Socials were causing me a lot of stress and anxiety today and then I saw this comment. It's gotta be so much harder to navigate socials in your situation. Sending so much sympathy and understanding your way...
The fact that you acknowledged the fact that ignoring is the right thing to do makes you better than everysingle one of those dipshits that try to bring you down
We love you Viv. Just keep doing your thing. Too many "fans" focus too much on what they want instead of just enjoying things for what they are and letting a creator create. Be you.
I genuinely think people who take the chance to make and put something out there completely original and new, are often hit with the most ire. I’ve advised colleagues in the past to get off of socials during production periods to not only prevent unintended audience influence on the final product,
But to prevent further mental health issues, confrontations that cause more issues, etc. there’s also the potential issue of accidentally being influenced by a fans idea or headcanon and getting into some legal trouble. Not saying that’s your situation, but I do think a good general rule of thumb
Is to ignore what people say on social media about your projects. Death of the author happens in real time now because of social media, and it doesn’t help in the long run to be constantly aware of that. A lot of people I work with who’ve seen better success have specific times of day to use socials
And block tags related to their own works. On the flip side, colleagues who’ve struggled with mental health problems and social presence the most don’t know how or when to let go, actively seek out the people saying stuff about them, and trigger themselves on purpose- and they don’t get stuff done.
It takes a lot of discipline to walk away, it takes practice and patience. At the end of the day if people don’t like the show they can watch, read or do something else they enjoy- and the ones doing YouTube reviews are typically more contrarian for hate watching view counts, so def ignore that.
Viv, you care. You have passion. If you never explained a single process in your life, we wouldn't learn anything about what you do. People want jobs like this. Animation, directing- people want to go to school for these things. You're doing nothing wrong. You're allowed to stand up for yourself
Viv, it's fine, yeah nosey fuckers will make a big stink out of it but nobody's perfect. Hell, I'm rachet as shit on social media. I don't sugarcoat nothin'.
There's always going to be bad actors on the internet... either because they believe what they say or because they want to be "edgy" - better to not feed the trolls. Report, but not feed *offers e-hugs*
Petty put-downs & misrepresentations of my work would piss me off too. You handle it as well as anyone could, & better every day. Thank you for everything♥️
It's still incredible to see you knowing your characters inside and out, and the passion you display coming out swinging for your darlings is a fire I hope never goes out. Bad-faith criticism is left out there to fester far too often, and I wish more showrunners had their knives out!
Social media is a cesspit but the last episode of HB absolutely hammered in how fantastically well this show delivers on long-form storytelling. It's a triumph that you're giving this story the length to do it justice, at a time when so much queer media is getting axed.
I was just commenting w
friends that Helluva Boss is up there with Bojack Horseman in how willing it is to tackle sensitive themes, put its characters' flaws under the microscope, and have characters come undone and then grow as people as they confront the consequences of their actions.
It can be hard, as the interest tells to bring it the worst in people., but it also brings it the best. For every naysayer, there's easily a hundred that love you and what you and your team do. Don't forget that.
It's kinda hard, after all... everyone tries to find the balance on accept critics or just mere hate. You're doing what you can, hope see more of your series next year. Don't give up 😊💖
sorry but I don't think it's a valid point, they are her characters and she knows them and it's normal for her to get upset if someone misunderstands them in a blatant way, I just wish she can finally be at peace here, she has given us a lot and I would love the world to reward her for it.
As someone who relates to Angel Dust within my own trauma, it pisses me off when people say he's "bad representation" just cause THEY didn't develop it. It invalidates the experience of real victims with HS.
It's perfectly normal to get angry! Especially if it's a character you made with your soul.
Fun thing about some of the social media though (specifically Threads)? There are ways to sweep troll comments under the proverbial rug so no one has to deal with them.
There's always a lot of negativity on social media but we always ignore it and have people that defend us and give us hope that not everyone hates you and you've still got fans and family with you! ♥️
That is true. There will be lots of negativity on social media. But we will always look onto the bright side of the positive in social media and the internet itself.
Social media is both a cess pool, and somehow the best option for fandom interactions. Sadly, sometimes the first one infects the second one.
