Sounds good to me Maine would gladly become an benefit from becoming part of Canada. We’ll ship the Maine maggot following any place they want to go ( Florida comes to mind)
No, Canadians will not lay down and give trump what he wants, they will stand up for themselves against the spoiled, obnoxious bully and his group of spineless A-HOLES!!!
Yes they are. As is 47. I think America knows more about Canada than they did prior to 47s self-crowning. Something Napoleon did when he became emperor.
As a Montanan, I endorse this. 86% of our trade is with Canada and I would gladly live in Canada but I think Yellowstone Park gets roped in also. We need to save it.
47 owns his own copy. He is marching to the national anthem of Russia. Sadly I've always liked the tune. But to me it's still about Russia so not enjoying it so much right now.
He will get out his black felt pen and draw on the map announcing he has created a new border. This will be a press Evan’s not a single person will call into question his insanity
Not sure anything he says is helpful, but the constant change of direction is deliberate or he can’t remember what he’s said. You have to start somewhere.
No, I'm not talking about annexation. Let the blue states become provinces of Canada under the Canadian constitution. It's still your country. You just become a world superpower. And the blue states get to divorce the Bible Belt, reducing their power and influence. Win-win
You say as you call it the "United States of Canada"
Yeah no. Demographic changes and how that would fundamentally change us aside, this is just annexation with extra steps. No to joining the US means no to joining the US, period, and that includes whatever the fuck this is.
I didn't make the meme. Rename the country "Canada Rules America Sucks" for all I care. The broader point of the meme is simply that Canadians and blue State Americans are more ideologically aligned than either of us are with the red states, so why not align against them?
I'm good with that. I think whoever made the meme was just trying to create an amalgamation of USA and Canada. But I think most blue state liberals would be more than happy to become Canadians at this point. Your system of government seems to be working better than ours.
Can I assume that PN = Pennsylvania (PA) and MY = Maryland (MD)?
And DC (the actual residents, not the federal government) would definitely throw in with Canada.
Oh oh oh, pick me!! I’ve been proposing that Democrats introduce legislation calling for a single Dakota and give statehood to the District of Columbia, we remain 50 states and we get rid of two Republican Senators and gain two Democratic Senators and a representative
Imitating Putin? tRump is decidedly and firmly up Putin's ass. Whose idea do we think it was to destroy the U.S. from the inside without a shot being fired? tRump is vile and crafty but not nearly as intelligent as his lackeys think he is. Putin's got *something* on him and he's 100% Putin's stooge.
Yes, it is possible that Trump is following Putin's orders by promoting territorial changes, in an attempt to normalize Putin's territorial claims, but since Trump is dumb and adores Putin, he might just be imitating Putin childishly trying to look as tough as Putin.
ya know...Canadians are getting sick and effing tired of all FOTUS's threats and ignorant comments about Canada. What is his problem?? I was born and raised here and never until this past month have I felt unsafe in my own country. He is a security threat to the whole world.
Komrade Donny should really unite the Dakotas, the Virginias, and the Carolinas.
I'm sure Wyoming, Nebraska, Montana, Idaho and Utah could all peacefully come together to be one state.
No doubt. Trying to mess with borders is an act of war. So is trying to annex a sovereign nation. So in fact are tariffs imposed on a country in a free trade agreement. Mr Peace is all about war.
Well sure joke about it. I can assure you Canadians don't find it funny. Any attempt to redraw the border is an act of war that will ultimately lead to the destruction of the USA.
I sure wouldn’t mind. I lived there briefly, when they were talking seriously of reverting it to a Buffalo Commons—but then they found shale oil and nixed that plan. The Dakotas became states back in the 19th century after the Hayes-Tilden election; Repubs wanted to seal their electoral advantage
The USA could take back the Yukon but I am sure the Yukon would have none of it because they do not wish to become a Russian asset again, and they need healthcare like any first class first world nation.
That is the advantage of being a rare nearly 70-year-old Alaskan with Indigenous bloodlines, you know a few things about history that may not be so easy to discover otherwise.
I just asked another Alaskan, and he said, yep, that's what happened - Yukon- Russia, USA, Canada.
Yukon was split from the Northwest Territories by a federal statute in 1898 as the Yukon Territory. The current governing legislation is a new statute passed by the federal Parliament in 2002, the Yukon Act. That was after the survey & agreement...
My great grandfather surveyed the Alaska Canadian border in 1896 and provided the report to the US Government - the US ceeded 500 miles of the land so there would not be later disagreements. That was the Yukon.
It's also idiocy mixed with narcissism
He's always been a complete con
America is in the fafo stage
Take all three states to the train station.
No doubt Nevada will want to go if California does.
This country is such a shitshow right now and deserves to be knocked down *several* pegs at this point.
They would likely call it #Trumpland, #TrumpRump #TrumpDump or #WhiteyLand.
They would never name the remnants of their shithole after a dark skinned man who preached kindness.
Nobody up here thinks that particular flavour of ‘nonsense’ is amusing, right now.
Take your Manifest Destiny and fuck right off.
No, I'm not talking about annexation. Let the blue states become provinces of Canada under the Canadian constitution. It's still your country. You just become a world superpower. And the blue states get to divorce the Bible Belt, reducing their power and influence. Win-win
Yeah no. Demographic changes and how that would fundamentally change us aside, this is just annexation with extra steps. No to joining the US means no to joining the US, period, and that includes whatever the fuck this is.
If those states seceded and became independent we'd probably love to create an EU-style thing with them. But this? It's fundamentally insulting.
And DC (the actual residents, not the federal government) would definitely throw in with Canada.
I'm sure Wyoming, Nebraska, Montana, Idaho and Utah could all peacefully come together to be one state.
I just asked another Alaskan, and he said, yep, that's what happened - Yukon- Russia, USA, Canada.