Exactly it is time for them to stand with the people and remove these traitors who are committing treason and desecrating the oath to the Constitution and the Constitution itself. It's time for a military coup with the people arm and arms
No offense but what you are asking is the nightmare of democracy and a precedent you NEVER want to see. Better the administration article 25 him or the congress impeach. Then a military remove a president!
I'm sorry to say that I kind of agree with you and disagree at the same time. If the military takes such actions, the Fox News echo chamber would scream and yell about a coup d'etat. And the white supremacy militias would take up arms.
Are there any unbiased neutral experienced intellectual military leaders left who CAN or WILL stand up and lead their branch of the military to keep their oath and defend the Constitution? Seems all the honorable ones have been deleted!
It won’t happen, because (a) that applies to essentially the entire elected and appointed GOP from the SC on down, and (b) the military is largely fine with the Russian acquisition of the US. And anyway, they are only following orders.
I'm not sure the military will go against Trump. The first step was opening dams in California. The next was removing people to El Salvador. They're making plans to invade Panama. When they're told to arrest and deport protesters, or invade Canada or Greenland, I think they'll follow orders.
"We would have once sent them to foreign lands to fight for democracy, but now, the very heart of our democracy is at risk within our own borders, and we need their defense at home."
YES!! Now. Before fElon gets top secret information at the Pentagon tomorrow about our equipment and military info regarding China. Gee... thanks Hegeseth for inviting fElon in on this you idiot traitor.
Absolutely! Trump is a traitor to his oath (not surprising given he’s a fascist), to our Constitution (not surprising given he’s a fascist), & to the people of the US (not surprising given he does not care 1 whit about the people as long as he can steal money from us)!!!
He is also giving orders to aid our enemies and hurt American interests and Ukraine too by dropping all cyber defenses vis a vis Russia and effectively inviting them on in.
yup. It would be really awesome if all these agencies we've spent a gazillion bucks arming, equipping, training, outfitting and educating would actually DO THEIR FKG JOB, huh. Jabba the Trump ain't signing your paychecks, bros - WE are. Remember us, the American People? Stop playing with Nazis.
In 2016 I told myself, the SC will never let him be a king, I was wrong. When he won this time, I said the military won’t answer his illegal requests, now his loaded it & fired the others. Democrats won’t challenge him, rep. are on board or scared. Let’s face it, we’re up the river without a paddle!
When they won't abide by the courts and the law, then the US military is really the only guardrail that is left. I also implore the Joint Chiefs to remove this usurper and his cabinet.
It will be civilians doing the deed. True patriots who have seen more than enough. Everyone else in a state of paralysis, including ex Presidents who are annoyingly silent.
I'm feeling powerless here, and I wish that the protesting did a lot more than it's doing now. Change takes time and in the meantime, I guess we all have to suffer and sacrifice.
You know, that's perhaps the only way I _don't_ want Trump to leave the White House. I want Trump out of office because he's destroying democracy. Replacing him with a democracy that exists at the sufferance of the military isn't an improvement. /1
What I mostly want from the military is for them to refuse orders and sit on their hands when millions of Americans finally descend on D.C. and demand Trump's impeachment and removal. /2
With what is happening since Trump and Musk moved in to the White House, we only have the federal courts to rely on. And if they defy any legitimate court orders, we only have the military to enforce law and order since DOJ has already been occupied by lawless groups.
That would be a coup. One of the most powerful & perhaps least appreciated strengths of our military is its subordination to civil authorities. Having served for 20+ yrs in the Corps, I say with confidence the best outcome is our military refusing to leave the barracks when ordered to the streets.
Uprising of the people, yes, not of the military. Your assertion cuts both ways — there are plenty of service members who will want to support a party or individual despite their oath to support and defend the Constitution, not an oath to a party or individual. Best the military stays neutral.
One does not let slip the dogs of war unless uncontrolled bloodshed is the desired outcome.
When armed service members face a crowd of protestors, they have an absolute right to self defense. They will rely on their training and those they trained with to protect themselves. That will not save us.
Some of them. The effort is definitely under way. Still trusting there are plenty yet who will uphold their oaths — which is essentially the same sworn by a POTUS/CINC, oddly enough.
The Judicial Branch is holding the line alone so far. Long road ahead. Gonna get much rockier before it gets smooth.
