Daxter had an X-Ray.
They found a bullet fragment in his body.
I've had him for 9 years and never knew. The rescue didn't know his history, just that he was two and had trauma.
When I found out today, I broke down at the thought of it.
Human cruelty baffles me. I'm just glad we saved each other.
They found a bullet fragment in his body.
I've had him for 9 years and never knew. The rescue didn't know his history, just that he was two and had trauma.
When I found out today, I broke down at the thought of it.
Human cruelty baffles me. I'm just glad we saved each other.
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👏🏽 Good on you adopting Daxter. 🙏🏽 Respect! 🤜🏽🤛🏽
Humans can be terrible, but there's also people like you out there who step up and do the right thing.
Then do it again , then hire an advertising board ,put a massive pic of him on it detailing his evil
Can't be slander if true , no law against outing such monsters
$500 well spent
Run lil' Daxter run!
Thank goodness you save him. You’re right save each other. 💙
She is thriving now
It's the law
Yes humans are …grrr🤬
Poor pupster.
The whole bullet. Dented and bent, even.
We adopted him as a tiny kitten and he's always been indoors. Idk how he survived, but I'm so grateful that he did.
Others should never own an animal, especially if they're likely to abuse it
I can only imagine how heartbroken you were, learning that someone had shot your sweet boy.
Can you picture how much your loving home has meant to him these past years?
Truly, it’s a gift💙🐾🐾💙
I'm glad yall have each other. 🖤
Thank you very much!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸💙💙
Injured by other dogs, in a drive by, in a dog gang turf war. You still saved him... but not from human cruelty, but from a life of crime dealing drugs and running numbers on the mean streets. 🤷♂️
Happy to know he‘s with you 😀
She's almost 5 now and brings joy to our life every day. [She's the big one; Rosie is also a rescue.]
This kind of thing makes me into a person I don't want to be anymore.
I owe her big time , seems she knows it .
Now I'm better I buy dog treats instead of heroin , costs just as much but feels so much better
Dogs just see the love , they don't care you have some problems
You love them and they love you
Not being judged is incredibly powerful
La gente es muy mala 🥲🥺
After adopting a few rescues it became clear that dogs are amazingly resilient spirits who thrive with love & affection.
Which is crazy because we've literally created them to love us unconditionally at this point of our history.
I’m glad he found you.
So glad you found each other back then and in his forever home with you all 🫶
Shooting an animal ?? That's really sick 😫
This just breaks my heart , what a shitehoose to hurt a wee pup 🐶