I recall hearing this in a televised interview. I don't know if People ever published it, but unless I've just heard it too many times, I'm pretty sure he said this. 🤔
I got dinged on both Facebook and Instagram by their “fact-checkers” for this picture being false. I put it right back up and told them they were fucking liars and only said that because it made their orange Jesus look bad.
"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible."
no, this 100% happened, the "debunk" is what's fake. millions of people as well as myself have seen the original clip from the interview before it was wiped from the internet
The article is fake. I've looked for it countless times....the internet is forever, nothing disappears. If it were real it would have been everywhere like his other scandals. Don't be Alex Jones
I pay attention to the political environment because as a disabled black man I have to. I research everything so I know how to navigate the environment safely. False talking points add validity to the maga movement. I will not validate racism and idiocy. I believe what I can verify thoroughly
and honestly? as you should. you don't have any reason to believe me, i have nothing to back up what i'm claiming. but i know what i saw and i know it's true despite my lack of proof
i only saw a small portion with trump saying what was in the quote, along with a few extra stuff added onto it like the question that was asked beforehand. if there's even more that's been cut out i'm not aware of it
There ARE ways to make things disappear from the internet - especially if you have money and/or 'connections'.
Slanderous and libelous items vanish all the time!
But yeah - this is fake crap!
What interview? Where can I watch it? I would love to share if proven. There is enough verifiable evil from trump without spreading unsubstantiated memes
Show ANY PROOF of your claim and I will happily concede. "Trust me bro" is not evidence. trump is a POS and lying gives teeth to his anti democratic bullshit. Show proof or I'm done with you 🤷🏿♂️
yes, i actually am. the original post is getting a lot of the facts wrong, but the conclusion is true, which is why i'm still fighting for it. trump did say this.
It was an alleged interview in people magazine, not a video interview, so no, you didn’t. Don’t be like the Trump-fluffers. Evidence or it didn’t happen.
not like this proves my point, but we believe in lots of things despite a lack of any evidence. everything we know is ultimately built upon assumptions we cannot prove
those assumptions are still very different than this, but it shows that things can happen without evidence
The entire branch of science begs to differ. While we don’t know everything, our knowledge base is built on observing, documenting, and repeatedly testing things under peer review. You shouldn’t believe things with no evidence. That makes no sense.
1. This HAS been debunked; the quote was attributed to a People Magazine interview, but no evidence of said interview exists.
2. The idea you're expressing here is why right-wing people were convinced there was a child sex trafficking ring in the basement of Comet Ping Pong. Be better than that.
WHEN did you see the interview?
You maybe saw something VERY LIKE this, but not this!
Trump said; "We won with young, with old, with highly educated, we won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated." @ his caucus night rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, Febr 23, 2016. it was repeated many times.
I wish our side would be more careful about misinformation and remove it when they are told. This person just left it up to be re-shared after multiple people told them it was false.
We all know Trump appeals to dullards. Don't need a phony newspaper clipping to confirm that.
Thank you. This is part of the problem. When they cry fake news they see things like this going around and then think it’s all fake news. We need to stop spreading false info.
Be accurate. He didn't say this in an interview with People Magazine in 1998. There's no evidence that he never said this. Yes, I know that's not the way proof works, but I don't care right now.
I’m really sorry, but facts > your feelings. If you want to ignore the facts and run through life with your feelings deciding everything, go purchase a red Maga hat, propose to your cousin, and go to your local high school and protest science and books. You’ll fit right in
Fake. I actually fell for it when I first saw it. It's much easier to fall for disinformation when it seems reasonable & you agree with the politics. We must never ever let ourselves share this garbage.
I can believe this is fake. Not because Republicans aren't the dumbest voting group at the moment.. But because, Trump is too dumb himself to have made that observation.
Trump won the 2024 elections by 77,284,118 votes, plus 89,000,000 accomplices living in a parallel universe -where justice is magically served, schools, roads, hospitals magically happen ✨
We all wish, but we all know.
With civil rights comes civil duty to research, fact-check and use critical thinking.
Living in a parallel universe disqualifies from taking part in collective decisions about our common reality.
