Most seem to have forgotten that they work for us. Especially the American Talibans (formerly known as Republicans) who are now in it only for power and money.
Ralph Nader suggests getting 200 or 300 people to commit to attend a town hall, book the room and invite the Congress person to show up. Bash them if they weasle out.
The guy that ran away
like the spineless coward all
The Republicans are he now threatening the gentleman Master Race does acknowledge anything from the inferior Americans.
The law should be any elected official refusing to hold and/or participate forfeits his position immediately. These sub-humans are EMPLOYEES of the taxpayers ffs.
Book a room at your local library, tell the community, and invite your Congress member to come. Make him/her refuse the invitation. Tell attendees about their member's refusal, and use the meeting to organize action going forward. An excellent idea heard on today's
This goes to prove what I have been saying for a long time," With modern day communication and rapid travel what the hell do we need 435 members in the house?" They should be holding town hall regularly to get feed back from their constituents in the district they represent.
Time travel hold our own town halls. Invite your representatives and senators, but we don’t need them.
Remember in 2026 if they don’t/won’t show up and listen to us.
Look for Trumps latest tweet to farmers about tariffs. He’s telling them to grow more & sell here in US. He’s an idiot. Maybe we need tractors rolling through DC in protest
That's a big 'FU' to their constituents. I lived in Marion, IA for a couple of years but I wasn't into politics back then. Just makes me glad that I'm no longer there.
I’ve lived in PA01 for 11 years. Brian Fitzpatrick has been our “Rep” for 9 and has not held ONE open town hall during that time. What’s the point of public service if you don’t interact with your constituents?
Nice to see kindred spirits! I have been shouting this across the rooftops. Even had some little shit tell me to grow up.
If Republicans are too cowardly to face those who put them in office, they don't deserve that office. (Same goes for Democrats---but they're not the ones hiding from their constituents.)
I don't understand why there can't be recall elections for these elected officials. My state had one for our governor. They should not be exempt if they are not enforcing what constituents want. Any input appreciated.
My Pa Senator would have to do town halls in Connecticut. He's not stepped foot here since he was sworn in. Probably because he lied about living here.
I love the optics of a town hall being streamed with nothing but a cardboard cutout of the elected official who refuses to represent their constituents. These would truly be amazing and could probably put a bunch of clips together from different ones and make a great video to show who they are
Just hold them and let the voices be heard. Post them all over social media. Use tags that fall into MAGA echo chambers and get people to see and wake up to the reality of what this is doing.
#WalkOut State of the Union. All Democratic representatives should show solidarity with the American People. Let’s make history. Let’s show the world that we are all against this attack on our country and our democracy.
Walkout WalkOut WalkOut Walkout Walkout Walkout Walkout Walkout Walkout Resist
They should sit in the chamber until RIGHT before Trump is announced and he’s waiting in the hallway. Then file past him during “his moment” when all the cameras are on him waiting.
Double hit as it also slows the whole thing down, and he has to stand there like a fool waiting.
Nah, do it in the rotunda. And loud enough to hear it in the chamber during Trump's speech. Have a New Orleans style "wake" for Democracy, with a brass band that goes up and down the halls...
If republicans in congress and the senate really believe they are doing the will of the people, let the resign and hold another election. Not a chance. They know the American people do not support the chaos this regime has created. They can't defend their policies in townhalls. Time for truth
That's because Miller-Meeks, Ashley Hinson, Zach Nunn and Randy Feenstra are cowards..each one a goose stepper through and through. Not a lick of courage between them, so good luck with any of them doing a town hall. Because of the Iowa rural voters these people are the result of MAGA stupidity.
Kansas Senator Roger Marshall went to a small town of Oakley population 2000, a predominately supporting Trump and they blasted him with questions. He couldn’t handle 200 of his constituents. He turned tail and ran. Blaming it on democrats who I guess he doesn’t represent. lol.
The coward representing my district in PA hasn't had a townhall since he took office. He does tele-conferences so he can hang up on us! Mike Kelly is his name being an asshole is his game!
People in areas like yours, where the representative is refusing town halls are having their own town halls. They arranged everything invite the member of Congress and then have in anyway when the person refuses.
Awe, the maga republicons can't handle the monster they made, lmao!! Hope people are waking up and will take to the streets because it will take all of us to dethrone this administration!!
If they won't face you get on the phone or e-mail and tell them what you think. It only takes few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people participate.
Yep, California red district reps are no where to be found. I’m thinking of printing some photos of them and posting around town with a QR code that maps the locations people are at when/if they see them around town. They can’t hide forever.
Part of their jobs is to go out into the districts & talk to the constituents otherwise how do they know the concerns of the people? By not visiting, they are conveying that they are not listening but rather just responding to what 47 wants instead. He did not elect them. We did!
