ADAM SCHIFF: Are you aware of any factual basis to investigate Liz Cheney?
PAMELA JO BONDI: The crime rate in California right now is through the roof; "YOUR" robberies are 87% higher than the national average. (Fact check: False)
This should frighten us all:
PAMELA JO BONDI: The crime rate in California right now is through the roof; "YOUR" robberies are 87% higher than the national average. (Fact check: False)
This should frighten us all:
She must have been living in a cave.
They refuse to answer any direct question. They are like a bunch of Elementary School children.
Con Air One flies in 5 days. 🤬
None of the people signing up to be part of this criminal enterprise have morals. Morals are the first thing to go within criminality.
Why are giving these interviewers a pass?!?!?! They have the floor and they know the facts, why LET HER LIE!?
Complicit... Thats why!!!!
I shudder to know that this is actually real...
A question beginning "Are you aware of any factual basis" is not and cannot be hypothetical.
Do cabinet confirmation hearings usually consist of mostly deflection & non-answers? Job interviewees doing this do not get the job..
Sounds like Bill Bar in a skirt.
She is ruthless.
She will fight to the gallows...
I’m too fucking white and rich.
Climate change, on the other hand,
Gives me panic attacks now.
Displaced for 6 months from an F-2 tornado.
Lucky to be alive and home…
(For now)
50 years ago they might have found a few honest Republicans to take a stand against such obvious corruption and vote against dishonest nominees.
Maga = Liars
Stop allowing it!! Penalize them when they do!
Where are the D's spines?
Even News-lax would have a hard time reporting that level of battshittery.
So embarrassing.
Enough of the smokeshow.
Ask real questions about the next 4 years, not 4 years ago.
Ask about constitutional questions rather than if orange won in 2020.
Liar or Incompetent!
Where America is going with this choice! First SC now AG … bad and dark days for America!
Even if that were true, it’s the world’s lamest deflection.
Jamie Raskin’s not bad either.
Ruben Gallego
Elisa Slotkin
1. #TakeOffTheGloves
2. #KillTheFilibuster
3. #HoldTheSeditionousGOPAccountable
4. #ExpandTheCourt
5. #OverturnCitizensUnited
6. #AbolishTheElectorialCollege
7. #PassTheJohnLewisVotingRightsAct
We are here 👇🏼 👇🏼 👇🏼 👇🏼
Step 1: Take off the phuckin' gloves!
I got a reply that I’d be hearing back from her soon but I haven’t yet.
She doesn’t need to respond, she needs to fight like heck for us!
“I’m, like, pretty and stuff? So, like, I don’t have to, like, answer like questions that are, like, hypothetical? But, like, your state is like, broken and…yeah…”
Like … you know …
● Nationalism
● Violence
● Media control
● Propaganda
● Biased application of laws
● Trying to take over other countries
● Scapegoating
“Look-squirrel” becomes a pretty tired tactic on 24 hour news cycles
Also, as a life-long Californian, the crime rate here does NOT feel like it's "87% higher than the national average"!
What does Liz Cheney have to do with robberies in CA?
(No, I'm NOT sorry. This woman is a slut in every way you can think of.)
Trumpy Foundation donated $25k to a PAC supporting Bondi’s reelection!
It's Not Over ThisBattleHasJustBegun
Is Now
Is Real
Watch Senate Confirmation Hearings....
Tell it like it is big media...
"Watch Spineless cowardice Republican Trump Ass Kissing Bootlickers Confirm Clown Car Cabinet"
America has really lost it's way.....Sad
Hold on, tight Americans, the Mental patients are running the ASYLUM
She is unqualified to be DOJ AG!
Bondi will be confirmed because MAGA does not care.😞