I'll settle for taxed. They can get jobs and work just like the rest of us. Pay your share, or get the fuck out, and don't give me any bullshit about job creation. You twats wouldn't hire anyone if you could live without another employee
AND; quite giving him $$billions in subsidies from the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT for his boy toys - Tesla and SpaceX.
We already have better rockets and cars than his
Why would he care? He would just continue to steal from us. $38 million NASA contract. $400 million to build armor tesla's, he said that the verizon 2 billion 2 year satellite system for the FAA isn't working, so they're going to replace it with Starlink. So he takes over 2 billion gov contract
We don't need to tax anyone out anything out of existence. We just need them to pay fair taxes. That's all. Taxes pay for all the things that people are currently screaming about losing. We need taxes. Let them make whatever they want. Just tax them properly
let's remove congress's salaries and lifetime health insurance pay them a per diem amount, remove corps as people bullshit so the people can lobby again, and force the government to give we the people 3 picks for the highest court 3 picks for each party and remove lifetime appointments for justices.
You’re right, they do. Sad to say that day is coming. Just like the Russian oligarchs and their private militias, the tech bros will soon have theirs. When the peaceful protests turn not-so-peaceful, after Trump and Musk steal the rest of our retirement funds and social security, they’ll show up.
We 100% need to tax billionaires out of existence… and… if TSLA craters, it would not be surprising if we saw Elon’s financial fortunes entirely crater.
Funny mental gymnastics but even if you tax the super rich, even more than they are already taxed, that won't make the poor wealthier, you want to make people think that such a thing would happen, but it would not. Not once has the increase of taxes made the poor wealthier, you are a moron.
It's amazing that no matter how much money these guys lose, it makes no difference.They can't spend what they have in a hundred lifetimes.They have no problem hurting the rest of us financially,because it's just "a temporary pain". Tell that to the mortgage company, when the house payment comes due.
not just tax billionaires, but STOP awarding this psycho government contracts via startlink and spaceX worth billions in and of themselves. What the muskrat has lost in revenue from tesla is a mere pittance of the wealth from his government contracts.
As @halsparks.com so eloquently put it, “there is a lot of cushion between the ‘FA’ and the ‘FO’ for someone with a lot of $”, unlike, us everyday folks, not a lot of wiggle room for us between the ‘FA’ and the ‘FO’!
I agree. EVERYONE needs to pay their fair share of TAXES and that includes CHURCHES. They have gotten into politics so churches are not excluded from taxes anymore.
YES! How is it that pastors who have private jets, huge homes, and/or churches the size of an entertainment venue like a football field pay no taxes while their congregations are scraping for table scraps! And they wonder why people don’t believe like they used to?!
Because many want to be them and think being sycophants will increase their chances of being fed scraps from the table - which we know is never going to happen
No doubt, but the millions in middle America that are hard working blue collars and farmers have no such delusions and want a decent wage,job, education, health care and a livable minimum wage, which they won’t get from Republicans and why they don’t realize that.
Perhaps too many get on with the day to day of living, not wanting to get involved in politics without truly realising politics involves itself every day in every aspect of their lives - politicians and presenters pretending to inform turn them off
I think people have this idea that they're closer to being wealthy than homeless, because "pull yourself up by your bootstraps". They don't realize that bootstraps aren't made the same way anymore
We just have to convince 2/3 of congress to put their careers, wealth, personal interests, generational wealth and future 'lobbying' gigs at risk, purely on moral grounds. And the Supreme Court of course. Then we'll tax them out of existence!
My point exactly, responding to another post celebrating his loss of 16 billion in a day. The fact that that doesn't register for him as painful is a major problem for democracy.
They will do it only if more colored people also become billionaires after all it’s the west that nearly exterminated 3 continents native people that is n and s America and Oceania and nearly Africa ! If you are expecting morality form maga clowns you are naive !
Republicans are so enamored 🥰 of Trump’s billionaires because they think they will be billionaires someday. All they have to do is continue to steal from the American people and in order to do that they just have to convince Americans that their real enemies are poor immigrants. 🙄
Congress needs to remove the cap on contributions to social security on income over and above $176,000/year. Removing the cap will make the social security funds healthier and a lot more equitable to all retirees.
