So after Trump hands America over to Putin, He actually thinks Putin will let him hang around. Yeah, right. The power struggle between them would be noteworthy. Putin's a seasoned, ruthless dictator, Trump's a wannabe. My guess is Trump will be thrown out a 3rd story window.
He will blame Zelenskyy, scold him for setting unreasonable demands, and propose "his own" deal, which will be whatever Putin tells him
This makes Trumps negotiating skills look weak, and he hates that. He will do whatever Putin says to avoid humiliation. Which is probably exactly what Putin planned
Unexpected positive from this article, in the photo Putin looks frail. He's 72. Trump is 79 this year. Time marches on and hopefully only in our favor.
Trump’s ceasefire proposal was just a ruse for his screw up’s when trying to blame Ukraine for the invasion and cutting off support. Trump came up with the fake ceasefire only to restore US support to Ukraine while trying to save face. Wonder who helped him figure out that scheme?
drumpf wants to be thought of as a 'strongman'....all the dictators and ruthless leaders like putin, kim jong un, netanyahu easily manipulate that trait, to use drumpf like a puppet/toy to get their way.
Theatrics. He’s dying for a cease fire so he can regroup and re arm with China’s help. Once he’s all set he’ll break the agreement and finally conquer Ukraine. This was always the plan
Trump knows he answers to Putin. He is well-aware there's an imbalance in that relationship and Trump does all he can to be in good standing (incl giving away our intel, breaking alliances an crashing our economy
Putin‘s been ordering his military to secure a quick victory in Kursk for something like three or four months now. Too late! Also a really good move by Ukraine to grab Putinist territory. 👍🇺🇦 Unless Ukraine gets all its territory back they should keep fighting. They can win without donvict.
"America First" has always been pretty much "Vladimir Putin First" under King Donald. Whether this is because Trump so desperately wants to emulate Putin or something far more nefarious remains the question?
How did a Russian pilot strike an American ship with military jet fuel? Where is the American response? Imagine this happening under Biden. Dems are cool with this?
The Russians are exposing King Trump's naked figure. His "peace negotiations" are merely a political charade intended primarily to disguise the disastrous start to his administration and secure Trump's stature as a world statesman at any cost. Then, they demand a Nobel Peace Prize for him.
Ok, hear me out. The felon and Putin meet in South Korea for peace talks, and oops! The news could definitely sell another training excerise disaster, it's clear half of Americans will believe anything they hear 😂😂
What's he going to do now 🤔 He was all in on Zelenskyy, not wanting peace (bull shit) when everyone, even the stupid Republicans knew the truth!! He's got the most expensive eggs on his face 🤬🤬
When no American banks would touch Trump because of his finacial disasters and bankruptcies in the 90's Russian money rescued him and bailed him out and started financing future Trump branded projects! And you wonder what Putin has over Trump, (MONEY)! same reason Musk is running DOGE! $277 million!
I dunno. I think the backstage people concocted the 30 day ceasefire as theater to be able to undo the disastrous Oval Office fight and get America back supplying Ukraine. Trump gets to make a u-turn without making a u-turn.
Trump has claimed in the past that Russia took Georgia from Bush, and that Russia took Crimea from Obama. Well Russia is about to take, wait a minute thats not right, Trump is on the verge of GIVING Ukraine to Putin's Russia!
The fact that trump ever won an election amplifies the need for at least basic Geopolitics and Constitutional Law to be taught in every Middle School and High School in the U.S. PUTIN IS NOT YOUR FRIEND seems pretty rudimentary.
Putin looks like a decrepit old man who just got out of bed wearing his cosplay soldier pajamas. But don't be fooled. He is no less evil and cunning than ever. Trump hasn't a clue.
Trump knows exactly what he is a "bought man" - he owes Putin his freedom. He also knows Putin can take that away. I suspect many GOP Congress, etc know that he has the goods on them too.
I will never stop wondering what Putin has on Trump. Is it the 'golden shower' tapes; the tape with Trump and Russian prostitutees; how much does he owe Putin? Or is all of these. There's got to be more to this story than just idolizing him.
International reports had barely started circulating after Ukraine’s president agreed to temporary ceasefire & Putin launched an attack his hometown in the Ukraine!! I gather that was his response to the cease-fire proposal! What should anyone expect from a narcissistic dictator war criminal?!
Neither Trump nor Putin are trustworthy, why would anyone make a deal? Trump does not ask for assurances, because he imagines that the bombs will always fall on someone else’s head.
I'm not sure its about knowing one's being used as a tool. When in the 90's you've recieved milllions of dollars of Russian money to bail you out of finacial disasters and bankruptcies, and finance future Trump projects. He's doing everything he can to please and gratify! LOVE CAN BE BLIND!
Steve Witkoff (property developer) is way out of his depth going to the Kremlin. Putin will be very unhappy with the deal. What does Trump do when Witkoff comes back with the bad news?
The ENTIRE World knows that Putin plays Chess at the Grand Master Level & Trump can't even play marbles. The ENTIRE World outside of MAGAsphere is also acutely aware that Putin holds something over Trump & that he fears Putin. I LONG for the day he becomes a liability, we know what Putin does then!