So many people love your stories, and are eagerly awaiting how you, and your amazing teams of people, will continue to share those stories in your way. 🤗
Well take your time. Also, I have some questions for you.
1. In Season 3 of Helluva Boss, will Stella finally recevies punishment for what she did once her involvement on hiring Striker to murder Stolas and how awful she treats Octavia once she is exposed?
A lot more eyes, and a lot of them will always find something to be mad about. What angers some random shouldn't get you down, Viv. Just keep being you, the people who understand will stay.
It's okay Viv, all things considered you're met with unreal levels of hate no matter what you do. Damned if you do, damned if you don't kinda thing. All you can do is your best, and that's the best anyone can do. 👍
we, who truly love you, your team, and your crafts, appreciate everything you've released and come out until now. and we're so proud of you for everything you've done and created. social media can be a cruel place too. so please take care of yourself always. ❤️
it's a pain in the ass to ignore what you see some times. you'll get it figured out eventually what you need to do to keep yourself safe. you got this!
You're only human and haters are always gonna hate. Some people aren't happy unless they're complaining about something or trying to ruin someone else's day. You got this!
You go girl, my suggestion is to take a week or two off of all socials (obviously letting the people know) and just work on whatever your working on and let it take a break off your brain just as someone who is definitely not famous, or probably ever will be, love your work and I hope you're well :3
You have zero to be apologetic for, you've created not one but two great unique and award winning series.
I've binged both shows to completion a dozen times each, and I have but one complaint but its an easily ignorable one.
Social media's a nightmare to manage, and it got worse under lockdown. Just keep doing your best, and if you have something to get off your chest, never be afraid to vent about what's eating you.
it's tough wanting to engage because the temptation is strong, whatever the reason may be for the engagement, learning to have the self-control is always good and I hope that ignoring will help you to not see so much of the bad on social media
It’s a sea, isn’t it? And we’re often assigned a navigator that often guides us through the choppiest waves, not necessarily through malice, but through unfamiliarity.
"We can only do the best we can with what we have. That, after all, is the measure of success: what we do with what we have." ― Marguerite de Angeli, 'The Door in the Wall' (1949)
This story was written to comfort children who were paralyzed by polio, but it works equally as well for modernity.
In 1944, one of Denmark's most accomplished dressage riders, Lis Hartel, contracted polio at the age of 23, while pregnant with her first child. Within just days, Hartel was completely paralyzed. After giving birth and three years of therapy, she regained function in all but both of her lower legs.
Child, let go of the idiots, you have two successful series and you have achieved your goal and you will continue to achieve it, inspiration is all around us and they don't care where you find ideas and creativity, let go of the jealous out-of-place idiots.
You don’t need to be so hard on yourself. You are amazing and it shows through your work. Us fans care about you and if you need anyone to lend an ear my DMs are open.
“Smile, my dear! You know, you're never fully dressed without one!"
You have every right to stand up for yourself! It’s harder now being in a spotlight because every little goddamn move is judged. It’s one thing to ask input (from mature sources) in order to improve or explore avenues, but to receive a condescending comment under the veil of “help”, is infuriating.
There’s only so much shoving someone can/will take before they rightfully snap back. I wouldn’t give a shit if I were ever in your scenario, lmao. There’s caring about how something is perceived, etc, but it opens you up to bullies too. It’s best that those who provide no substance be ignored.
We were not created for social media, they expose us too much and It is our instinct to seek to be safe. It's normal for it to be difficult, but your doing great, Viv!🩷
Block button is there for a reason. Continue your work for your enjoyment. Those ingrates who took your works for granted can just get off their high horse and F off. Just rmbr there are more ppl enjoying your works than those critiques will ever be❤️
Thank you for Hazbin and Helluva! Those shows helped me through a tough time and keeps doing so. I look forward to the upcoming seasons to both shows :)
personally, the topic was an aspect that I was a lil disappointed with initially during 2x1's release so if nothing else, this brought me a new interview to watch and gain understanding and new perspective \o/
People are pains because they feel like their opinions matter more than yours and they have to understand it’s not about what they want.
People will agree and disagree on things, and that’s okay, but they also need to be respectful about it. Ignore the haters Viv, they are not worth your time.
