Let’s stop calling it disinformation and call it what it really is. Lies. Lies kill peoples. Lies cost lives. The people who claim facts don’t care about your feelings sure have a lot of feelings about being told the truth and feelings about proven life saving medicine and they feel lies matter.
My wife's RSV vaccination was denied as they say the CDC no longer requires it for "her" (age, health, etc.). I got the vaccine last year and I'm older.
So, she can't get it as her insurance will not cover if the CDC does not recommend it.
makes me cry.
it really seems they want people to die. some truly twisted, psycho, sick-o version of "herd immunity/survival of the fittest"
All I can say to these monsters is Fuck You!
Has anyone been a bigger embarrassment to their family than Brainworm Bob? If you hooked his father and uncles' coffins up to a turbine, you could power Times Square for a century.
Gov. Abbot offers prayers to the family. He should have the parents arrested for child neglect. But it's Texas where it's illegal to have an abortion because the life of the child has to be protected. But a measles vax to protect a child? It's not even hypocrisy - it just plain stupid.
Texas. Where they will call for a life sentence for a doctor saving a woman's life, but not punish parents who let their kids get killed from an easily preventable disease.
This is so, so sad. #Measles is such a debilitating disease. People, especially children, die from it, or can suffer life-long complications (neurological).
I am not a cryer, but this brought tears to my eyes. I hope you know how much good you do. Some days I think there’s no point in continuing the fight, then I see one of your pieces that clarifies the stakes perfectly, and it really gives me strength.
Children cannot choose for themselves, and it's looking like we're going to have to take children away from people who are too ignorant to live in the modern world.
Don't you dare touch that embryo! We will put you and your doctors in prison even if your life is at risk.
Don't get your born children vaccinations to protect them from known diseases. Vaccines are safe and effective, but it's against our belief for people to be healthy
Parents who were vaccinated themselves without side effects from the vaccine are sacrificing their children but a fetal demise abortion is criminal. Those parents should be charged with child abuse or neglect. Vaccines saves lives. COVID deaths have diminished greatly. Wake the hell up people
"Connecting the Dots" ws always my favorite coloring book..instead of coloring 'in the lines'..The point was always "getting the big picture, before the dots all were officially connected".
if Jumping to conclusions was in error,..the human race would be extinct, long ago. I hear a growl,.tigers?
I always love your political cartoons Mike but this one is too realistic it's fuckin scary. 2 people have died from measles in Texas so far 1 a child. And that's what Media knows. Remember trump order them not to mention any more cases definitely no more deaths, numbers prb 3x what was said,
Unfortunately in that part of Texas they thinks it's God's will they never use vaccines...I know the number is 3x this cuz it was 110 cases 2½ weeks ago when trump ordered no more new cases reported.
I lost my Son 5 yrs ago from Covid-he was just 41. I'm afraid This MTF will cause another pandemic & millions will die, They don't care it's about power money and retribution. There's no plan just destruction.
Horrible. To say that kids should be exposed and suffer through these diseases, when theres an intelligent, proven public health solution called MMR Vaccine, is lunacy policy, not smart, high tech protection for vulnerable children.
Ignorant parents.
So, she can't get it as her insurance will not cover if the CDC does not recommend it.
WE ARE SUFFERING because of RFK, Jr.
it really seems they want people to die. some truly twisted, psycho, sick-o version of "herd immunity/survival of the fittest"
All I can say to these monsters is Fuck You!
Every life is precious.
Children cannot choose for themselves, and it's looking like we're going to have to take children away from people who are too ignorant to live in the modern world.
Don't get your born children vaccinations to protect them from known diseases. Vaccines are safe and effective, but it's against our belief for people to be healthy
if Jumping to conclusions was in error,..the human race would be extinct, long ago. I hear a growl,.tigers?