Nobody can trust either Putin or Trump
Anybody can play Trump all you have to do is play to his vanity
I am not sure what Musk has in all this. I think he is trying to make America into the South Africa he loved when they had apartheid
Remember this??
“Why don’t you tell the 800,000 Polish Americans right here in Pennsylvania how quickly you would give up for the sake of favor and what you think is a friendship with what is known to be a dictator, who would eat you for lunch.” - Kamala Harris
Little Marco tried. He has to realize that Putin OWNS Trump. The sooner he faces that reality, the sooner he will quit or completely sell his soul. Spare everyone the dramatics of pretending it’s any other way.
No one is going to stop Trump or ever hold him accountable. If they could, they would have. Trump is above the law & is now a dictator in an authoritarian regime. We no longer have a democracy. If you think the last 50 days have been bad, brace yourself because it's going to get far, far worse.
Yup. I truly believe Trumpty Dumpty wants a Big 3 - Russia, China, U.S., but he has no idea how EASILY they would play him like a fiddle and completely outsmart him to the further detriment of our country.
I guess you have to actually fight in a war against Putin to see his intentions... JD Vance's cousin ... Nate Vance warned.. Russia has the military-industrial complex to rebuild and take Europe in the next 5-10 years - and they will.
Unfortunately it's just the beginning, and the #democrats won't stand up to #maga and oppose the #cr if they're complicit in the DOGE takeover, shutdown of benefits and federal agencies, to be replaced with Musk biz or oligarchs who bribe them, we will lose everything for a tax break for the 1%.
I’m sure I’m not the first to note that Zelenskyy may have brilliantly played a horrible hand. He knew Putin would balk and now, if Trump is as good as his word (ha ha ha ha ha), he will have to continue to support Ukraine’s war effort and perhaps sanction Russia.
Thinking that Putin is anyone's friend, is like laying down with an asp and hoping you'll wake up alive.
This is a fella that kills his own countrymen without a hint of regret. He'd do the same to Trump or any western leader. He's just waiting for an invitation, the kind Trump is signaling.
Hmmm where have we heard this before??? Oh yes, the debate that Harris wiped floor with Trump…can’t say you weren’t warned!! Almost like she knew exactly what was going to happen…
Russia was weakening,
What the U.S. regime did in the oval emboldened Putin.
What the U.S. did with intelligence aided Putin.
What the U.S. did withholding military aid--CRIMINAL
This makes Trumps negotiating skills look weak, and he hates that. He will do whatever Putin says to avoid humiliation. Which is probably exactly what Putin planned
That’s not “friendship” even if there’s kinky sex going on.
Especially if there’s kinky sex going on.
It doesn’t take a genius to know who the decisive winner would be.
“The liberals will never love you. But if they’re afraid of you, they’ll have to love you?”
The path to peace begins
With the end of Vladimir Putin
Trump is a master negotiator.
Facebook, "X", and every other social media outlet ran Russian propaganda for years, Putin also compromised many Senators and Congressmen/women.
Yeah, sure Donny, they're your friends, uh huh. What a pathetic human he is.
if Trump's worst nightmare occurs, and Putin releases
whatever it is he has ... that is BAD NEWS for Trump?
Would Trump ... just quit, as President?
Would he try to pretend it is all lies?
Would he leave the country?
What would he do?
Putin: We want Ukraine.
Trump: Sold!
Since Zelensky get so much respect from his people and his soldiers, Putin is trying to do the same.
But we all know he's not one of the boys. Well, those boys....
They don't even teach civics anymore
Not one bit. And our ignorant free press cannot, or will not report this one simple fact.
A complete and total ass sucker.
Impeach this traitor.
Anybody can play Trump all you have to do is play to his vanity
I am not sure what Musk has in all this. I think he is trying to make America into the South Africa he loved when they had apartheid
“Why don’t you tell the 800,000 Polish Americans right here in Pennsylvania how quickly you would give up for the sake of favor and what you think is a friendship with what is known to be a dictator, who would eat you for lunch.” - Kamala Harris
Putin: do an escalation
That is how dumb it really is. Putin is literally laughing at us. I can hear it echoing from the Kremlin all the way from NC.
Crazy Trumpett / Vance are wrong
And Again
And Again
And Again
And Again
I am mortified by my own leaders.
Putin knows they're all fools.
Trump sends mean tweets.
These 2 men are not alike.
If Kenny Omega is busy, will do.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on you
Trumps been fooled thrice, but that's a bigly word he just doesn't understand, kind of like governing, economics, international affairs.
his specialty is putting companies out of business.
Now it's the US.
This is a fella that kills his own countrymen without a hint of regret. He'd do the same to Trump or any western leader. He's just waiting for an invitation, the kind Trump is signaling.
He can only handle one thought a day.
Russia was weakening,
What the U.S. regime did in the oval emboldened Putin.
What the U.S. did with intelligence aided Putin.
What the U.S. did withholding military aid--CRIMINAL
We are dealing with a coup d'état -- a regime!
We need to start acting like it!