Is very hard to ignore, and you want to speak your mind like an individual. I completely understand given my job and previous jobs I've had. It might be wise to create an anon account where you can be more yourself without people being jerks
I saw your sentiment, and understood what you meant. But, the immediate reactionary responses are sometimes what some people consider a little too much. But understandably, your work you put into these characters and their stories, it's easy to see why you respond how you do,
I think the human want to speak out when something you love is being used against you is what compelled me to say something. But at the end of the day it does nothing but further useless discourse and I don’t think anyone needs more of that if it can be avoided.
We understand your sentiment when we saw that reactionary response. And the fact someone can tarnish your projects like that post, it shows some belittling of the work and effort that you put in and have your story portrayed as. I think we all know you meant no harm, but standing up for your work.
It’s hard to not react to such low-level, bad faith “takes”. It’s hard to be a creator in the public eye. Don’t be hard on yourself about it, empathy seems to be at an all time low online lately. Write the stories you wanna write!! Fuck em if the haters don’t like it! It’s not for them.
I don't know exactly what's going on, but I just want to say that I love your work so much! It's amazing!
I've discovered HB and HH recently, I've watched them multiple times in a month because I'm too addicted to your universe, your characters and your way to tell stories! You're a great artist 😍✨🥰
Thank you! I love what I've seen of the fandom for the moment! There are so much fanartists creating incredible stories and situations with my favorite characters, and there are a lot of great fanfictions! 😍
I haven't seen haters for the moment and I hope I won't bc I don't want to deal with them😕
Always remember that you are respected and admired in your field. Your creations has spawned a huge fan base with numerous creations of fan, art, animation, and stories. That is something to be proud of as so, few people have accomplished that
That is what the block button is for..lots of people unfortunately get off on harassing others😮💨. So i hot them with the ban hammer and move on. Just your fans love you and your hard work brings us so much in our saved mine!
Do you feel old yet? This is how I felt with Twitter. I did not like the flow of those threads. You're ~10 years younger than me and that is the age I started not getting it.
Take it easier on yourself, yeah? People on the internet are shitty. (I'm a fandom elder who's been around since the Die Young video. Both me and my HB/Venture Bros crossover fics can wait as long as necessary for the lore drop.)
(Violet) We understand. It is difficult. We hope that you will be able to navigate the social media hellscape without too much pain in the upcoming year.
There will unfortunately always be people who will get their jollies off tearing others down. It makes them feel important and powerful. Ignore those a$$holes. Instead, focus on us. The ones who think you are cool, talented, and amazing. We are much nicer a$$holes, I swear.
Vivienne, your work is so important and has done so much for so many. I know personally you've created something that really helped me through a tough breakup. You heal.
It's your show and your rules, no one has the right to tell you what to do with your characters. Love u!
take it easy, you're still just a human, you need to know that you're playing on a field of scissors with your smooth skin, in the internet game, you NEED armor, or attack, and I like how you don't succumb to that easily
You’re still the queen Viv! ^.^ don’t let those trolls and haters get you down~ both #HelluvaBoss and #HazbinHotel are shows that I’ll forever hold in my heart even long after I shuffle this mortal coil and join fizzy and Ozzie… IN THE HOUSE OF ASMODEUS~! :D
I’m sorry 💖 it is such a privilege to have you on SM and interacting with fans - you deserve nothing but adulation for your work (esp Helluva), and the themes you address with such emotional truth. I’m sorry for people who don’t have the emotional intelligence for it - they really don’t deserve it.
I love your work, and I am so excited to see what you do next. Don't let stupid people deter you from making what you want to make. <3 I'm sorry to hear people are giving you a hard time
People have a habit of focusing on the bad things and not the good that's happened. You're doing wonderful things in life. Don't let petty voices drag you down. If you need criticism, take it from someone you trust to have good taste, not someone out of the blue.
Its okay, its not something people normally get. It takes a lot to not respond. If you ever need a meme for support check this out. This ones dedicated to you vivizepop! REMEBER THIS when trolls come up to you online!!!!!!
Oh fooey! I was listening to your interview linked through there and it broke.
Ignore the twits for sure. Social media is an absolute quagmire of ego and bad takes.