In the spirit of Canada and Mexico’s response to Trump’s tariffs, in response to the massive new tariff tax the billionaire class has just levied on us, we are no longer demanding equal taxation for billionaires.
We are demanding a return to the 1944 tax rate of 94%.
What we REALLY need to do is enforce CEO pay caps and free up unions so that all that money never gets to them in the first place. Profits that come in should go FIRST to those who DO THE WORK. Let's redistribute wealth through paying people more fairly, then we don't have to tax after the fact...
I am good with both, at the very least the taxation would need to exist for a generation or two to get the money out of the money hoarders hands and out into the populous. It would have the advantage of paying off the US Debt in the process.
the sick fuck part, our country, the one he so badly wants to break, made him the wealthiest human in the world. Isn't that insane?? No thank you's?? Just wants to destroy the country that MADE HIM.
If he wasn’t such a horrible human being, I might almost feel sorry for him. Imagine having half a trillion dollars and still wanting more. Like a hungry ghost, incapable of being satisfied.
His companies may have lost money but him and his cronies are making a larger fortune buying low stock when trump plays the tariff game and selling when it rebounds after he backs down! Can people not see this?!?
The recent rise of the new Tech Wealth raises concerns. Never have we seen individuals build wealth at this rate. There needs to be checks and balances, to mitigate the damage from this sort of wealth. These are the same people now running the US, to prevent their Capitalism from being regulated.
I believe he has loans that use the stock value as collateral and when it drops below a certain point he needs to make payments on those loans to make up the difference.
It's impossible to achieve wealth of that degree without already being completely heartless and stepping on everyone below you to get there. Not a single person has ever become a billionaire without abusing countless others along the way.
I live in rural OH, where they are convinced that trickle down works and poor, “lazy” people are the problem. There is no convincing them that it’s not a problem the ultra rich don’t pay their share.
Exactly. The oligarchs are ruining society as a whole by placing the tax burden on Middle and lower class workers who actually keep America going. Now with Trump everyone realizes what a big mistake it was to bring the liar back into office.
Altho I like the theory that Putin is actually the richest person cuz he makes all the oligarchs kick back their ill-gotten gains. Just savvy enough to keep it on the down-low.
Any and all wealth over and above $999,999,999 should be confiscated. FULL STOP. Wealth over and above $999,999 should be progressively taxed. Their wealth is not "earned" it is stolen!
I now agree. I was not always in favour of hefty taxes on the rich just bcuz rich, but see now they use their wealth not for good, but for harm!So next democratic govt must promise to immediately close all loopholes in tax act! It’s the tax act that allows rich to escape paying fair share of taxes.
Make America great again and bring back the 1950's top marginal tax rate of 91% on income above say $5 million. You could balance the budget and fund social security forever. If you don't like income tax, how about a company turnover tax of 5% that cannot be offset instead of corporate income rate.
And at the same time filthy rich twitter owner traitor musk and traitor donald are destroying the economic system that brought them all their wealth. They really are a couple of imbeciles.
I don't want to tax billionaires out of existence - I just want them taxed fairly, properly, in proportion to their wealth. It's wrong that they pay so much less, as proportion of their wealth, as those on the other end of the spectrum.
Or literally just actually enforce the small amount of taxes they are supposed to pay now. Just taxing 4% on Bezos alone could pay for Bernie’s entire student loan forgiveness idea.
Threats like this only cause them to resist more strongly. We don't NEED to tax them "out of existence" - we only NEED them to pay their fair share of their obscene wealth into the general fund, just like the rest of us taxpayers. IF they simply did that, all of America's problems could be solved!
$100 Billion may not seems a lot to him, but he probably hates that he lost so much. Guys like him only live to take, and despise any kind of loss or failure.
THE UN NEEDS TO Invoke A resolution For a Binding Law in Member States to TAX & LIMIT INDIVIDUAL WEALTH OF ALL CITIZENS (100$million?)& Remove excess, to be given to development Funds for the poor and needy States.
We are beyond trying to " tax billionaires out of existence " . we need to " guillotine " them out of existence . Since Republicans love to find 150 year old laws to bring back ..... !!!!
I'm not sure we have o "tax them out of existence" but we need to tax them for their fair share o the economy that supports them - somehting like progressively up to 95% on their top hundred millions. Taxes need not be (should not be) punitive. They should be just.
