How foolish are those who buy into this? He’s a mendacious person, incapable of honest thought—yet continues to spew nonsense from his ruched lips, clear proof his colonic irrigation is coming out the wrong end. He must live in constant fear, given his obvious frailty. A foul tangelo creature. Yuck!
It is going to be hard to spend it abroad. Nobody will want to do business with US because of tariffs and no country will take visitors in fear of illegal overstay.
When ICE is putting German tourists into detention centers without any reason and no possibility of contact and we may not enter the US if someone defines as non-binary on their passport, it’s maybe better to retaliate.
Their plan is to tank the economy and force the Feds to lower interest rates. This way corporations can borrow at low rates again because many are stuck with higher rates over the last few years.
Again, RICH WHITE. I feel like at this point you’re ignoring that distinction on purpose. Do you just lump all of us together? I know we all look the same to you, but there is a difference.
I’m not lumping anyone together. You’re ignoring his policies and what he says, and who they effect the most, I’m pointing out a fact that even white people admit:
White people regardless of being rich or poor get preferential treatment in the Trump administration.
Well, unless you are a white woman, a white member of the LGBT, a white person on disability or medicaid or a federal employee or on social security. He lumps all them in with all the others he hates and exploits. But he hates people of color most of all.
I mean, we unfortunately have to take him seriously, because he is actively destroying the Western world, but how anyone can believe his false promises to improve people’s lives is beyond me. He would sell his grandmother’s soul in a heartbeat if he could make a profit off that. Every word is a lie.
We is always him, he always talk on first second and third person, always about him, all his other imaginary being, saying how smart and great genius he is, everybody's tell me, I know, they said , I'm.
The problem is, too many people don't realize that more money doesn't always mean being happier. I do okay on less than $50K a year. I know I am fortunate.
It’s all the insider trading billionaires close to Trump and his family that are getting rich. I wonder how many have shorted the market knowing whats going to happen.
It won’t be the average citizen gaining or spending all that money. Anyone close to required minimum distribution age, is looking at less money in their 401-K
Life is not looking good, for Rosie The Riveter!
It’s a real clip. They just superimposed him over that background. He was standing in the doorway of one of air force ones rooms. Actual clip can be found anywhere.
Thank you for explaining that to me, I really do appreciate that. For the life of me I don't really get AI but I guess we have to consider it now, regretfully 😒
You’re welcome. I know things move fast, but we must trust our instincts, listen to our conscience, and follow what’s right. AI—and how it’s already been abused—doesn’t help. But the truth is always out there. No matter how they try to distort it, the truth will be revealed.
Has he tried to build a factory? Anyone remember this?
I really don't think any of us will be welcome anywhere on this planet while Trump is in the White House.
Might as well kiss it goodbye.
You’re missing my point.
Op asked who was ‘we’ when he said “we are going to get rich”, I said straight white guys, because they benefit the most from his policies.
He gives white people more opportunities and passes, he does ’hate no matter what color or class they are’, but if you’re white, you get a preference.
Just look at his administration.
There is a difference between white people, I’m not saying there isn’t BUT: trumps administration and policies favor white cis men. That’s a fact.
White people regardless of being rich or poor get preferential treatment in the Trump administration.
Stop trying to be a victim.
Vive la Révolution!
What a bore.
I meant mostly to me.
Life is not looking good, for Rosie The Riveter!
When has Senile Don ever delivered for anyone else? Atlantic City Casino workers, Trump University, ….
Whatever it is, that's the affliction Trump supporters have. They think they're part of the "we".