Leavitt isn’t humiliated by her untrue comments. She’s too arrogant to admit mistakes/lies/ignorance on a subject. Her goal was to disparage disparaging the judge, even if it was a lie. Glad the reported pointed that out. Too many let it go. We need more reporters w/balls.
She is shameless. I doubt she was humiliated. Perhaps angry at being caught. She willingly miseducates and misinforms in every interview. Very covertly with half truths, partial truths, omitting facts, and flagrant untruths.
BINGO. That thought has been in my mind for a while now. Too young, too naive and had a veruka stalz (charlie and the chocolate factory w/ johnny Depp) air of entitlement.
She’s a programmed robot. What I don’t like most about her is the attitude and then a loud cross to say, but I am Christian as the most unchristian words come her mouth.
Seriously? She is a puppet with no thoughts of her own. It is probably the hardest job in politics to have to mimic Trumps lies and Bull Shit but she is dumb enough to pretend she believes him! Sad! Yet she probably claims she is a Christian too like the rest of the MAGATS!
Calling her a "lying mouthpiece" may be too kind. It implies that she might actually have some knowledge of what the TRUTH is? Of course, she could always ask her hubby Niko, 32 years her senior, for some context if historical events elude her.
Just like the others who filled that spot. In order to be in the clown’s circus, you have to take the oath of the ring leader to lie, cheat, steal, discriminate, spread putin’s propaganda
By doing so, you ultimately become a clown of the Top Clown in the circus of clowns!
Because facts don’t matter. And since when do we label gang members “foreign terrorists”? If gang members are terrorists, then people fleeing other countries from them should be granted asylum here because they are fleeing “foreign terrorists”
Ladies and Gentleman the 27 yr old White House press secretary. She doesn’t let facts get in the way of her job. She is there to spread GOP propaganda. God bless her little heart.
She is a paid lying mouth piece.. most disrespectful press secretary ever!.. she is going to have a long life trying dig herself out of this disgusting behavior!!
It appears to me that she's told what to say and has a fairly good memory because it comes across as something that's simply being repeated rather than being based on knowledge.
Capitalizing on delusion and social grievances is now open to all as a career or side gig. The victims of this trend include facts, truth, brotherhood, the arts, science, our shared history and our future path to ecological balance and social harmony. Those who see and feel this huge loss must act.
Capitalizing on celebrity status allowed Trump to retire from real estate and casinos. Then he marketed his ego/fame/name as a brand, but he wanted more money and respect. He used his media megaphone to start selling his social grievances to libertarians and racists. Amazing what people will buy!
It’s like when you tell a kid over and over again that they are exceptional. They grow up and life is hard and it’s everyone else’s fault and it’s not fair that things don’t work the way they want them to.
The perfect Aryan…yes, mouthpiece for Trumpler.
I could go in Feminist mode to claim that she was set up. On the other hand, she was willing to be in this position. The chips will fall where they may. Therefore, I have no sympathy for her…
Somebody please tell me why does it matter who a family donates money to? Republicans always try to make this a talking point. Democrats need to start doing the same.
I'm surprised that Leavitt's face doesn't turn more crimson red! ♨️ Each lie 🤥 makes her face get redder & redder as FACTS are shoved right on her dishonest face.
When she lost her election, we'd hoped she'd just go quietly away and leave the world alone. Alas, marrying a rich grandpa seems to have fueled her special form of stupidity and here we are. NH is a breeding ground for this kind of MAGA crap.
Does anyone know where I can find information relating to exactly these "reporters" are lining the briefing room walls who look like they are 12 and/or intellectually challenged? You know, the ones asking questions so biased "softball" doesn't even begin to cover it? Like the question about Walz?
The only thing I would believe Karoline Leavitt would be if she said, my husband is not old enough to be my father, actually he is old enough to be my grandfather.
SHS 2.0. All the lies and none of the ability to fall back on a party name. But hey! At least she can spend time playing bingo with hubby at the senior center when she's in her prime years!
Her biggest problem is she goes out with talking points with no truth behind them. When you know the facts and you want to use them to back you up, you field questions and provide answers. If you don’t know facts or you are trying to obscure them, all you can do is resort to your talking points.
Nothing, especially facts matter.
To be on the Orange team you must display a zero level of honesty, integrity, morals, patriotism, intelligence and suck, lick and swallow on demand
Now Trump has
#BaghdadBarbie aka Karoline Leavitt
“The truth is whatever I tell you it is”
Bullshit Barbie
Even if we never heard her speak, we could safely assume she's full of shit too. If she wasn't, she would have been fired by now.
Nah. We know you know the answer
By doing so, you ultimately become a clown of the Top Clown in the circus of clowns!
Trump mouthpiece
Every morning, open up the top of the head, pore in the stupid and wind her up.
Good lord, she's dumb! 😖
It's amazing how he gets women to sell their souls like this.
I’m not sure if this is an instagram effect, or the inevitable result of unfettered capitalism.
That is America right now. A spoiled child.
I could go in Feminist mode to claim that she was set up. On the other hand, she was willing to be in this position. The chips will fall where they may. Therefore, I have no sympathy for her…
I just hear Charlie Brown adults when she opens the pie hole.
Option B is the correct statement.
He can deport all he wants but there is a constitutional “Due Process”
Never believe anything a Republican says!
Hint: she's a bimbo who doesn't know anything.
This is an age old use of feminine wiles.
That takes me back...
🐍 and the Great Red 🐉