The setting of this episode was absolutely amazing. The videography was incredible. The darkness, the fragility, and the depth of Harmony's character portrayed by Arquette, amplified by the cinematography, was amazing.
It’s absurdly good. I rarely ever watch a show twice but Severance has so many layers of excellence it’s absolutely worth it! For the second viewing I focus more on visuals than dialogue/plot.
You guys are simply amazingly talented and dedicated.
Didn't like this episode. Too little happened. Beautiful cinematography, to be sure, but the end of the season is near and so many questions are unanswered.
Hope we don't end like the last "season" of Squid Game.
Omg this one was amazing. The David Lynch vibes are strong yet y'all did your own thing. The shot in the mother's room with the light from the window and the ice breaking blended to the waves crashing; perfect. The clues and metaphors and dialogue!! This might be my favorite yet.
And thank you for telling us, in the podcast, more about this episode's (real-life) location. I was overwhelmed by its beauty and was wondering where it was shot.
It felt so real. Like I could read in Nat Geo: “the ether factories went overseas in the 80s, leaving towns decimated and 8 year olds unemployed and addicted.”
It wasn’t surprising. What was surprising was that I felt rage for her character’s blight even though her invention that she deserves credit for is terrible for mankind. 😂
Inserting the aunt, gave me allot of context..... the dazed and confused me, since episode 1, see the real story.... so much of corporate America,,, Incredible Symbolism!
From the first episode of the second season. it’s common for series that get renewed. The first season was self contained. Now they are trying to branch out, to tell additional stories. which makes it disjointed and hard to follow.
Strange I think its TOO contained within what happened last Finale. I almost feel like we havent strayed far enough away from that plot point. Like we're almost still stuck there.
If you're lost I'd recommend chatting with a friend who understands it, or watching some youtube vids.
I know it's dividing fans now but seriously this episode was packed full of clues and metaphors. I think people aren't used to this style of story telling anymore. But for me who loves that stuff, I felt well fed after years of being given only empty calorie tv. I loved it.
I swear thats the most fleshed out and emotionally connected Ive been with a character I've known for 10 minutes. All that history between him and Harmony, the weight of the trauma he holds. Impressive stuff.
So good. He personified that town and Harmony’s bleak childhood. The acting, character development, and world building in this episode were the best of the series. Loved watching Harmony pivot and resolve.
OMG. I kept looking at him and looking at him and through all the hair I could see he was a Hansome Guy Actor, but he was still hard to identify. Wasn't until credits that I did.
It reminds me of what GE did to Pittsfield, MA. The city depended on them as number 1 employer; they controlled labor pool. Secondary biz couldn't compete. When they left town died. GE left pcbs polluting Housatonic river. Town of lee still fighting the dumping in a landfill of their pollution.
Since Phantasm II and Drugstore Cowboy (I lived in the area 80 percent of that film was shot in) that’s a guy I love spotting when he turns up in things.
I was one of those waiting. Plot progression is important.playing a guessing game gets old hat eventually.If it keeps up i’ll just binge watch it in fast forward when its over.
Really?! I didn’t know that…my first memory of him on the screen is actually Twister. Which I wound up seeing because I loved Bill Paxton from Near Dark, Aliens and Weird Science
We need more crazy Aunt Sissy
It’s absurdly good. I rarely ever watch a show twice but Severance has so many layers of excellence it’s absolutely worth it! For the second viewing I focus more on visuals than dialogue/plot.
You guys are simply amazingly talented and dedicated.
Hope we don't end like the last "season" of Squid Game.
Great f’n show btw, most I’ve been entertained since Fargo!
Iceberg Alley
June-August is the best to experience hiking trails & all its splendor.
I don't know anyone who regretted making the trip.
And thank you for telling us, in the podcast, more about this episode's (real-life) location. I was overwhelmed by its beauty and was wondering where it was shot.
What? A power-hungry man stole the well-thought-out designs of a woman?
I am shocked!
If you're lost I'd recommend chatting with a friend who understands it, or watching some youtube vids.
Tremendous stuff.
Thanks for sharing these
Definitely going to check that out. Loving the show, you guys. 🖼🐐🎈🛗🪇
This show.
What an episode!
The bottles & rags.
Absolute beautiful (in its despair) job! Thank you.
That was a bit spooky 😜 #severance