Liberty is not won by waiting for a hero to ride in—it’s seized by every patriot who dares to stand and fight! Stop looking for saviors. Be the resistance yourself. Freedom demands action from all of us, not just a chosen few. The people are the power! #Resist #PatriotsRise #LibertyOrDeath
take Musk,too
and the whole corrupt tWump Cabinet
and whi you're at it round up all the
complicit GOP members of Congress who are not pushing back one iota on tWump as he shits on the Constitution and they know it
I wish I trusted they'd do the right things, though. Decent competent top military brass were all removed right away. D.C. cops have, insanely, forgotten J6, and now assist DOGE break-ins. We're being betrayed at every possible turn by every possible entity.
Civil War?
Musk "The Ketamine King", Vance "The Odious", or any of the MAGA faithfull, I'm sure would not take a bullet for Trump "The Appeaser"
Puppeteer master Putin is loving this.
This is why they need to be separated from the Executive Branch. Look who is in charge. I promise, there are no one but sycophants in charge of the military right now. They fired anyone who would stand up.
The armed forces does solemnly swear (or affirm) that they will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; they will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. A military intervention? STOP THE 4TH REICH!
Since the election I’ve been saying it’s going to require military action to remove Trump because reps (and some dems like @schumer.senate.gov) are spineless cowards and he’s actively removing anyone in the military who will stand up to him. We the people need keep protesting the orange Antichrist
so you think the military should have to take responsibility for what the Democrats failed to do, what the repugs refused to do & what millions of stupid American voters couldn't figure out
I have no sympathy for farmers in Wyoming who voted for "it" while firing Liz Cheney for telling the truth
Unfortunately, under the U.S. legal framework, the military does not have the authority to arrest or detain a sitting president, even if there are allegations of violating the oath of office. So, we need enough repuglicans to grow a spine and help impeach his crooked ass.
The military will gun down unarmed protesters in the street with a smile on their face. But by all means please rise for our State Farm Hero of the Game.
Me too, but sorry, I'm a little lean on the "respect" part these days. The fascists have punched their ticket in the "respect" department. Okay, not sorry.
It's our duty to protect the people from "enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC." We pledge allegiance to the country, not the president. It's worded that way on purpose. For this exact reason. It's time to be physically doing something about Trump.
Trump attacked Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) for opposing a funding bill, calling him a "grandstander." But Massie stands for principles and transparency—unlike Jim Jordan and other corrupt, self-serving GOP traitors. Massie is a hero. Trump is a zero.
For the time being they will kowtow and do as they are told.
They all learned to do exactly that.
And my guess is that also quite a few of them hold Trump to be 'da man'.
They will do whatever he wants of them. And he will have no problem replacing those, who are obstinate.
The generals better stop kow towing to that arse Hedgseth. And evil mr trump who cheated in an election and stand up for the people who pay their wages!
Yes, impeach Trump now and LOCK HIM UP & THROW AWAY THE KEY. Trump is pure evil. And must be removed from office now and locked up until he drops dead. https://tinyurl.com/3te2v3sj
German people said the same thing in the 1930's, but no one was willing to do anything. They all complained while waiting for someone else to do something.
But…He didn’t actually put his hand on the Bible when he took the oath. That’s basically the same as crossing your fingers behind your back when you make a promise. So you really can’t hold him accountable for breaking an oath he faked (like every other fucking thing he fakes)
This is what I'm hoping will happen. I have to believe that there are more who a understand that their oath requires loyalty to America not the president. I'm not sure right now, though. 🥺
So say we all - at least the 99% of the global population that matters. The 1% has been manoeuvering and manipulating the pieces, exploiting the world and its resources to orchestrate this hellscape for at least 50 years because they're rich: being richer is all that matters to them. Fuck the rich.
I have mixed feelings about how I would handle it if I were still active duty in these times. The 70's and 80's were much less stressful despite the Viet Nam war that was still going on when I first joined the AF. Different world now.
The Marine Corps motto is Sempter Fidelis , meaning always faithful. That means faithful to the constitution , but not a fat felon , Russian agent , rapist thug nut job Let's see if they obey their oath of allegiance. Let's hope so
If you're all too chicken shit to do it step aside and deputize me as a Special U.S. Marshall or reactivate me as a Private and authorize me under the USMJ. It'll humiliate that lowlife piece of shit. Maybe he'll have an aneurysm at the gall of a private arresting that draft dodging mother fucker!!!
