Watching American Republican congressmen attack NATO alongside tech oligarchs only reinforces my belief that the U.S. won’t last four years without some form of disruptive event: unrest, secessionism, or other catastrophic events. It’s like watching the USSR’s decline speedrun.
This might actually be more like the Roman Empire*
*Dear fellow Americans, please realize most of y'all do NOT reside in the modern equivalents of the Rome Metro Area or Constantinople, so you DON'T have centuries of Senator Horse left 🫤
On the ground, NOT ALL OF IT DID
y la economía también
Solo puede acabar igual en lo referido al autoritarismo
choose love
Even Russia has a thing that they call "election" though it isn't supposed to have an unprepared outcome
Trump's world is super VUCA: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.. nobody knows what tomorrow is gonna bring ☠
Maybe he will start a war to gather the nation behind him.
It needs to happen this year.
what's in the project 2025 playbook?
This will momentarily slowdown the Nazis
But this mean FULL European support for Ukraine, with boots on the ground in western parts for support and AD. A big enough blow will cause the Nazi regime in Moscow to finally break.
Better yet, both scenarios happening together
The dismantled institutions alone will show serious consequences long before his theoretical 4 year term ends.
The entire economy and society has evolved around the idea that the Social Security you pay into with every paycheck comes back to you in your senior years. It’s a cascading crisis.
It's an active dismantlement.
The business version of the Soviet Revolution.
But it seems like they have no idea in the admin.
I wonder what collapses first
kgb criminal organization (also called russia)
The us kgb owned american wing
unlikely but not excluded, as this is their main actual target
secession and conflicts within the us
Preventable epidemic would be another potential event. Wouldn't be surprised if Russia released smallpox into the US knowing our admin won't roll out a vaccine properly/at all.
To destroy the US
And ultimately, both collapse would be caused by the same people : Moscow's secret services. But this time, they will do it on purpose, not by accident.
Some people are bad at building but very good at destroying.
The U.S. wealth consists of IT giants, like Meta and Google, which are easily replaceable and dependent on Asia / Europe for chips manufacturing.
Next topic is manufacturing which is heavily dependent on Canadian steel and European machines.
US’ soft power is in full decline, e.g. foreign newspapers were financed by USAID.
Plus, it now includes a significant intelligence risk.
Defense investments will boost EU short term, but we NEED growth reforms.
Just looking at desktop operating systems, US closed source platforms are pretty much at 100% share.
Public systems are probably in the best shape (but still highly dependent).
Corporate ERP and comms systems? Wild task to switch from US software!
If we focus only on global security.
Obama was trying to appease Putin, awarding him Crimea, which ultimately caused the biggest war in Europe; Biden mismanaged Russo-Ukrainian war, Red Sea crisis, and Middle East.
Trumps makes US dollar volatile; traders gonna switch
Whether it is foreign-made products or offshoreing labor, the US cannot survive economically without them.
Mexico, Canada and China can turn to Europe, and the USA is toast.
It seems to be slowly happening.
Trump ended that Republican policy and introduce a new RINO policy of peace thru surrender
America defending freedom is over
PS. Consequences: No EU help in US-CHINA showdown
If this doesn’t ring some bells among the ruzzian populace, then they truly are Russkyi Mir meatsacks.
It's been five weeks. Imagine 2-4 years. We are entering Interesting Times.
But first - a serious economic recession, and possibly worse later. An economic collapse of a fascist-curious regime also tends to add more flavor, of land-grabby type.
Same geriatric statesmen disconnected from reality and making wrong decisions, except there is fascism around them this time
Americans just decided, fuck it, and lit their house on fire.
Semper fi.
It is not just a random series of events.
And that revolution might not be successful. If Trump can crush it, the USA might become a dictatorship for quite some time.
USSR collapse was not a revolution.
There was a lot of voter suppression, many lawsuits, and a constant firehose of propaganda making people believe there were no good choices, and they could fix it later. It's also looking more like it was hackd.
Many stayed home and didn't vote at all.
Also, among those who voted for Trump, not all are hard-core supporters. Hard to say, but I guess quite a few are having buyers remorse.
The ones Trump ordered to "stand back and stand by" after Charlottesville.
However, I think that America lost its leadership in the world during the WE and will only be a threat in the future.
War means attacking back
You don't just capitulate