If we, as Democrats, can't find someone who:
a) can communicate
b) is willing to throw punches, and
c) is *not* a sexual predator,
then our bench is too shallow and we should throw in the towel and stop being a political party.
a) can communicate
b) is willing to throw punches, and
c) is *not* a sexual predator,
then our bench is too shallow and we should throw in the towel and stop being a political party.
Reposted from
Matt Ortega
“Don’t nominate sexual predators” is not a “purity test.”
This “strategist” had the common sense not to attach their name to the quote.
This “strategist” had the common sense not to attach their name to the quote.
It's the freaking Congressional "leadership" that needs to go.
1: A *giiirl*
2: Kinda tan
3: Doesn't take "instruction" well.
2: Too gay; Also won't take "instruction" well
Call me a cynic, but...
He's not going to save you, I guarantee it.
Fuck him and the rest of the shitlibs
All the Dems need to do is point out the truth about the damage being do
I’m sure Crockett would be fine with saying so.
Pete made his career out of saying money comes from tax payers
But that's exactly what "anonymous strategists" serving the same concentrated capital interests want.
So are AOC and Jasmine Crockett, but they’re nonstarters, too.
which is INSANE
Dems are determined to count beans rather than just say: Hey, Musk has stolen our 💵 printing machine
"It's widely believed that Silicon Valley has a political bias — that the coders and digital marketing gurus at Facebook and Google are, for the most part, young liberals."
2017: https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2017/09/07/546700281/silicon-valley-wants-to-dust-off-the-democratic-establishment
2022: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/risky-midterm-strategy-democrats-boost-far-right-candidate-michigan-race-2022-07-26/
I despise the musk/trump regime and it’s magas with the heat of a thousand suns.
I hate the dem leadership more.
Let AOD, Crockett and Garcia run it.
And it is fascists are my enemy. Stay focused. Be strategic.
Reflexive self-hate and false equivalency is precisely the disunity that fuels fascists.
Imagine AOC leading oversight instead of Connelly.
I just caution us from the rhetoric that poisons the well.
There is no universe in which almost any democrat isn’t better than a fascist.
Which is why everyone should’ve voted Harris.
Does anyone in their right mind think Connelly is better than AOC in this fight?
And anyone who didn’t vote for Harris deserves nothing but contempt.
But def better than king orange. Maybe she would’ve even taken a baby step in stopping facilitating genocide of the Gazans.
You don’t see the grahams and thunes (puke) hating on the Rufos and Bonginos. (Triple puke)
Maybe just maybe Jeffries and Schumer ain’t on our suite
Thank you for the article.
there are people who can and are meeting the moment, but they are doing it without the backing of the party
Drug users, sex addicts, power psychos, and simply self-centered people are objectively the best figureheads.
Media: Democrats seek to divide.
1. Bill Clinton's predatorial actions in the White House (and prior) and Dems forgiveness/defense of them made it ok for Republicans to get to Trump.
2. Carting him out this past election reminded them of that fact.