Manipulation 101 always cosplay you care & exploit the vulnerable. And republicans love war it creates more victims to exploit. And war & church go hand in hand abuse victims never know until it’s too late ⏰.
Trump should be tried for treason. Treason is any attempt to overthrow the government or impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance; the crime of giving aid or comfort to the enemies of one's government. Trump is in clear violation of the Constitution to which he is bound by Oath.
That would amount to a military coup d'etat!
Either we use the judicial system or we lose our democratic republic.
Also, F47 would invoke the Insurrection Act and declare martial law and end democracy.
We already had one major insurrection that cost over 700k lives.
He already ‘broke his Oath’ in his first term. If Jan 6th wasn’t ‘High Crimes & Misdemeanours’ then nothing is. He should already be behind bars. Got away with it, commits more crimes. 🤨
But why? Somehow I'm not seeing the connection. I mean I'm not stupid, but I'm not all that well politically informed. I'm learning over the last 8 years, but it's a lot of catch up.
Finally, the military will choose sides. There are more military members that will honor their oath to protect and serve than to kill innocent Americans. There are many social channels that reflect that view.
You totally good. Most people were not involved in what government did before 2016. It’s a lot to catch up and we never finish. It’s my opinion that we can use South Korea’s example of what happened when their government tried to issue martial law.
It ended the regime.
I admire your faith, but I’ll believe that when I see it. Thus far they have failed miserably. He was (rightfully) indicted, but the SCOTUS 6 ran interference for him, & he was able to run out the clock.
Im thinking the same thing too. They’re starting to want to make changes to the military and they got pushback from their own Republican Party. Let’s see how that goes.
Even if a few of his GOP go along with it, he won't leave and has the head of the military on his leash. Add in the law enforcement good ol boys who love Tя☭mp, no one will enforce the law and remove him. Unfortunately!
Only Putin would regret his investment in him!
What's that saying?
No time like the present!!
No more talking about Trump/Elon's non-democratic evil greedy deeds.- WE NEED TO ACT!!!
My #1 one priority help elect the Dems in few weeks so can control one branch of the government.
What's Yours #1 Priority to Save our Constitutional RULE of LAW?
Master Coach Hu
When armed service members face a crowd of protestors, they have an absolute right to self defense. They will rely on their training and those they trained with to protect themselves. That will not save us.
The Judicial Branch is holding the line alone so far. Long road ahead. Gonna get much rockier before it gets smooth.
and the whole corrupt tWump Cabinet
and whi you're at it round up all the
complicit GOP members of Congress who are not pushing back one iota on tWump as he shits on the Constitution and they know it
Is it true?
Trump "The Appeaser" is looking to sell Alaska back to Russia?
Putin has told Trump he wants it back !!
Civil War?
Musk "The Ketamine King", Vance "The Odious", or any of the MAGA faithfull, I'm sure would not take a bullet for Trump "The Appeaser"
Puppeteer master Putin is loving this.
Like lemmings over the cliff !!
THAT counts!
I have no sympathy for farmers in Wyoming who voted for "it" while firing Liz Cheney for telling the truth
They won't do that yet. Not yet.
They all learned to do exactly that.
And my guess is that also quite a few of them hold Trump to be 'da man'.
They will do whatever he wants of them. And he will have no problem replacing those, who are obstinate.
No exectations there
There are always more than enough of them, for who the own personal career is paramount.
History proves it.
The Nazi era showed it and the Stalin era in USSR showed it. The US is no different.
Remove Felon-34, or, we all die.
It IS this simple...
Time to return this nation to the people.
Isn't that what the 2nd Amendment is about?
Or, should we just stand by and wait until the SCOTUS gives us express permission to rise up?
It's an echo chamber in here; a lot of talk and anger, but not a lot of action.
While I am doing what I can locally, not many seem ready to take action.
Get on it ppl.
Either we use the judicial system or we lose our democratic republic.
Also, F47 would invoke the Insurrection Act and declare martial law and end democracy.
We already had one major insurrection that cost over 700k lives.
It ended the regime.
Roberts just fired the first warning shot re Judges !
We are fully on our own.