I want to try to start a conversation on the Constitutional fitness of Trump and his convictions and indictments mean to his ability to function as President and what the simple tested remedy is in all 50 states and the DOJ in this situation
Yes and no. I think he just brought out the worst tendencies in people. For the better part of a decade we been living on hateful messages. Americans still have a lot of unresolved issues with the past homophobia, Racism, and sexism. He made it okay to fall back on those tendencies.
Probably more useful to focus on what is about to happen.
On “day one” the flood gates of violence will open. They will fulfill their fantasies of violence and retribution up and down the scale of society without consequences
The time to act is now
The hour glass has been turned over
Despite having information, wisdom, and technology in the PALM OF OUR HANDS, i agree that this is the dumb era. Because how did CONSERVATIVES not know about TARIFFS before voting for them?
As Mister Dickens would have said… “It was the worst of times, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of darkness, it was the winter of despair”
The little I know about history tells me we have not yet reached dumbest but if we do not prepare to struggle now, the USA Oligarchs could achieve the dumbest. Most rich people don't think of employees as people, just human assets. They use the same thoughts about fellow citizens.
The dumbing down has been rapidly growing at least for the last 10 years or so, but we can totally see a timeline where election 2024 is all the proof we need. The dumb down is upon us.
It is. Let's be smart, and change it. We can start by asking how. First thought: Integrity matters. Second thought: Don't trust those funded by big oil. That's a big duh, but must be mentioned.
I dunno. Most US Americans are pretty full of themselves and live in a comfort bubble. That is about to burst.
Many US Americans are indeed aware and have that energy to lift others up. 🥰
Meant to say, that we were always like this, and now we have acquire consciousness, this is why we see clearly now around us and ourselves. We must lift up others, and keep the hope alive.
I don't think it's all about people being "dumb" I think a lot of it is that many people don't know who they should be listening to, and don't take the time (or have the time) to do deep dives to understand the issues.
Too many people have gotten their PhD from Google University w/ a concentration in "Research" thus deem themselves too smart to listen to facts in a historical context.
The know it all's has taken over. But they are wrong or conflate issues due to Whataboutism that it's always circular logic.
That's certainly part of it, but not all Trump voters spend a lot time on social media. For some the problem is that they get all of their news from propaganda sources like Fox News or Newsmax.
That is a large part with these podcast and YouTube videos. Where wrong information or conflated issues are given credence. And the more outrageous the point the easier it is to misguide without accountability.
There is a large percentage of seriously dumb, and I say this having lived in 3 dumb myopic states and knowing solidly dumb ppl and am related to many.
We need to triple the dept of education and increase the seats for better educated states. It's bullshit that I had to take orders from possible idiots
Right: Dark and dumb, run from the sun. Enter the cave, darkness the Rave. Abandon those words, fit for the birds. Play a dumb, silent game where the idiots reign.
Sadly, Humans, for the most part, haven't grown or progressed as a Species in over 5000 years. Most are regressing rather than progressing. Its sad because the way things are going, we are going to end up ending ourselves/most of us, in the near future.
Maybe, in some ways, but not in the important ways. There are more wars/conflicts in the World than ever, there is major poverty/homelessness/hunger in the World, there is major hate/racism/bigotry in the World, people still judge others because of their skin colour, where they are from, 1/2>>>>
The governments taking a reasonable amount of taxes for security and building roads are long gone. It's calculated for most people will have a few hundred dollars extra a month.
Homelessness and starvation has improved quite substantially. Starvation is almost non-existent in democratic countries. You never hear of a mass group of homeless people dying of hunger. But oppression through economics is stronger. Governments now decide how much money you have.
Homelessness and starvation are on the rise, especially in Repugliekkkon/CONservative run Countries/States/Provinces. You don't hear of large numbers of people starving to death because the right wing media doesn't write about it. Right wing governments are destroying the world.
I'm a glass 1/2 full of poison kind of guy. Certain things are way better than before but also way worst in some aspects. Like war. We are in relatively peacefull times. Only a hand full of countries are at war in comparison to every country in the past but those few wars are on a scale
2/2. what religion they practice, what their sexual preference is, etc. All this despite there being so many mega billionaires/millionaires around the world. We are not the intelligent/advanced species many think we are. Animals don't elect the dumbest to lead them like America just for one example
Debat or lets talk
It would make 01/2025 to 12/2028 The DUMBEST AGES.
In reality, we're just seeing the collapse of The Enlightenment and a return to theocratic authoritarianism.
Not everyone subscribes to that garbage
On “day one” the flood gates of violence will open. They will fulfill their fantasies of violence and retribution up and down the scale of society without consequences
The time to act is now
The hour glass has been turned over
Which is unlikely.
The Idiocratic Ages.
Year of the wait what?
Year of the huh? What do you mean?
Year of the where’s all the money he promised us?
Idiocracy isn't a documentary, it's a utopian fable compared to this time line
The age of willful ignorance.
Hopefully back to normality in 2025👍
Welcome to the Dumb Era, where common sense took a permanent vacation…
The Goal of Capitalism.
Many US Americans are indeed aware and have that energy to lift others up. 🥰
My hunch is that they plan to fleece the US treasury.
The know it all's has taken over. But they are wrong or conflate issues due to Whataboutism that it's always circular logic.
this will be "The FA,FO! Ages." : when everybody lost their farms.
I thought the movie #Idiocracy was a comedy, not a premonition.
And how else could you describe the idiot who bought a president.