It's always best to ignore those haters, do what you always love to do, because I will always give my full support to you and your entire Spindlehorse team.❤️✨
Girl it was the most innocuous response ever, you were right for what you said… don’t apologize for correcting a misunderstanding. If people view that as defensiveness they’re just hating for the sake of it and aren’t worth your time 😌
There was a critique about Viv that she took inspiration for Stella from Beatrice in BoJack Horseman but Beatrice is much more complex. So she explained that the Beatrice was made complex only much later in the series. She deleted it, I guess it is better not to feed the trolls.
Don’t be so hard on yourself,
You are human, don’t let those haters get to you because they don’t know what they’re missing or understand of how good a story is, the shows can tell. Keep on doing the things you love. It’s also important to focus on yourself. We love you, Viv.
You got this!!
I love helluva boss and hazbin those people are jealous that you have a successful well two successful shows! To cheer you up my fav character is blitzø since his arc is amazing from episode one to the finale he changed so much! In a good way
All I can say for next year it's that it will certainly be a powder keg ready to blow up if those pair of angels show up again approximately close to the 2nd season (Assuming it comes next of year of course).
I swear it's designed to promote and push some of the worst media analysis EVER
I have seen a couple of bad takes here on Blue sky but I swear that other site has a whole industry around it just to generate clicks for a few bucks of revenue
You’re only human . And it sucks because some people are put on this pedestal and are unable to BE human due to it. People are so comfortable with the way they portray someone they haven’t met before and I get wanting to nip it in the butt . You are valid and doing great 🖤✨
I don't know what happened but you can't please everyone, regardless of how much good intention you have! Be true to yourself no matter what others say and be around people who truly love and care about you! ✨️🌟🫶
The fact that you're trying to improve yourself is a great thing, Viv! It's undeniable that you have made mistakes, and it has led to a bad perception of you for many people, but your stories and your actions speak way louder, and the people worth having around are listening.
Relatable. It’s normal to have knee-jerk reactions, especially about things precious to you. 🖤 You’re doing your best- and that’s all anyone can ask. 🫂
You made one of the best cartoons ever keep up the awesome work Vivienne my favourite in helluva boss is moxxie Milly and Luna and for hazbin hotel it’s angel dust husk and Lucifer they are awesome.
We are all only humans ❤️ don’t put pressure on yourself. Feel… you have an access to feel ❤️ you are doing amazing and there like… thousands of people who are grateful to have somebody like you. I’m one of them
Do what director Hideki Kamiya does to anyone who says or posts something that's even SLIGHTLY pisses you off or is trite (and not only that, make it a habit you do out of pure instinct).
Dunno what happened but guessing the context, even if you answered with a hot take, you have the decency of apologies and accept your mistakes, and that's a big quality which not everyone is able to do
If you deal with destructive people, just ignore and block, I know it's not easy but worth more 🩵
What are people colplain8ng about now? 😭 everything you make is absolutely wonderful why do haters have to be so damn loud? Just remember there's plenty of us that love you and what you make <3
Adrealphus "incest" (he's gay)
Stella being a bitch (that's the point)
Stolas being excused for cheating (was it really cheating atp?)
Not killing off the gay family (mainly homophobes)
Millie being pregnant (God forbid a woman have hobbies)
Moxxie breathing (valid, he should be bullied /j)
I want to add to the voices that say: your world has changed mine for the better! I know even a hundred voices of support have a hard time drowning out one of hate but maybe a thousand can at least partly heal the damage... you're an icon don't let anyone tell you otherwise! 🔥❤️
You've got more than they'll ever have. You were totally right though, we're only two seasons in, and that part of the story hasn't been told yet. That fact disqualifies whatever that person was saying, because they didn't have enough brains to consider something so simple. Slay Queen 🤘❤️🔥
Ik it's hard and I need to do the same. I find people only do and say mean things for fun and to get under people skin. Please don't let them get to you
Dont know what this is about, but if this is about that one show you made which I liked until I realized the implications of stuff in it, boohoo? It's valid criticism
I just want you to know I love Stella as a character, and I'm sure her back story is just as rich and complex and Bea's.