I saw the interview too; but he never said that. He mentioned running for president someday but nothing about Republicans being dumber or more gullible (it’s true, but he never said it). Don’t feed false information.
Some people don't realise the truth is more valuable than any amount of "likes".
Some people, when given the chance, choose to not even reconsider.
They're a danger to society but entertaining their lunacy is a waste of time anyway so I just 🚮
Yeah I remember this being shared some time ago, and I imagine the poster probably doesn't realise, but I do wish people who have originated these images would stop, cos like you said, there's enough awful things he's done and doing anyway. Fake stuff just makes it look like we need to invent them
It actually was true. I heard his choice to run on radio. Can’t remember which radio show he was talking to but another radio show was playing the interview making fun of it.
it's basic fucking integrity. i think "don't stoop to their level" is a fucking stupid philosophy in a lot of things, but spreading misinformation is a glaring exception imo
This quote was debunked, People Magazine themselves even said they never had a quote like that from Trump. Please stop giving the MAGAs legitimate fake news, they use it to dismiss the real things that Trump actually said
This was a false story unless someone was a mind-reader. It could not be substantiated anywhere as a credible source. It sounds like something he could have said in private, though, but otherwise false.
This has been debunked but he never was accepted by Democrats or the Hollywood scene. The inevitably of him joining Republicans was there. Lo and behold he figured out how to manipulate them and grift at levels never seen before.Then comes Russian support,chaos ensues and here we are two months in.
Donald Trump did not say that Republicans are “the dumbest group of voters.” The quote, that claims he said this in a 1998 People magazine interview, is entirely fabricated. People magazine confirmed it has no record of such a statement and factchecks have consistently debunked the claim as false.
This is false. This is not real. It has been proven false repeatedly. We are no better than Trump if we promote lies. He is a horrific human being. We don't need to behave like those that we hate.
By insisting on taking the high road, even as your opponent is taking a chainsaw to your legs. Fascists don't care about truth or facts, and yet we're still fact-checking whether people are quoting Trump accurately. The fact of the matter is the same: Trump has contempt for his supporters.
This is one of the few things Trump is good at... choosing marks for his grift... Too bad the Press has chosen to ignore his obvious con and instead try to play up his "legitimacy" as a politician, instead of showing him for what he is, a cheap con man with not an once of human decency.
Please delete the post. It has been debunked a dozen times since first appearing in 2015. Snopes debunked it then and many more have done so since then.
The banality of evil. Good people doing nothing to stop evil. The American empire by this argument has no right to exist. Especially now if we want to live. American racism inspired the third reich So is anyone really surprised by bipartisan fascist collaboration Wake up
to everyone saying this didn't happen, it DID. the "debunk" is what's fake. millions of people as well as myself have seen the original clip from the interview before it was wiped from the internet. he did say this.
Isn't it crazy?? I thought he was being interviewed by Barbra Walters or someone like that. I remember him saying that. Then all evidence seemed to be wiped off the internet. It's some high level gas lighting.
@mlsins.bsky.social Cmon' dude, CORRECT YOUR ERROR!. Trump never said what you claim he said. In 1 aspect I agree with you...FTrump, but you still gotta be legit.
You can't fight misinformation with more misinformation. This is untrue and should stop circulating. He's said plenty of awful shit, we don't need to make things up.
Snopes is corporate owned now. Do not use them for fact checking. While they are correct in this instance, their shit is biased now. Just saying, find a neutral source.
Thank you. He actually didn’t say it, but once it was put out there, I’ll bet he wishes he said it! He’s just that stupid! And ANY attention, good or bad, is a plus for a malignant narcissist like that orange asshole!
It is true just like his 5th shoot someone!!
He was always a Democrat in the early days! Plenty of it from the old Howard Sten days he was always on!!
Talking his shit!!!
Thank you. I absolutely agree. I'm having to spend almost as much time researching false claims against Trump as Trump's lies. All of us have to be better.
Do you have a source to verify it? Regardless, it was not from an interview with People magazine, but if you have the source, that would be helpful so we can verify and know that we are shariny a truth vs sharing something that is not verified.