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now
Can we please stop giving him the title of richest man in the world? According to those that know he is not that guy with his bag of tricks mostly tied up with Tesla as it sinks lower by the day....
Nobody should be that rich. It is utterly indecent.
It is hoarding. People with hoarder syndrome need to see a psychiatrist... all those billionaires should be put under medical supervision and taxed to the max. This money should be returned to the people through government services.
Question: if he lost all that, who has it now? If no-one, is all his wealth as imaginary as that? Put him to the test. Take him out on the street on no notice and ask him to get a load of cash out of an ATM and buy a week's groceries.
Agreed. We’re going to need to vote them out of existence first. And before the midterms we need to get to the bottom of whether the voting tabulators are being manipulated.
Billionaires are hoarders with more expensive stuff than the common hoarder. I'm sure many of you, like me, have fantasized about how fun it would be to give money to causes and institutions and people, were we to win the lotto. I don't think giving or sharing ever occurs to musk man!
1/ This is the problem with lefties. The left is good at identifying problems, e.g. extreme income inequality and the dangers to democracy of heavily concentrated wealth. But the solutions they propose are stupid and self defeating. Look at how such wealth is accumulated and address that.
2/ In the case of Musk its that he talked up the price of stocks he owned (lied to the public) and cashed in on their inflated values. In the case of many others it's because workers don't get an ownership stake in the companies they work for - just the lowest salaries employers can get away with.
3/ Employers don't even have to pay overtime to most workers. Workers need more ownership rights and any worker who does not have a significant equity stake should be paid overtime. One idea is that workers as a group (not individuals) get a significant percentage of the stocks or ownership.
4/ The employees should have seats on the board commensurate to their overall ownership. When there are dividends paid out, the employee pool gets its share and distributes them to all the workers equally. Rules would cover workers who've recently joined or left. Maybe a payout when you leave.
The result is that tax rates do not become confiscatory for either businesses or persons. Also, overturn Citizens United and any laws or ruling giving businesses the same rights as people or for company directors or officers to donate company funds to any political causes.
Tax the wealthy so they cannot afford to purchase SCOTUS or the president or the local dog catcher.
Think of the improvements that could happen if it were the other way around.
If you were paid $1,000,000 a year for your entire working life, you would be very rich.
If you were paid $1,000,000 for every year that Homo Sapiens have existed, you would be in Musk territory.
He needs to be taxed into oblivion.
Why doesn't Musk give back the $30 billion his companies received from the federal government?
Tesla will burn to the ground just like Americans wouldn't buy German cars post WWII for 2 decades.
Let's start with the muskrat.
It's a quest for status and power. And by that standard, going from $400B to $200B is a 50% drop in status. I'll bet he loses sleep over it.
We already have better rockets and cars than his
No one needs a billion fucking dollars.
Refuse to give Musk, Bezos or Zuckerberg a single penny! If the 99% stopped buying the shit they’re selling, they’d be bankrupt within a few months.
They need to be taxed pre Reagan.
I'm not talking about the "they got some asshats elected."
I mean if the asshats turn on them, they could bribe the military directly.
They bought the government and the media and are now using that power to destry America and take all the money.
Not more money… ALL the money.
Soon we will be like Russia and getting by on 700 dollars per month.
Then let’s tax them all heavily.
Don’t lower tax percentage for poor people, pay them fair dignified wages. And don’t lower it for wealthy.
Also a cap, that anyone who *has* over 1 billion pays of 100%.
No More Billionaires!
Between the two I am fine with a flat tax.
We are demanding a return to the 1944 tax rate of 94%.
FAFO, assholes!!!
That means more than losing money
This is why he is the clear Alpha in the Putin-Musk-Trump troika.
Tax them would require a political revolution that I don’t see coming. More effective to lynch them and seize their assets directly.
Let’s go!
#PowertothePeople !
Echo chamber… it’s like watching CNN.
Billionaires hoard wealth, buy governments for themselves, exploit you & steal your wellbeing
#GOTVBlue2025 Start Now
It is hoarding. People with hoarder syndrome need to see a psychiatrist... all those billionaires should be put under medical supervision and taxed to the max. This money should be returned to the people through government services.