what we need to do is calculate the exact position relative to the galactic core that the whole solar system was in at that time, then mark an arbitrary point along the earth's path at that point in time and erect a very expensive sign of similar note
The question is though: is that accurate as Earth has been spinning around the Sun and the Sun's spinning around Sgr A* and Sgr A*'s been dancing with other galaxies in the local group...are we anywhere near where the Earth was when it first formed??
Oh and thanks for that link about the dipole. I've learned something I didn't know before. Interesting that there really does seem to be some "objective" measure of motion out there.
Just throw in the towel now
The fjords are award-winners.
Signed: BU grad. 😉
Alt text: https://explainxkcd.com/2925#Transcript