Bojack is one of my comfort shows, I've watched it through more times than I can count. Helluva Boss and Hazbin have joined the ranks of my comfort shows. ❤️
Social media has a really dark streak in it because some people tend to forget that there are living people behind the screens. Please be gentle with yourself. Your true fans love you as a person, not just as a creator. We want what is best for you. So do what you need to, in order to be happy. 💛💛💛
I miss the days when one of the first social media platforms was Neopets. However, despite being "for kids", Neopets had moments of drama and toxicity. ("You, my friend, stumbled into an incredible world of wonders, where anything can happen! ...except for swearing.")
Your shows are beautiful. They make me laugh, cry, and think. Anyone who hates on them probably hasn't actually seen them or is too dumb to get it. YOU are amazing, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I look forward to seeing what you do next.♥️
We love you viv!! 💕
~fuck them, you're doing great~
Don't be too harsh on yourself!
I was just commenting w
Venting is a healthy way to release frustrations, end of day we are all human 💜🫂
Not what others had said to her
But youre right, especially when it comes to Angel Dust! He's a near perfect display of hypersexuality as a coping mechanism.
People call him a "gay stereotype" but the irony is that hypersexuality is MORE COMMON for homosexual victims of SA/CSA.
It's perfectly normal to get angry! Especially if it's a character you made with your soul.
There's always a lot of negativity on social media but we always ignore it and have people that defend us and give us hope that not everyone hates you and you've still got fans and family with you! ♥️
So many people love your stories, and are eagerly awaiting how you, and your amazing teams of people, will continue to share those stories in your way. 🤗
1. In Season 3 of Helluva Boss, will Stella finally recevies punishment for what she did once her involvement on hiring Striker to murder Stolas and how awful she treats Octavia once she is exposed?
2. When will we get to see Deerie again?
I've binged both shows to completion a dozen times each, and I have but one complaint but its an easily ignorable one.
The own health is the most immportant think dosent matter which way ^^
keep doing your best, Viv 👍
This story was written to comfort children who were paralyzed by polio, but it works equally as well for modernity.
“Smile, my dear! You know, you're never fully dressed without one!"
People will agree and disagree on things, and that’s okay, but they also need to be respectful about it. Ignore the haters Viv, they are not worth your time.
I've discovered HB and HH recently, I've watched them multiple times in a month because I'm too addicted to your universe, your characters and your way to tell stories! You're a great artist 😍✨🥰
I haven't seen haters for the moment and I hope I won't bc I don't want to deal with them😕
It's your show and your rules, no one has the right to tell you what to do with your characters. Love u!
Ignore the twits for sure. Social media is an absolute quagmire of ego and bad takes.
You have millions of fans, just becuase one person doesnt like it doesnt mean shit
#Fuckthehaters 🤘🤘
Without you and your creations I wouldnt be where I am right now, you have changed lives
You are human, don’t let those haters get to you because they don’t know what they’re missing or understand of how good a story is, the shows can tell. Keep on doing the things you love. It’s also important to focus on yourself. We love you, Viv.
You got this!!
I swear it's designed to promote and push some of the worst media analysis EVER
I have seen a couple of bad takes here on Blue sky but I swear that other site has a whole industry around it just to generate clicks for a few bucks of revenue
Happy 2025!!! 🐍🐍🐍
They almost always come with some HEAVY harassment towards Viv and staff.
If you want I can explain some of the recent most widespread issues and why it started in dms. (To avoid flooding)
Mine are so dm me and hopefully it let's me reply!
These are not good times for the whole world.
People are so cynical online nowadays and looking for "gotchya" moments that so many interactions are just spiteful now -.-
Id say keep doing you, haters are gonna hate and you're gonna create
If you deal with destructive people, just ignore and block, I know it's not easy but worth more 🩵
Stella being a bitch (that's the point)
Stolas being excused for cheating (was it really cheating atp?)
Not killing off the gay family (mainly homophobes)
Millie being pregnant (God forbid a woman have hobbies)
Moxxie breathing (valid, he should be bullied /j)
Half the HH and HB "criticism" is just "ew profanity".
Viv is talking about dealing with the toxicity and harassment surrounding her and her staff, which you seem to contribute to.
Bojack is one of my comfort shows, I've watched it through more times than I can count. Helluva Boss and Hazbin have joined the ranks of my comfort shows. ❤️