Those who refuse to do town halls are saying loudly and clearly that they belong to 47 and do not work to serve the needs of their constituents. Primary them!
Same thing in Virginia !
Ben Cline -R, was supposed to have one, now it looks like it's not gonna happen !
Both my brother & I we're gonna attend & were just waiting for the date to be set !
Hopefully the congressmen/women are listening. If not remind them at the next election. They are all running for the hill. Too petrified to disagree with Trump. Their constituents will be the ones on the losing end. Cowards r Us.
What if you called and invite your Representative and when he doesn’t respond invite either the nearest Dem Rep for another district whether in state or out. OR if he had a Dem opponent who lost invite him to speak.
This is also a great idea. But the dems are also cowards and unlikely to do this.
Picket their private residences if they won’t hold town hall meetings. Make their lives MISERABLE.
You can hold your own and invite them and the media. If they don’t show, open the floor to the audience to tell their stories. Record and post everywhere online.
Hold town halls in their absence and live stream them. It will give members of the community a chance to come together and raise concerns. Invite the reps in advance and shame them for not showing up.
remember when #Iowa was a swing state, or the days of #TomHarkin? Now you have a 92yr old blubbering/slobbering Chuck Grassley (who implied Biden was too old at 81); used to be pro-oversight & whistleblowers until Trump; almost 100% republican representation & a hostile against women's rights R Gov.
They forget they get a salary to represent the people in their state.
The lobbyists aren't who they are there for.
The citizens working for the government have more loyalty, do more for the country than any elected officials and yet they are the ones losing their jobs.
Time for robust recall campaigns for any sitting House or Senate member who refuses to engage their constituents, so said constitutuents' concerns can be adequately represented-- which is, quite literally, their job.
No, Republican politicians ( and a few Democrats) work for the ultra-wealthy. They are in power and the Republican party has NO intention of ever relinquishing power so what us peons think is of no consequence. They don't need the vote of the ignorant masses any longer.
Have them anyway. In front of their local office. Send people in, one at a time, to get clarification on their position and when the congress critter might be able to meet? Keep that up throughout the demonstration until they lock the door.
Congressional Republicans
Must’ve gotten a script when they went to Mar-a-Lago. I keep hearing the same things from the town halls. This is what 51% of the nation wanted and we’re delivering it. Elon Musk is good for the nation just wait and you’ll see. There’s going to be a little pain for a while.
You cease to be a democracy when leaders cease to FEAR losing their jobs INSTEAD of voters fear losing their jobs. Minority governments are the only TRUE form of Democracy. America's lack of a 3rd political party and lack of 'RECALL Laws' for their President makes it an endless dictatorship.
If they won't do town halls, have protests at their district offices, notify the media and go in and have a sit down. Refuse to leave and force them to arrest you with the concomitant media focus will work the same as a town hall.
I’m so sorry. I live in a state where we go have that ability. I think there had been an amendment in Iowa, in 2023, that would have allowed recalls… but it appears to have failed. 😣
We should stop their salaries - I wish we had the power to do this! They’re not working for us anymore, so they shouldn’t be paid!! Maybe we should have protests about this?!?
Ukraine needs to keep Trump and his MAGTARD idiots away from any negotiating !!!... Biden ensured Ukraine had enough to finish Putin off once and for all ...Ukraine holds all the cards and the EU will now help them across the finish line-HIT PUTIN HARD !!!!!😉👍
For every Republican that refuses a Town Hall, a Democrat should step in to talk to their Constituents. If they're not being heard by who they voted for, let them hear from who they should vote for next.
The People need to hold Town Halls themselves.
Invite the politicians, but you don't need them.
Let the People's voices come together and then flood the internet with the videos.
Exactly what I was saying.
The public has a right to hold these town hall meetings.
Hold them, televise them.
The more people are heard the more the maga base will start waking up. The truth and the common sense reasoning needs to be heard to bring people back into reality.
signed up for hinsons email list -staffer said that's where the schedule of appearances are. staffer also tried to tell me that no tax on tips or social security was in the budget. and I said no it's not in that bill and she said 'well there's talks about it".
trying to lie to her own constituents
Hound him everywhere and ask “why won’t you meet us?” Everywhere. Social media, newspaper ads, billboards, everywhere. They don’t want to look like cowards. This is how you get them.
Democrats should host Empty Chair Town Halls in GOP districts, publicly invite absent Republicans, spotlight neglected local crises, elevate constituent voices, stream widely, and drive home: We show up. They hide. They serve Trump. We serve you. The seat’s empty. Your needs aren’t.
We need Town Halls where we, the citizens, not feckless, irresponsible representatives, set the agenda.
If representatives don’t want to attend Town Halls so they can listen and get to know us so they can do their jobs, we should organize Town Halls so we can represent ourselves.
