For those who noticed this was in the set for a while - truthfully, this was just a trinket from my hotel industry days. I found it funny/depressing that we needed to put these next to the fire sprinklers.
When people started asking me if it was a pro-choice message... I left it up.
When people started asking me if it was a pro-choice message... I left it up.
The pipes lead back to a monstrous fire pump with like an 8 inch water main. It starts up when flow is detected and flooding is an understatement.
The lobby could have been tied into the dry system for the porte cochere but... didn't happen.
Luckily on the ground floor, and only maybe 8 heads, but took 10+ people several hours to clean up all the water.
don't motels have a hook on a door, or a line rack or something? Hell, even a door handle will do. But no; the sprinkler!!
What's my favorite rule? I'm glad you asked! My favorite rule is:
"Don't make us make a new rule".
It's so vague, but you still know EXACTLY what it means if you have the SLIGHTEST bit of sense!
Anyway, the next year there were signs like that next to all the sprinklers in all the dorms.
We are little chaos agents, we are.
hotels should attach things to the wall beneath the sprinkler heads that people CAN hang things on.
Also, if you have a house/apartment with these - NEVER paint over them, and if they ARE painted over, have the covers replaced!