Finally got my appointment for an ADHD assessment. 29th Jan. Feel emotional, prob because I’ve been messed around for YEARS, facing medical negligence and misogyny just trying to get here. Been told I’m “textbook” but still feel trepidation. It’d be a relief to just know why my brain is like this.
Listen lovely, we've got very good bedside manner here on bluesky and we don't put up with that shit.
Take care💕💐
My point perhaps badly expressed is that I think there is societal pressure to confirm to norms when we should celebrate our unique selves
Now she has a friendship group of ppl who will take time to explain certain situs. So better to understand yourself so you and others can get the best version of you. Good luck Tan, hope it goes well. ❤️✨💫❤️
It can be utterly debilitating.
Medication & adaptations can markedly lessen the latter.
ADHD is a chemical difference which is why one needs a medical diagnosis. For some reason, the incidence of ADHD goes up with intelligence, so you're already ahead.
All my kids too (thank goodness).
They call it their superpower.
Tan, my dear, there's something right with you :-)
Had an assessment through work, which was helpful and validating, and the process has explained a lot for me. Think perimenopause played a big part in not being able to doitall any more! X
You are strong. Like Bull!!
It's hereditary!
Fingers x'd for us both✊️✌️💞
(From someone who is also on the waiting list)
Did you go down the Right to choose route?
Not same in any way but 6 years of 24 hour pain and still waiting for diagnossis
Even if they can't do anything, I really want to know what it is.
Sending you hugs, Gray.
I’m probably not self aware enough..,,,
He had no problems through primary school, only since he got a older, and had to cope with organisation that comes with it, did it become apparent
I wouldn't bother if I were you.
My neighbour was medicated a few years back. I asked about the comparison with her new way of thinking.
We got emotional together talking about it. (I'm still waiting)
Apparently, adhders sometimes needs therapy just to mourn their previous life.
God luck.
Please share your experiences. I'm well jel.