I have just done a search on Google and Youtube, funny how we can't find it. It's been taken down. I can't even repost this picture on Facebook. Funny that?? I watched it at the end of last year, and have watched many times before that. I love Parki.
‘People’ did get it right though when they had supporting testimony by women who were assaulted by 🍊 and denied by him after those Hollywood tapes were revealed.
You are correct, but he did say this: The Republicans are too far right. And I don’t think anybody’s hitting the chord, not the chord that I want to hear, and not the chord that other people want to hear, and I’ve seen it.
Yeah.......he actually said that about the party he controls🤦♀️
That's been around wi CE the early days of his first election and been proven to be fake. Don't be like Trump and spread misinformation when the truth is damning enough.
Fake. The sentiment is his but he certainly never did. CNN confirmed it is fake. I was going to repost but I always factcheck first. Reliable sources all label it fake.
I liked this and asgoing to repost. However I do not repost or follow anyone without research. This, if you google it, is fake. Even CNN, who would have liked it to not be, said it’s fake.
Now I’m sure he has thought this, who hasn’t, because it is true, they believe fox and are not thinkers.
I think if we stick to facts we're playing a better game. There are so many horrendous things Trump says and does, we don't need to spread rumors, it only weakens our case against the son of a bitch.
While it is 1,000,000% what he thinks and says in private, this has been debunked for years as *not* an actual quote. So this is one meme we gotta stop sharing!
LOL. No, you did not "see it yourself." This was literally debunked when it was first shared in 2015. He does and says plenty of horrible stuff, we don't need to spread bs. Are YOU a bot🤔?
Used to be able to find a video online of that interview and be able to watch those words coming from his yap. I believe his team did a pretty good job of scrubbing it because last time I went looking for it I couldn't find it.
Thats a little unfair... I agree that we should not spread disinformation, but for more logical reasons.
But I don't think propaganda and disinformation counts as 'nazi shit', it's just a tool and needs to be applied judiciously and carefully... and THATS how we are different from those bastards.
You’re right it is unfair, to those people who do good work then to turn around and spit on them by spreading bullshit. It is Nazi shit when the current admin is doing nazi shit and using propaganda to push that Nazi shit.
Oh... I am not in disagreement that the current admin is way down the fascist rabbit hole...
I was arguing that those on our side questioning why we shouldn't use the tactics of our opposition against them, is not quite at the same level 'nazi shit'.
I don't agree. We have a leadership problem. If everyone on both sides just lies all the time, what happens to the truth? Will you promote a future of a contest of the liars? Best lie wins?
Can I just get this right? Are you advocating making shit up for electoral advantage?
You forget. MAGA is the hub of fake news. They disbelieve the truth when it goes against their hero. If we make shit up they will just point to all the evidence it's not true and dismiss...
Honestly, fuck the USA. Too many of you even among the 'good guys' have lost the plot now. You need quarantining from normality. You've infected too much as it is.
Get back to us when you've got the shit out of your system.
I like your energy but this ain't it, bro. when we say you can't win a game against people who don't play by the rules, the answer isn't to become corrupt and untrustworthy too. There's a fine line between playing dirty and being a fkn slimeball, we still have to maintain integrity.
But, if we spread disinformation, you can be sure that someone over there will use this to imply that ALL our information is false or suspect. They play dirty, and while we are not going to be able to keep our hands clean, we should avoid giving them any ammunition to use against us...
They are already doing that and is telling only the truth will never stop them from claiming everything we say is a lie, but, I do agree that we should be better.
That alone should have disowned them from ever being a GOP nominee but he took over with the help of the tea baggers or tea party and then the maga nut jobs
First, tell me what the hell you're talking about, I comment on about 75 to 100 posts a day, so I have no idea what you're talking about. Just give me more information.
It is obviously false because Fox News didn’t have the audience then it does now and so the reference doesn’t track with the timeline. It is not something that anybody would say in the late 90s.
Last I checked, Snopes isn’t as accurate as people like to think. I’ve heard people name drop that site so much to try to prove they’re right when they’re not that the very name of the site itself makes me cringe. Hate that name.
