Increasingly I'm of the mind that perhaps we've become too accustomed to outsourcing our own agency and humanity.
But I'm also hopeful that we're starting to realize that.
But I'm also hopeful that we're starting to realize that.
We've been pressured by power structures in the workplace and socio-political sphere to do so, all claiming to be in our best interest
(can your bluesky posts also be considered "content"? cause if yes, im enjoying them a lot)
i'm terrified by the expertise people assume i have sometimes - when really i'm just imagining questions people might have and answering them.
Part of why I'm always making videos about mundane stuff is that there are interesting stories all around you if you just look.
I have to remind myself online is not real life and I know very few people who are actually like this. There are some (just share the road with them long enough and they self-present) but I truly think most people are alright.
But up until very recently, many of the people who want to see the world improve seem to have been much too fixated on convincing people of who to they ought to be rather than instructing them what to do.
The answer is you. The answer is us.
and it's almost like i'm demonstrating the exact opposite of that and now you're mad about it.
seriously, you're quite confident in asserting that you know the person I am when in fact you only know the parts I share with the internet.
luckily I exist on the internet to help people first and not scold them.
i really want you to ask yourself that question and not see this as some stupid online argument.
"This rice cooker is enough to do the job."
"This drip coffee maker is enough to do the job."
"This 20 dollar Amazon minifridge is a piece of shit and you don't need it."(paraphrased)
We don't need everything done for us
I think the answer is to build a culture of repair! But I don't have that knowledge. I'm probably going to break everything
I was fortunate enough to be able to (over a long period of time) make a career change into public service where I can see the impact in my community every day and that keeps me motivated
i went from commercial/corporate filmmaking to disaster response and my classmates in grad school came from all walks of life
…and not even caring that someone else HAS TO take care of it
Do you think I should get a 50$ keyboard to practice with?
After the cat cafe with my sister, Ill get one. I will update you once it arrives. Cat pic as thanks 🙏
i think maybe we went a little too hard on "systemic issues" when we are all operating in the system and have agency to affect it.
"Aww man. My $2000 Smart TV broke! I guess I'll need to buy a new one--"
*I replace the leaking 25 cent filter capacitor that's causing the problem for them*
but imo it goes much beyond that - people are always trying to convince you that you aren't happy. if you give into those thoughts you buy their solutions. and peer pressure, keeping up with the joneses, all sorts of societal pressures steer people in that direction.
IMO the one philosophy on life that's helped me get through the angry noise is "I'm fine. No one's coming to save me. But that's not an issue. Every problem in my life is a puzzle to solve, not a misfortune to escape."
you probably already are, but i just wanted to say it.