For most of the people who feel that way i don't think it's valid. They could but won't. Those who actually aren't in control who feel that way? Well, not only is it valid and understandable but it's clearly correct. Sometimes you feel the truth deep in your bones and it takes talking to people.
Everyone has their own pet reason for why Democrats didn't win. I do too: We can't win a war of propaganda and misinformation, especially Republicans own 95% of the media.
Also, everyone has their own path to victory again. I don't. I've not seen anyone describe any believable path.
We could have won against it. And when i say that i'm not just talking past tense. At any moment through all of our future we could still win. But doing so would mean america admitting things it never has and as it were..never will. Home truths that groups in america have tried to bring up.
I think it's particularly frustrating and depression because you're right. There is a path to victory. Will be a path to victory. It's right there. And no matter how much certain groups in america scream it. The rest will continue to ignore and dismiss it. Yeah.
I get the feeling that the next four years are going to demonstrate that the entire US, left and right, have been living in delusions that we’re going to have to give up before we can move forward. I can’t predict what mine is, but I’m guessing it has to do with how people really make decisions.
its good to be politically engaged but if you try to correct everyone on the web you're gonna burn yourself out. Improving any of this is a long haul kind of deal. use that block button, hell block me if you gotta but u gotta pace urself.
Being the emotional pillar for the dozens of friends and family in my is wearing me down, I think. And for some reason, a total stranger on the internet is the only person I feel comfortable confessing that to. That's probably not good.
I mean, I enjoy your content and you seem like a swell guy. But let's be real, it would be presumptuous and rude of me to see you as anything more than a fun internet guy that I like watching.
I'm the same, but it is reassuring when the creators of fun videos express shared opinions. There are dangers to parasocial relationships. People are talking about the whole Rogan to fascism pipeline. But can't we have a hope and empathy pipeline and support people who make us feel less angry?
But that said we need solidarity and my pissedness is a me problem come on let's work together and try and save this thing!!!
But I believe the results because I've seen too many Ls spitefully opt-out in one protest or another.
So many Rs in our neighborhoods, many relig/cons feeling obligated to the Rs, more Economy First Cs. And those aren't the people abstaining the vote.
I think there's a line between a heated discussion before election day and directly blaming someone after it's over.
But I believe it's important to highlight, because we simply can't afford it to happen next time.
It's self serving for those further over to support those politically adjacent, even if you see them as a hurdle.
If you know the "cost" of the system is dire, yet inevitable, vote for what costs you the least.
But I can control how I feel”
Seems to be the modus operandi of people posting shit online.
Therefore, when a political campaign fails, there are only two valid parties to blame.
1) The campaign itself
2) The opposing campaign
Also, everyone has their own path to victory again. I don't. I've not seen anyone describe any believable path.
I'm putting solidarity front and center.
I want the America I was promised as a child
Parasocialism is a hell of a drug sometimes. lol
And, let me tell you, this week has been making it a lot harder to hide the cracks in the pillar than usual.
people would vote for Ceaucescu if he promised lower bills