Snopes shows how they come to the conclusion of it being fake. Please show how you know it to be true.
We are supposed to be better than MAGA. Research the
stories before you jump on a bandwagon.
*It's proven, that he can lie maga believes him
*It's proven that maga believes anything from Fox.
*It's proven he ran for presidency as a republican
*it's also proven that they are stupid by voting for him a 2nd time.
So the only thing needed is an updated picture
I remember seeing the video recording of this Barbara Walter's interview. It was supposedly fake or never existed like some Mandela effect. I couldn't find it anywhere after his first term.
Oh thank you!!! I've been asking everyone in the comments(who said they saw it) if they remembered barbra walters interviewing him and him saying that statement (because that is what I remember). It's crazy how it was wiped from the web. This is the twilight zone days.
Definitely some twilight zone BS.
If Muck has granted himself admin. access to most all gov't electronic data, how easy will it be for him to make people disappear.
There was always a physical paper trail. Now he will be able to erase all gov't documentation of your existence, or worse.
ELECTION DISCREPANCIES: UNVEILING THE TRUTH, NATHAN TAYLOR, FROM ELECTION TRUTH ALLIANCE. Nathan Taylor from the Election Truth Alliance (ETA) discusses potential election result discrepancies on The Mark Thompson Show on YouTube. The ETA is a non-partisan organization focused on verifying elections
This was known long ago and during his first term. MAGA has seen this. So have republicans. That’s how incredibly dumb they can be. But how do you use this to change their thinking? That’s the question.
It isn’t true. No date no page cited . Reuters says this lie has popped up 5 times on social media since 2015. Lying to fight a liar makes you what exactly? Trump is evil possibly the Antichrist of Revelation a rapist a procurer of prostitutes and a chronic daily liar and flabby. He finally got a
Others have said that too but it was unverifiable after extensive researching. People are confusing other things he has said to Stern in the past with that.
Here is that video I think you're referring to.
Not so much saying he'd run as a Republican, but saying that the economy is better under a Democratic president https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLgOUI8CE88&t=1s
Oh, I beg to differ it means ignorant if you look at the thesaurus, and you look at the words, describing uneducated
He just said it in a nicer way without saying that his followers are ignorant and would not insult them because he needs them well their vote
When you're fighting the enemy of the people, who have choicen to become Trump's personal TrumPets blown their horns to the same tune as Trump, only Trump tells the true all else is fake news, then you sow fake news they will double down & just say see we told you so, so stop the stupidity get woke!
"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. "It's, like, incredible."
i saw it. i heard him say it. i don't need to make up lies to paint trump in a bad light, and i'm not. he did say this.
Slanderous and libelous items vanish all the time!
But yeah - this is fake crap!
i have no evidence. objectively. but just because i can't prove myself doesn't mean what i'm saying is any less true
those assumptions are still very different than this, but it shows that things can happen without evidence
2. The idea you're expressing here is why right-wing people were convinced there was a child sex trafficking ring in the basement of Comet Ping Pong. Be better than that.
And its hellishly powerful; https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/mandela-effect#examples
You maybe saw something VERY LIKE this, but not this!
Trump said; "We won with young, with old, with highly educated, we won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated." @ his caucus night rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, Febr 23, 2016. it was repeated many times.
We all know Trump appeals to dullards. Don't need a phony newspaper clipping to confirm that.
(Couldn't resist saying one of his lines there.)
There’s endless proof online & in libraries in old magazines etc of this being proven false
He’s filthy enough as it is
we don’t need to lie about him
We all wish, but we all know.
Living in a parallel universe disqualifies from taking part in collective decisions about our common reality.
Some people, when given the chance, choose to not even reconsider.
They're a danger to society but entertaining their lunacy is a waste of time anyway so I just 🚮
Janey had it right
#fightfascism #fightnazis
#protest #resist #persist
#staystrong #wewillwin
All you have to do is look at all the Haitians hunting pets "reporting" from Fox, OAN, & Newsmax.
(all posted at least 50 times)...
