OTD in 1955 USSR claimed that allowing West Germany into NATO was proof of aggressive western policies that would make peaceful German reunification impossible
Imagine 70 years later us still peddling the same bullshit & it's the Germans themselves most likely to believe it
Imagine 70 years later us still peddling the same bullshit & it's the Germans themselves most likely to believe it
#ебатьРоссию #SlavaUkraini #CanadaSupportsUkraine#UkraineDefense#Putinkhuylo#resistfascism #specialmilitaryoperation #UkrainianView #rashists#fuckputin#russiaisafailedstate#russianwarcrimes #StandWithUkraine#russiaislosing
So yeah, almost peaceful reunification.
Germans know what freedom means.
Russia has to learn it yet that's why Germany sent weapons and sanctions to crush Russia.
Also why haven't recent German elections led to anti russian hardliners taking office?
Please, check yourself.
UK and NL profited the most.
So don't throw around your misinformed notions.
Alles Jammern auf hohem Niveau.Weil man nicht selber denken & Fakten finden kann?
In meiner Heimat kosten d Mieten mehr als hier, Butter 2x so viel,Benzin auch.
Bei einem Durchschnitt Verdienst von €16000p.A.
Hört auf zu jammern & wählt.
Denn es zählt immer nur die TATSÄCHLICH GELIEFERTE MENGE.
Was interessiert eine Ukrainer im Graben wenn er 10 Drohnen hat ,ob das jetzt 5 oder 2 % des BIP ist?
That the same BS that was done to UK and USA.
So stop throwing phrases around.