the "other side" and will never question Fox no matter how outlandish their pronouncements are.
Today, some of my friends, despite being well educated and intelligent, fall for it. I try to bring them back to reality, but it is not easy. The lies appeal and fact checking takes time and effort.