It's hard enough most days to keep my scalp attached to my head.
These stupid big accounts that push crap for follows, doesn’t make it easier.
Don't be a stupid follower.
This was when he was sued by the NY AG.
I was very young and I remember reading it in the VOICE. 😊 Thx
The impulse to share and promote takes we agree with is strong, we must be stronger and take the one second to confirm.
Let's not be a part of the problem 👇
Put it in the pile of shit containing his lies, misinformation, misdirection, fraud, grift, gaslighting, punching down, minimizing.
It doesn’t fucking matter to me. I couldn’t think less of him regardless.
The banality of evil. Good people doing nothing to stop evil. The American empire by this argument has no right to exist. Especially now if we want to live. American racism inspired the third reich So is anyone really surprised by bipartisan fascist collaboration Wake up
Trump’s stupidity regarding borders and border security!
Are the answer
He’s been horrible from the beginning.
Biased in what way? They have consistently been correct.
Reuters is actually a fair and neutral fact check. NPR is another great source.
He was always a Democrat in the early days! Plenty of it from the old Howard Sten days he was always on!!
Talking his shit!!!
I would like to share it if true, but not if it isnt.
As you said: there's *plenty* of legit shit to attack him on. Inventing stuff only hurts your own credibility 🤦♂️
Yeah.......he actually said that about the party he controls🤦♀️
Knowledge not known in another part of the country is silence finds its own agreement
Post it now as a quote and it would be pure to one’s ears or ignored well. ?
Now I’m sure he has thought this, who hasn’t, because it is true, they believe fox and are not thinkers.
I think if we stick to facts we're playing a better game. There are so many horrendous things Trump says and does, we don't need to spread rumors, it only weakens our case against the son of a bitch.
Let's stick to the shit he's actually said—and there's plenty.
There is plenty of stuff Trump actually said that is despicable, let’s focus on that — no need to invent shit.
But I don't think propaganda and disinformation counts as 'nazi shit', it's just a tool and needs to be applied judiciously and carefully... and THATS how we are different from those bastards.
I was arguing that those on our side questioning why we shouldn't use the tactics of our opposition against them, is not quite at the same level 'nazi shit'.
You forget. MAGA is the hub of fake news. They disbelieve the truth when it goes against their hero. If we make shit up they will just point to all the evidence it's not true and dismiss...
What do you think you will achieve?
Honestly, fuck the USA. Too many of you even among the 'good guys' have lost the plot now. You need quarantining from normality. You've infected too much as it is.
Get back to us when you've got the shit out of your system.
That’s what’s at stake.
It's misinformation, and the left needs to be better than that lest we create our own hell while replacing theirs.
It is the ONLY way to have integrity.
But, if we spread disinformation, you can be sure that someone over there will use this to imply that ALL our information is false or suspect. They play dirty, and while we are not going to be able to keep our hands clean, we should avoid giving them any ammunition to use against us...
... but we can verify its accuracy. Hopefully swaying some a little bit at a time.
But the moment they call out a lie and show it to be so, will lead some to believe them the rest of the time.😔
It's been doing the rounds since 2016.
its debunked since 2015.
just google it.
5 seconds.
you MUST factcheck everything today.
when you don't do that, u get lost.
He never said that.
Why do the same bullshit misinformation and lies as the maga-moron cult do?
debunked by Snopes.
We are supposed to be better than MAGA. Research the
stories before you jump on a bandwagon.
*It's proven, that he can lie maga believes him
*It's proven that maga believes anything from Fox.
*It's proven he ran for presidency as a republican
*it's also proven that they are stupid by voting for him a 2nd time.
So the only thing needed is an updated picture
If Muck has granted himself admin. access to most all gov't electronic data, how easy will it be for him to make people disappear.
There was always a physical paper trail. Now he will be able to erase all gov't documentation of your existence, or worse.
Not so much saying he'd run as a Republican, but saying that the economy is better under a Democratic president
Ironic how he now uses the far right to get what he wants....
He just said it in a nicer way without saying that his followers are ignorant and would not insult them because he needs them well their vote