I don't know. I still have my PS3 and I'm pretty sure it plays Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted 1-3, The Last of Us which was kind of a big deal last I checked, Demon Souls, Little Big Planet, Resistance, Killzone, God of War, and more. And those were just the exclusives.
PS3 was the only PlayStation I owned besides the original. I remember there being some bangers. Uncharted, last of us, god of war, heavy rain, dragons dogma to name a few.
Sonic Unleashed is all the burger you ever need.
…even though it's so ahead of its time only consoles two generations down the line could play it without exploding.
Warhawk, MAG, MGS4, Drakenguard3, DemonsSouls, Last of Us, Uncharted, Little Big Planet
The PS3 library was really influential to the rest of gaming industry
In any case glad that it's a thing of the past. Last locked system was... 3DS I guess? Unless that was before WiiU
…even though it's so ahead of its time only consoles two generations down the line could play it without exploding.
Uncharted, Resistance, inFAMOUS, Killzone, God of War, WipEout, Ratchet & Clank, LittleBigPlanet, The Last of Us
And that's just some exclusive stuff I personally liked--there were plenty of good multiplats too