Absolutely! In ADDITION, and at a minimum, they need to hold weekly National Town Halls or start monthly 'DPAC Conferences' asap! We must call each of them out and hold them ALL accountable on nationwide media as well.
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
Even w/o the shady parts that’s an excellent suggestion. Democrats can fill the vacuum with their own town halls, create the public forum, and amplify dissent. Problem is, they won’t. Americans will have to go to the streets en-Massé to refresh their democracy or risk losing it.
For what it's worth, in 2017, under Trump’s former presidency, Indivisible held "empty chair" town halls across the U.S. after many Republican lawmakers refused to meet with constituents. These events symbolized public frustration and called for accountability (though exact numbers aren't known).
Except Democrats aren't showing up either. None of our elected leaders are serving the people that elected them - the people they work for.
And while we're at it, our enlisted abdicate the oath THEY took each and every day they allow this domestic enemy machine to continue dismantling our govt.
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
At the Indivisible meeting, they mentioned organizing a town hall and inviting the rep to attend. If they don’t show up, have a chicken, clown, their pic, a nearby Dem representative, etc., on stand-by to take their place and conduct it without them. Then share with the world. I thought it was 💡👍🧠✨⚡️
People from my state on reddit are talking about doing our own town halls with their pictures so we can scream at their pictures since they refuse to face us (but that's not new they haven't faced us in years...idk how they get reelected).
Anyone who cooperates with or follows the orders of this puppet government is a traitor and must be dealt with accordingly after the end of the occupation.
They took lessons from state legislators in Iowa who refused to attend League of Women Voters panels to discuss the slow gutting of public education funding over the past 15 years.
Hinson, Feenstra, MMM, Nunn, Ernst and Grassley are hiding.
John Cornyn made fun of protesters around his offices in TX. "I hate to break it to them, but we are just getting started. These people are really going to lose it when we extend the Trump tax cuts. Thanks for stopping by," Cornyn wrote.
Republicans do not give a shit about their constituents! They serve the Orange Stain! Every single Republican is in violation of their oaths of office. They are traitors!
like the spineless coward all
The Republicans are he now threatening the gentleman Master Race does acknowledge anything from the inferior Americans.
Almost like nobody likes NAZIS. Interesting no? I wonder why everyone hates NAZIS?
Remember in 2026 if they don’t/won’t show up and listen to us.
Time for us to hold...
I apologize for offending cardboard.
Walkout WalkOut WalkOut Walkout Walkout Walkout Walkout Walkout Walkout Resist
Double hit as it also slows the whole thing down, and he has to stand there like a fool waiting.
(That would also make it harder for any mischief Trump may be planning to occur. #FalseFlagAttack )
every last one of them..You all need to vote them out in 2026!!! We need to get our Democracy back!!
They seem to be forgetting that
Ben Cline -R, was supposed to have one, now it looks like it's not gonna happen !
Both my brother & I we're gonna attend & were just waiting for the date to be set !
Picket their private residences if they won’t hold town hall meetings. Make their lives MISERABLE.
Don't harass the staff, though.
We all need to know the names of the elected officials who are refusing to meet with their constituents.
Don’t let them hide.
The lobbyists aren't who they are there for.
The citizens working for the government have more loyalty, do more for the country than any elected officials and yet they are the ones losing their jobs.
Must’ve gotten a script when they went to Mar-a-Lago. I keep hearing the same things from the town halls. This is what 51% of the nation wanted and we’re delivering it. Elon Musk is good for the nation just wait and you’ll see. There’s going to be a little pain for a while.
We need to remind them. HARD.
We need to harass them🫵
constituents is already
Not responding is the answer you are getting--and it's unacceptable.
Invite the politicians, but you don't need them.
Let the People's voices come together and then flood the internet with the videos.
We can flood the zone with the truth.
The public has a right to hold these town hall meetings.
Hold them, televise them.
The more people are heard the more the maga base will start waking up. The truth and the common sense reasoning needs to be heard to bring people back into reality.
trying to lie to her own constituents
If representatives don’t want to attend Town Halls so they can listen and get to know us so they can do their jobs, we should organize Town Halls so we can represent ourselves.
And while we're at it, our enlisted abdicate the oath THEY took each and every day they allow this domestic enemy machine to continue dismantling our govt.
If they want to take over red zones, this is how it's done!
I mean this in ALL
2. have a rotating vigil, at least 2-3 people 24/7
3. livestream to document fascism/1A violations
4. FLOOD THE ZONE socials/protests/hearings/sit-ins/civil disobedience etc..
Hinson, Feenstra, MMM, Nunn, Ernst and Grassley are hiding.
If you can’t do that, then you don’t have a job.
The is an opportunity for Democrat candidates to hold town halls to educate voters.
To educate voters, in particular, as to who and what is running the country. And how this will hurt voters.
I’m with Bernie on this.
Democrats need to get out there.